
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasie
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104 Chs

Welcome to your new home

[Next day] 

Chris told Jemisha who was at Jake's house and he had called Jack during the conversation.

'Well he doesn't need to worry about that, I will never join the army, but I wouldn't take the words of the General lightly, so I'll be on my guard.'

Jemisha left with Chris for the airport to pick up everybody.

When they arrived she hugged them all.

'I missed you guys.'

She loaded up everybody's stuff in her truck and she drove off to her property.

Jake was already waiting for them there.

After half an hour they arrived at the gate.

She opened it and she drove up to her new place.

When they got out of the truck their jaw dropped by what she had built.

"Is this your new house?"

'Yes it is, it has a living room, 6 bed and bathrooms, kitchen and a garages with a basement.'

'This place is not on the electric grid, and get it power from solar panels I installed further up on my property, I also installed flood walls that can protect this place from water levels around 3 meter high.'

'The security system is top nudge and I recommend you not to touch the fence, if you do you get electrocuted.'

'Let's go inside later, there is more to see.'

When they were at the back of her house the saw 5 more houses.

"Uhm Rose…why are there 5 more houses?" Blake asked her.

'Those are yours, each of you have your own place on my property.'


Chris looked at Hugo. "You knew about this?"

"Well yeh…do you really thing she could install the security systems all by herself in a matter of two weeks?"


She was showing them all their homes and were completely speechless. She had decorated each of the houses to their preference and taste.

"But Rose why did you build me one?" Chris asked her.

'Well…I think, while we may live together at my place, I thought you might like to have a place where you can have time for yourself if you need it.' And she then showed him his garage. 'And wouldn't this place also function perfectly for what you love the most.'

Chris garage had every tool he could possibly need to fix a car and there was a car standing ready to be used.

'By the way, you all have a car in your garage.'

Everybody looked at her stupefied and Jake took a picture.

"Well baby Rose you really did it this time."

Jemisha laughed.

'By the way all the houses are connected by an underground tunnel, so if I were in danger or attacked, I can flee to your places unseen, or you can get to me unseen. The access is in your basements.'

They all hugged her.

"Our sweet Black Rose really has surprised us this time."

"Thank you Black Rose for giving us a place we truly can call home."

Jemisha smiled.

'Now let me show off my new house.'

'If you wonder why the 6 bed/ bathroom was because I originally wanted to give you each your own room, but I changed my mind. Well it's not a waste I can use the rooms as guest rooms and if I get injured, you can sleep in your room.'

When she was done showing around they all sat down and she told them about her meeting with Black Jack and that for as long they are in Black Jacks jurisdiction the old man of the Argenti can't order them around or take them away from her. She also told them she had bought a private jet and flying around would be now much saver for her.

"Don't worry her pilot has a good resume, he was a fighter pilot and has few years of commercial flight time under his belt."

Jake handed over Thomas address to Jack.

'You should visit him sometime big brother.'

Jack laughed. "I'll do that."

As the evening fell they held a barbeque, when it was getting late everybody went to their new homes accept for Chris.

They cleaned up and when they were done Jemisha made the coffee Isabella taught her how to make.

Chris sat down on the veranda and smelled the aroma of the coffee and took a sip.

"It taste just like mom's." He gave her a kiss and pulled her in his embrace.

As they were enjoying the peace, two owls landed at the table.

Jemisha had a good look of them and took a few pictures.

She smiled at hem. 'Welcome home.'

"Are that Bonnie and Clyde?"

'I'm not sure, they could be Clover and Barley, Bonnie and Clyde parents, let me check their ring numbers.'

Jemisha checked the numbers and saw it were indeed Bonnie and Clyde.

'Hey my cuties, did you see the world beyond the nest?'

Bonnie and Clyde, just sat there and looked at her.

'They are indeed Bonnie and Clyde.'

Jemisha slowly got up and approached the table, Bonnie and Clyde just kept sitting still, and she very slowly and carefully stretched out her hand. Both owls pressed their heads against her hand and she slowly started to pet them.

After she was done petting them, they let out the signature bark and suddenly more barking owls could be heard.

Jemisha giggled a little.

Bonnie and Clyde took off from the table and landed at a tree near her.

"Why do you think they come so close to you?"

'Maybe they came to also welcome me home.'

"But was it oke for you to pet them?"



'Well last year I caught them with my bear hands and put them in a cage, they were surprisingly calm, the ranger was also surprised they would let me after only seeing me from a distance 3 times. But he said they are smart birds and since I didn't seem to be a threat and kept my distance from them those three time, I guess they trust me.'

'Well I can always call the ranger for advice, maybe I should buy those special gloves so they can sit on my hand or arms.'

"Well they sure are polite owls, to welcome you like this."

Jemisha leaned in to Chris 'Maybe we can train them to be guard owls.'

Chris chuckled a little.

After half an hour of enjoying the piece and tranquil sounds of the insects and the other animals they decided to go inside, because it was getting colder.

Jemisha turned on the TV and saw there was an action movie about the mafia so she grabbed something to snack and drink.

Chris came out of the shower and wanted to tell her something.


'Sstt this is the best part.'

She looked at the scene intently and started to speak the lines of the character in sync.

Chris chuckled a little. "How many times have you seen this movie?"

'I lost count… but a lot, it's a real classic and it never gets old.'

"Rose, I wanted to remind you, you only have 3 weeks left for your birthday and your revenge."

'That's oke, I only need two weeks, to handle that, because during our stay at the clinic I already set up everything, so…'

'The only thing left to do is to set up the venue and the make travel arrangement for the guest.'

Chris pulled her on to him and hugged her.

"What else have you been up to?"

'Nothing much…I have been searching for Hades little sister but…'

"What's wrong Rose? Is there a problem?"

'There is no problem, it's just somethings are just strange about the disappearance…'

"What do you mean?"


'Well she disappeared a day after she was born, but Harvey declared her dead after 2 years. Well it's not something unusual, but what's so strange is that a person like Harvey who was already the King and head of the family couldn't change the rule the former head applied to the family.'

"What do you mean?" 

'Well…' Jemisha sighed a little.

'Well my former grandfather Hector was out done by his sister in his hey day's and she became the head of the family…because she was just like me strong, smart and successful he got jealous of her and he had the Serale family kill my grandaunt.'

'When she was killed he took the position of head of the family and made a rule that only sons were accepted in the family. Whenever a girl was born both the daughter and mother were killed.'

'Of course this made the family outraged and my former grandfather changed the rule, but it wasn't much better. The change was that whenever a girl was born, the mother had to kill the child and was forced to get pregnant again and again until she had a son.'

'So when Harvey took over as head and king, he could have easily change that rule but he never did…I wonder why? It was unnecessary for him to let his daughter disappear and declare her dead.'

"Well isn't it possible that he did change that rule, but the old man was pissed about it. And out of anger he wanted to kill Harvey's daughter and show him he still held the power, and he wouldn't allow anybody to change it."

'True…but why would the whole family who had actually nothing to fear when Harvey became king not get the old man killed…'

'I mean look at me, I was once the daughter of the Argenti and was exactly what the old man hated, a young and successful girl, who could easily sit on that throne at the age of 17.'

'I would have been the perfect heiress, even though I asked to be discarded, 2 years down the road and I dare to challenge and attack an old tyrant despite not being family anymore.'

'I wonder why all the adult in that family are so afraid of an old man while a young women like me doesn't fear that man.'

"I think it's indeed strange that his daughter had to disappear like that, but Rose…the reason you don't fear that old man is probably because if somebody interferes with your objective you take them out, if somebody is threatening you, you firmly hold your ground and won't budge."

"Because a rose who has her roots firmly in the ground won't fall easily, even if the rose get picked a new one will eventually grow and bloom again."

"When the black rose Jenifer Griseo got picked from the plant, the black rose Jemisha Argenti grew and bloomed, when that rose got picked from the plant the black rose, Rose Conor came in to existence."

"But the rare black rose has 5 angles who take care of her, because they want to see her bloom to her fullest, so no matter how many times somebody comes and pick the rose the angles wil tend to the rose plant so she could make a new butt and bloom again."

Jemisha smiled. 'Hmm.'

"Let's go to bed, it's pretty late."

Jemisha got up and took a shower first, when she was done she joined Chris and laid her head on his chest.

Chris stroke her head till she was sound asleep.

He also closed his eyes and fell asleep.