
From Hate Flourishes Love

Kai Summers is Caribbean born immigrant to the US. Kai is humble and one of the sweetest persons you will ever meet although his living situations arent ideal,Kai has his mind set on making the best for his future. He is an aspiring neurologist with a passion for baking. Kai lives with his parents, the best mother he would possible ask for but his dad isnt so great as he spends his entire life gambling ,losing hundreds of the family's life saving at a time. Kai thinks his future is ruined but New Yorks most elite family has an offer for him. One that will change his life forever. ***************** Zander Storm has never wanted for anything in his life before. Billionaire, playboy ,the man on every woman and even man 's mind. To the public he has a prefect however Zander feels lost as he never came to terms with being bisexual and partly blames his sexual orientation for the death of his first fiancée. Its a secret he keeps close to his heart but he soon comes to find that it wasn't such well kept secret after all. Within this secret lays an opportunity for Zander's parent to save his image and ensure the future of their company in hands of their only heir. Zander cant believe that his parents would use his sexuality to further their business and force him into an arranged marriage. *********

camerondayeblogger · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Day in the Life

I woke from bed like all other mornings reached for my alarm hitting it before it struck 6:30 am.

I have the habit of waking 6:25 - exactly five minutes before to turn it off. Opening my eyes slowly so they would adjust to the the bright lights in my rooms..

Oh i forgot there were no bright lights to adjust to since my room well was on the side of the house with no sun . We try to save very little bit of the money as we can and not waste it on unneccessary high bill for light and water..

Yes in my household we were indeed the official cheapshakes of New York..

So I quickly got up ,tidy my bed and when to take shower ;the shortest shower as possible...

After lathering my body with cheap scent bodywash ,I rinsed off and got out of the shower.

I wish would  I just take one long shower for just a day

Drying my body I taught how ironic it was of my father to set these rules ..

Donot use too much electricity or hot water when he used every bit of money to fund his gambling habits. He is the reason I spend hours in school libary studying ,instead of being able to sit at the desk in my and concentrate a bit more.

  I  am  starting to regret not having going out of state for college.

I got dressed picking the simpliest pair of clothes from my closet.

Looking over them all of them ,then laughing to myself when I relized that all of them were simple.. I am a plain and simple person.

Choosing a simple white shirt and navy blue pants and a random pair of shoes.An outfit I wore one too many times...Since the threads in the pants were getting all fuzzy.

When I was satisfied with my lackluster fashion I headed out of my room,walking downstairs to see my parents having breakfast.I pulled my chair as quitely as possible so I didnt interrupt my father from his morning paper.

I so sat with them making small talk...

"Honey, how is school coming along"my mom asked as she plated  my food for me. She made a oatmeal porridge..But the taste was devine .She was good cook,maybe all moms are just generally good cooks.

..I looked at her beautiful smile and I wouldnot help but admire how beautiful she was at her age..

My father gotten had quite the catch not that he was bad himself..He was handsome no wonder they are still in love after 25 years.I constantly remind of that every night if you get what am talking about.Small house thin walls.

I had taken my dark carmel skin from my father and my big full lips and brown eyes from my mother and many other things I had inherited mostly from her...

"Thanks mom, school has been ok" I relpied ..Trying to finish the hot porridge as quickly as possible..

"Thats great son" my father said to me not looking up from his newspaper.. Nodding  in response to him..I knew what he was doing .

He must be searching for any new casino that he hadnot been barred from in the papers.

I wasnot a fan of his gambling habits but he was my father after all and  he wasnot a prefect one but he was a good one..

Bidding them good bye ,I grabbed my bag . headed off to school ..


After a walk that seen like eternity I slowly started to approach my school

Columbia University ...It was my dream school since birth I was so happy when I got in ..But I was considering not going after getting accepted as I was afaird I would not be able to pay my tuition...

I was lucky enough to get a fully funded scholarship.

The benefits of being a nerd all my life I guess..

Thats me Kai Summers, 20 year old struggling rising third year university student trying to get a good education so I would make life easier for me and help my parents in the long run..

Glimpsing at my watch I saw that it's getting late, I quickly rushed to my first class of the day Experimental Psychology ...

I hurrily pass by the  the judgemental looks ,i guess the people who brought their way in or those who literally are donating a building donot think I mesh well with them.

After my class, I decided to go get lunch at the cafétéria. Usually students have to live on campus but I got special premission cause my mother was sick in first through second year and dad was working long hours so I was the only one to be there for her.

My mother was fighter,she overcame her cancer .. Thats why I am pushing myself to make her proud.

I am a Neuroscience major, with a minor in psychology....I try to forget I am cause being sleep deprived like me is not fun at all.

After classes for the day I started walking to work. 

It wasnot far from school and it was not too far from my house .So I would get by walking on a daily basis..

I worked as a waiter and parttime pastry chef at a local small café/bakery.

Although I am planning on pursuing medicine, baking was a longtime  hobby for me.

If it doesnot work out I guess I will have baking to fall back on.

Not a few minutes later,I was outside the café. Looking  inside to see the place empty, knowing that it would be full in a few minutes as it was around 3 and people usually get off from work by then..

I stepped in the café taking a breathe of freshly baked strawberry cupcakes.

My boss Rose was a woman in her early 50s who was nice enough to give me this job not just a waiter but also allowing me to bake as well..

"Good evening Ms.Rose"I greeted entering the back to go around the kitchen.. "Evening dear."she greeted back not looking up from icing a cake.Trying to push her grey locks back before any got on to the cake.She had pretty grey hair but covered it up saying she didnot want to be called an old granny..

"Need any help with that?", I asked offering her help.

She nodded no.. "Just complete the things I placed on the list over there" I looked to where she was pointing and started on the tasks she had given me.. There wasnot anything hard just a few things like wash up some pans,clean down the counters and tables for when the customers come in and finish icing a birthday cake..


A few moments later, after finishing the first  tasks I started to icing the cake..Zoning out to go into deep concentration .I didnot notice my friend Sam sneaking behind to grab my a**.

I knew had a big buttocks and curvy figure for a boy.I didnot have any sisters or brothers so I guessed I had to inherit it from my mother's genes.

I quickly turned around , glaring at her, however she only laughed at me.

"I am sorry Ok!" Sam playfully shouted in my ears,kissing me on the cheek...

Sam is also a student at my college but she was a senior,studying microeconomics . After a few minutes of me not speaking to her she preceeded to tickle me.

I quickly stepped out her way and trying to continue my work in peace.

"Come on Kai,I will promise not to spank you again if you get a man to!!"she shouted stepping in from the locker room.

I would not help the blush I felt crawling up my face,Yes she just said it for me I am indeed gay ..

Sam bugs me about getting a man...Even giving my number to random guys she finds on the street..She doesnot know boundaries.

She clearly doesnot understand me telling her I am not ready for a relationship..

"When I am ready for a relationship, you will be the first one to know Sam" I told her..satisfyied with my reply she when back to work wuth a smirk on her face...

I was able to finish the cake in next 15 minutes would of been 10 if Sam stop bugging me by showing me guys she had in her phone that she thinks can be my potential  future boo.

Satisfied with my work I placed the cake in box for Sam to deliver to the customer..

It was around closing time so I texted Sam goodbye and told Rose I was leaving for the night..


Arriving home,I excepted to find my mom cooking but heard her crying instead . It unusaual for her to cry  since she is never really emotional...

I slowly walked in the living room to see my father trying unsuccessfully trying to calm her down thats when I relized he must of done something wrong.........

Hey Guys, Thanks for reading .If you have any suggestions on how to make the story better please comment , this story is also on wattpad but I would love to hear your constructive criticisms.

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