
Captain Cold and Heatwave

6 Weeks Later

For the pass 6 weeks, Naruto had kicked his physical training into high gear, every single day, he did 2000 push ups, 4000 body squats, lunges, leg extension, leg curls, calf raises, 100 inverted sit ups under 30x gravity, 6000 fingertip pushups, 25 sprints from Central City to Paris, 200 handstand walking laps around a football field, jump ropes 8000 times, 10000 handstand pushups, 12000 pull ups, 500 dumbell curls, 14000 one handed pushups, 100 laps around the entire planet, 16000 salmon ladder reps, 20000 one fingertip handstand push ups, and 15 laps swimming around the country, and regular sex with Felicity, and Alex, or a beautiful woman named Mckenna Hall who lived in Coast City, and once with Thea though it's best to keep that tidbit from Oliver and Roy.

Speaking of, Oliver had went M.I.A when he turned himself over to the League of Assassin's to save Thea who apparently was drugged and made to kill Sara. Laurel was out of sorts that her boyfriend might really be dead, and with Merlyn the true culprit behind Sara's death still skulking around wasn't making it any better

Naruto's relationship with Linda was rebuilding at a good pace, it took some time, and groveling on his part, but it was going good, Linda was getting comfortable around him again, so he'd taken to walking her to work again, and they started watching TV together every Thursday night, since she put him onto her latest obsession The Vampire Diaries, the show started off slow but Season 2 actually made him a real fan, and Season 3 was awesome, it was watching this show that Naruto agreed with something Klaus said "You don't arm yourself after war has been declared, you build your army so big that no one ever dares to pick a fight.' That was something he could get behind in terms of his speed, because if being a Speedster was a thing he didn't want to get caught by surprise by any of them, so he would build his speed to the point he would be the best, it was for that reason he began to read a lot more, and came upon some guy called Savitar he didn't know much about him, but if the guy was real and he was on some fuck shit, Naruto would be ready.

With Iris he hadn't seen her since Joe's Christmas party, while with Caitlin they actually got closer, hanging out whenever he had free time. Naruto knew that they were attracted to each other, but like he told Iris a relationship wasn't in the cards for him, especially with Ronnie still kicking.

Currently Naruto was at the air field having been called there by Cisco who wanted to help with his training, which was why Naruto was running from 4 drones that were shooting at him

Suddenly sliding to a stop, as he was boxed in, Naruto leaned out of the way of the bullets and sped under a droid

"Cisco, when are you going to get serious? Cause I'm seriously getting bored." Naruto said to his friend over the comlinks, when suddenly 4 missiles were heading for him "Now we're talking!"

Naruto zigged and zagged causing 2 of the missiles to hit the ground and explode, as he ran Naruto suddenly spun around and caught a missile before sending it back into the remaining missile, Naruto smirked before his eyes widened when lasers shot at him

"Lasers, nice." Naruto said as he ran before he was forced to stop as the droids boxed him in again "Ok, let's try this."

"Why isn't he running?" Caitlin asked watching her friend worried as he looked around to see he was surrounded

Suddenly the droids fired their lasers, and everyone's eyes widened when Naruto was hit "Nate!" Caitlin screamed in horror, only to gasp as Naruto fazed out of view and was walking toward them, when the droids suddenly exploded

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, before Caitlin smacked Naruto upside the head as soon as she was close enough

Moments Later

Naruto was at the table, with 5 large bowls of Miso Ramen stacked on the table as he finished his last one, finish drinking the soup he gave a refreshed sigh

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen, you continue to amaze me. You literally destroyed the droids without a single trace." Wells said annoyance in his eyes as he had lost track of Naruto when the droids surrounded him

"I aim to please doctor." Naruto said standing up and stretching

"Yes, well you keep at the way you are, no one not even the man in yellow suit will be able to stop you." Wells said focusing on his computer

"I think you mean the Reverse Flash." Cisco said getting looks from Caitlin. and Wells, while Naruto walked away to get cleaned up "What? He said it, not me. And he's right. Yellow suit, red lightning, and evil the reverse of Nate."

"Meh." Caitlin shrugged

"Actually, I kind of like it." Wells smiled

That Night

Naruto was speeding around his apartment looking for something when he stopped as his phone began to ring

"Hey, Joe what's up?...What, are you sure?... Ok, thanks for the heads up." Naruto said hanging up and speeding away

Seconds Later

Customs Warehouse

CSI and CCPD were, finishing up on the scene when they suddenly froze, and Naruto sped in and began to look around before he left

Minutes Later

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto stood in the cortex, looking at Caitkin, Cisco, and Wells who were coming to terms with what he just told them "Captain Cold is back?" Cisco asked getting a nod from Naruto

"For a non-metahuman, Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the Nemesis." Wells noted

"He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us, the one I built." Cisco sighed

"Well, what does he want this time?" Caitlin asked

"I stopped by the Customs Warehouse, and he didn't steal anything, he was setting a trap for the Flash." Naruto said

"Well, if Snart wants a fight with the Flash, then you'll give him one." Wells nodded

"I'm not going to fight him." Naruto said causing Wells to frown slightly while Cisco raised an eyebrow "Last time I met up with Snart, he derailed a train, while I managed to get all the people off of the train, their shouldn't have been a reason for me to put them in that situation. So I think it would be best if I didn't give him the fight he wants."

Cisco nodded seeing the point while Wells made to try to change Naruto's mind but before he could Naruto looked to Cisco and asked "Cisco do you think, you can come up with some thing for the CCPD that can help them stop Snart and the cold gun?"

"I'm on it." Cisco nodded

Naruto nodded and began to head toward tye basement, when Wells caught up to him in the corridor "Nate, do you think that's a good idea?"

Naruto looked to Wells and asked "Yes, I need to be ready for the Reverse Flash, I'm working on something that will strip him off his speed and kill him."

"I thought you were going to use him to get your dad out of jail?" Wells asked

"That is the plan, but I can always break my dad out, and set him up on some tropical island or someplace where he can't be extredited. The Reverse Flash will die one way or the other." Naruto said seriously which unnerved Wells

"M-Maybe I can help you with what your working on." Wells offered hoping Naruto didn't notice the slight fear in his voice

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't think so." Naruto said leaving Wells who looked after him with a deep frown

Time Room

"Gideon show me the future." Eobard said

"These are all articles, regarding the Flash." Gideon said to Eobards surprise three articles of Naruto appeared one of him changing his costume and name into Godspeed, another of Naruto as the Flash vanishing in the Crisis, and another of the Flash being a wanted criminal for killing all the super villains

"What is this?" Eobard asked

"These are potential futures Dr. Wells. The Flash is in a crossroads which ever path he chooses leads to one of these Futures." Gideon said as Eobard looked at the articles before focusing on the one of Naruto vanishing in the crisis

"Well then, which choice does he need to make to lead to my future." Eobard wondered

Next Day


Naruto entered, the C.C.P.D. and began to look around, when he saw Joe, in Singh's office he walked over, when "Nate, hey?" Eddie greeted from his desk that Iris was sitting on

"Hey." Iris said looking at Nate and seeing that he seemed to have more muscle on him than the last time she saw him


"You here to get your job back?" Eddie asked

"No, I need to speak with Joe." Naruto said just as Joe walked out

"Nate, what's up." Joe said walking out of Singh's office over to Naruto who smiled at him

"I need to talk with you." Naruto said "You got a minute?"

"Sure." Joe said before he and Naruto walked away

"Is everything ok, with you guys?" Eddie asked as Iris watched Naruto and Joe walk away

"Yeah, we're fine."

'This is the first time we've seen Nate since Joe's Christmas party. He didn't seem to thrilled to see you after 6 weeks." Eddie noted

"Well he's a big time author now, he's been busy. Trust me when Nate is focused on something he gets very irritable, so be cautious." Iris said with a tight smile

Eddie nodded before stood up and asked "Not having second thoughts about moving in are you?"

"Of course not." Iris smiled causing Eddie to smile and kiss her before they hugged while unknown to the smiling Eddie, Iris now had a frown on her face


Naruto stood beside Joe as he got himself some coffee "So your not going to help us, with Snart?" Joe asked

"Snart isn't a meta-human, he's just some douche bag with a portable ice maker. S.T.A.R. Labs is going to help you guys with making said ice maker a none issue."

"Does this has something to do with your mom's killer?" Joe asked

"Not at all, I'm handling that."

"Nate, you don't want to go down the road of a killer. Think about what type of symbol the Flash would be if he went around killing crimimals?" Joe asked

"There is only one person I want to kill Joe, and he deserves it, not just for what he did to my family, but the fact that he threatened you, and Iris, as well as killing Eddie's task force shows that he will kill anyone who gets in his way." Naruto said before he got back on subject "My decision to not help with Snart, stems from the fact that Snart thinks with his ice maker he is untouchable by the cops, this is to prove him wrong. You we're a cop long before the Flash was around, show him what your made of." Naruto said before leaving


West House

Iris for the last 6 weeks had been a total wreck, filled with guilt over the fact that she had slept with Naruto while still with Eddie, to make up for it she's been going above and beyond in their relationship while also trying to not be to pushy, or clingy.

She also couldn't stop herself from missing Nate as well, I mean sure she said they needed space, but she didn't expect him to just drop off the face of the Earth with today being the only time she had so much as caught a glimpse of him.

Iris heaved a sigh, loving two men is hard, but she was with Eddie, and he had to be her priority not Nate, so this move will be a big step in the right direction of her and Eddie's relationship.

Joe walked down stairs with a box, while he smiled at a green stuffed turtle "Aw. McSnurtle the turtle. How you been? When did you stop sleeping with this? It was your favorite." he said as Iris got up

"He was. But if I remember correctly, you took him away from me after I broke your Duke Ellington: Live at the Blue Note vinyl." Iris reminded before Joe frowned at her

"Oh, yeah." Joe nodded before he held it toward her "You can have him back now."

"Oh, gee, thanks." Iris smiling took the turtle before she saw Joe give a sigh as he stared at her "Oh, dad."

"I'm going to miss you, baby." Joe said hugging his daughter

"Dad, I'm only ten minutes away."

"I know." Joe said before he leaned back "Don't you worry about me. I'll be fine, just like always."

Iris smiled at her dad, before they both turned to the door when it opened to see Naruto walk in "Hey." he greeted

"Hey. You came to help her pack?" Joe asked

"Oh, no. Iris said that she had something for me." Naruto said with a raised eyebrow

"Oh, um I found this in my closet." Iris said walked over to some stuff and pulling out a red backpack

"Barry's backpack." Naruto said in shock, as he took it from Iris and sat down "He cried so hard when he misplaced this."

Naruto opened the pack as Iris smiling said "Well, the nerd survival kit is still intact."

Naruto opened it to see it filled with unopened comic books "Just the way he left it."

"I thought those might be worth something." Iris said

"They are, more then you'll ever know." Naruto said before he looked up to her "Thank you."

Iris nodded, as Naruto looked back down to the backpack "I am so late for work." she said suddenly causing Naruto and Joe to look at her as she grabbed her purse "I promise I will clean this up when I get back, okay?"

"Bye." Naruto said as she opened the door

"Bye, yeah." Iris said closing the door

"Okay. You mind telling me what's going on with you and Iris?" Joe asked

"Nothing." Naruto said closing the backpack

"Hmm. That's funny, because I have these two things called eyes, and it doesn't look like you two are fine." Joe said

"We kinda made out." Naruto half lied not interested in telling Joe that he slept with his daughter

"Oh, God." Joe said

"Mm-hmm." Naruto nodded standing up and turning to Joe "She said she wanted space, so I'm giving it to her."

"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright, she's happy with Eddie, I don't want to take that from her." Naruto said causing Joe to nod before he looked around at his messy living room

"Nate, we both know she's not gonna clean this mess up anytime soon."

"Sure." Naruto nodded as Joe walked off, before in a matter of seconds Naruto had 12 boxes filled with Iris' clothes stacked by the door before he walked toward the kitchen

Next Day

S.T.A.R. Labs

Caitlin was on the computer in S.T.A.R. Labs trying to find anything on Firestorm, so focused on her research she didn't see Naruto enter and began to look over her shoulder, before she jumped when he greeted her "Hey." he said before he leaned up and placed a hand on her shoulder "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, it's OK. I was just focused." Caitlin said looking up at him

"Right. What's Firestorm?" Naruto asked sitting beside her

"It's one of the last things Ronnie said to me before he Flew away." Caitlin said before her face scrunched up "My dead fiance can fly. I haven't broke that to my parents yet. You doing okay?"

"I was, ran into Iris yesterday."

"What's wrong with that?" Caitlin asked raising an eyebrow

'Well I agreed to give her space, after I slept with her on Christmas." Naruto said causing Caitlin's eyes to widen


"I know, I know. It just happened, I mean it's happened before but it's different now that she's with Eddie." Naruto sighed "I honestly don't know the next step in our friendship or if there is even still a friendship to begin with."

"...Before I met Ronnie, I knew exactly what was going to happen every day of my life. It was predictable. I like predictable." Caitlin said causing Naruto to smile at her "But when Ronnie and I started dating, everything started to made me try Indian food and scuba diving. At first it was scary. But then it was better." Caitlin said before she smiled at Naruto "Iris is the predictable thing in your life, you said it yourself that she has been apart of your life for a long time and it probably felt like she would always be there. But now that your going off on this adventure as the Flash and she is in a happy relationship with Eddie. It would make sense for you to do something that was predictable between you both, not thinking of how that could effect everything. Now you need to decide to let Iris live her life without you as a occasional lover, and just be her friend. Once things settle down between you two, it'll be better. What you need is time and not try to force things to play out because you want them to play out in your favor and be ready in case that doesn't happen."

Naruto looked thoughtful and nodded "You should be a psychiatrist." he grinned before he kissed her cheek "Thank you."

Caitlin blushed "Your welcome."

Naruto smiled before he began to head toward the treadmill, but paused "Wait, Caitlin." he said getting her attention "Scuba."

"What about it?" Caitlin asked

"Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, it's an acronym." Naruto said causing Caitlin to gain a look of realization

"What if firestorm isn't a word?" Caitlin said turning turning to her computer and doing a new search "Fusion ignition research experiment and science of transmutation originating RNA and molecular structures. It's 800 pages." she said looking up to Naruto pleadingly

Naruto with a smile speed read the entire thing, "Ok, There's a lot of stuff in there, but it mostly focuses on transmutation, which is the process of altering the structure of an element by unzipping the atoms and rebuilding it to create an entirely new element. The article was co-written by Jason Rusch, who's a grad student here at Hudson University. So if anybody knows what happened to Ronnie."

"Maybe he does." Caitlin said smiling

"Maybe." Naruto nodded before he looked at her seriously "Be careful."

"I will thanks." Caitlin said as Naruto walked off


Jet Hanger

A woman dressed in high class attire was helped off the jet by a man in a suit "Pleasant flight, Mrs. Rathaway?" he asked

"Yes, quite." Mrs. Rathaway said as a female servant took a painting from her husband

"Careful, please. It's worth a fortune." Mr. Rathaway said before he walked down and joined his wife, before they began to walk toward the car, when the man from earlier walked to the Mr. Rathaway

"Welcome home, Mr. Rathaway." the man said

"Thank you, Ethan." Mr. Rathaway nodded

"Sir, your son Hartley he called again." Ethan said causing the couple to frown

"We don't have a son anymore." Mr. Rathaway said coldly causing Ethan to frown as they approached the car, Snart appeared at the entrance walking toward them before he shot his cold gun into the sky getting their attention

"Someone better call 911." Snart smirked

Moments Later

Squad cars sped onto the scene, as the Rathaway couple and their servants ran to safety, Joe got out of the squad cat and with his new shield courtesy of Cisco walked forward along with other officers "Snart, freeze."

Smart smirked and fired his cold gun, only to frown when none of the shields froze over "Mick!" he yelled still firing the gun

"Gaaaah!" Mick Rory yelled walking up causing the cops to look confused

"What the hell?" Joe asked

" Why do they call you people the heat? I'm the Heat!" Mick yelled before he fired his gun, and jets of fire shot at the cops their shields not designed to combat the flames caused them to back up

Snart walked over to Mick and continued to fire his cold gun "Forget them, Mick. Get ready for him." Snart smirked

"It's beautiful." Mick said paying Snart no mind as he lost himself in his obsession with fire

"Mick." Snart called seeing his partner lose control "Mick!" Nick was snapped back to reality when Joe's stray bullet hit his flamethrower "We go, now!" Snart ordered before Mick grabbed the painting and ran off followed by Snart

1 Hour Later


Naruto walked into the precinct and made a beeline for Joe, as he looked around to see some officers limping with singed clothes "Hey, what happened?" he asked

"Snart's new partner, he's got this handheld flamethrower." Joe said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow "Almost everyone was treated on the scene, but we got two in the burn unit, though."

Naruto who was looking around looked back to Joe "I'll handle it." he said

"You make them sorry they ever messed with you." Joe said getting a nod from Naruto who left, while Joe made a call to the hospital.

Next Day

Naruto was standing in a room alone, he had been trying to call Caitlin but she wasn't answering, he had a bad feeling that something happened when she went to her meeting, as he made to try again. he looked up when Wells who was in the doorway spoke "I hope we're not enemies."

Turning to the man with a raised eyebrow, Naruto asked "What?"

"I thought when I tried to push you to elp the police, I might have over stepped in some way."

"Look, I'm an adult. I make my own choices, my own mistakes. It was my mistake not following your advise to help the police, I let my obsession with killing the Reverse Flash get in the way of that. I haven't forgotten that and all my free time will be dedicated to achieving that goal, but I still have to help the people of this city. Snart and his partner are a danger to this city, and I need to take care of them." Naruto said

"Guys, you have to come look at this." Cisco said getting their attention before he lead then to his computer "When the heat gun was fired, it increased the surrounding temperature of the air dramatically, sort of like an extreme heat wave...Heat Wave."

"Stop doing that." Wells said

"Okay." Cisco sighed before he got back on track "I measured the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns, right? And while the cold gun achieves absolute zero, the heat gun successfully reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach."

"Planck temperature." Naruto said

"So potentially, these two guns could cancel each other out." Wells said

"Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams." Cisco shrugged

"You mean like Ghostbusters?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate." Cisco nodded

"And really quite funny." Wells said as Naruto's phone rung

"Hey, Joe. What's up?" Naruto asked, before his eyes widened and he sped off

Jitters Parking Lot

Joe was examining Caitlin's car as the side was covered in ice, while CSI blocked off the scene "Joe, anything?" Naruto asked walking over and getting stopped before Joe allowed him beyond the tape

"There's no sign of Caitlin." Joe said as Naruto looked at her car "We have to find Snart."

"Damn right we do. Come on, let's go." Joe said leading Naruto away


Naruto was speeding through the city in his suit, Snart had got onto every network feed and called him out with Caitlin in the background and threatened her life, he didn't show up to fight they would kill her, only thing was Naruto had no intention of dragging this out,

As he sped through the police tape he stopped in front of Snart and Mick paying no attention to amazed cops standing behind him

"The Scarlet speedster. Any preference on how you'd like to die? The flame or the frost?" Snart asked walking forward along with Mick as Naruto began to approach as well " Not in the mood for chitchat. Gotcha. Ready when you are."

As soon as Smart said that, a punch to the face sent him into the car, before Naruto spun around a jet of fire from Mick, and kicked his knee,causing him to fall to a knee, and lean to the side when Mick shot at his face, before Naruto grabbed the side of the gun, and snatched it from his hand and slapped him in the face with it, causing Mock to fall to the ground, unconscious immediately Naruto shot the gun at Snart who shot his cold gun at him, causing the guns to cancel each other out,

Naruto skidded back when he the force of the guns canceling each other out sent Snart flying over a car onto the sidewalk, before Naruto in a flash of speed had him in handcuffs, beside Mick and tossed them down in front of the cops and Iris all of them looking at him in shock

"Very ruthless kid."

"Your days of threatening innocent people are over with Snart, have fun in Iron Heights with your father." Naruto said as Snart glared at him, while he looked up to the cops and nodded before he was gone

'He's lucky I couldn't very well kill him, with so many cops around." Naruto thought

Next Day

Instead of doing a victory lap, and going to the precinct Naruto stayed with Caitlin to make sure she was OK, he had spent the entire night, and morning with her keeping her company till she decided she wanted to go into S.T.A.R. Labs, so with nothing better to do he had decided to help Iris move out

Iris watched as Naruto helped Eddie with a box, "I think that's it."

"This better be it." Eddie grunted as Joe walked in

"Well, like you said, you're ten minutes away, so if you forget something."

"Okay." Iris said watching as Naruto and Eddie put down the box before he lead him into the kitchen


"So what's up Allen?" Eddie asked

"I'm going to be honest with you Eddie. I didn't expect you and Iris to last long." Naruto said with a straight face causing Eddie to frown "I thought you were some pretty boy who always got everything you ever wanted. I'm happy to say that you've proved me wrong. Iris deserves to be happy, and I'm going to trust in you to give her that happiness."

Eddie smiled "I'll try my best."

'Good cause if you fuck up, I'll kill you. And don't forget I was a CSI for a while, I know I can get away with it." Naruto nodded causing Eddie to laugh thinking he was joking but when he saw Naruto's unamused expression he stopped

"I'm going to be in the car." Eddie nodded before he walked away

Naruto followed Eddie in to see him make a joke about Joe calling before he stopped by only to quickly back pedal and make it worst so he left with the remaining box

'Why don't I give you two a minute?" Joe asked walking outside to talk to Eddie

"Well Look, I know things have been really bad between us recently." Naruto sighed

"Yeah, they have." Iris nodded

Naruto scratched his head "What would Barry do in this situation?" he asked himself before he said "Well, did you know that I can see into the future?"

"Really?" Iris asked

"Oh, yeah. Did I forget to tell you that?" Naruto said nodding seriously

"You did not mention it, no. So what do you see?"

"I see you and Eddie being really happy together. And things aren't so tense between us anymore. It took a little time, but everything's better then before and we're friends."

"The future doesn't sound so bad." Iris said with a small smile

"No, it doesn't." Naruto smiled before he looked toward the door "I truly think that Eddie will make you happy, and your happiness is important to me, and I would hate myself if I screwed that up for you, on my life I won't jeopardize it."

Iris nodded before she walked up and hugged Naruto who slowly returned it, before she stepped back and grabbed a photo of them, and walked away

Naruto sighed before he went into the living room, just as Joe walked in and sat beside him, the two just sat and watched the game.