
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasie
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104 Chs

Spending a day at the beach

[Next day]

Jemisha was at the beach with everybody.

As they set up their spot Jemisha was undressing herself.

Blake, Loki and Chris look at her and saw all the scares were gone and her body was so sexy they couldn't keep his mind straight for a moment.

Jack came up to her, "Black Rose I think it's better you wear this."


"You just overloaded Chris, Blake and Loki."

Jemisha looked at them and saw their faces, she giggled a little.

'I'm not going to wear that, why should I waist my chance to show off my body.'

'Maybe now Blake can finally see me as a women and not a little girl.'

Jack laughed "Rubbing some more salt on his wounds."

Jake came running up to Jemisha and grabbed her away from Jack.

"Early bird catches the worm."

Jemisha yelped a little when Jake picked her up and brought her to the wave line.

She was thrown in the water by him and he dove right after her.

Hugo came up to Jack, "Well that's a rare sight to see from Jake."

"Normally he is more calm and composed like you."

"Well what can I do about it, he is my brother and he started to see her as a little sister, his brotherly antics are just resurfacing."

"You could say I'm the meddlesome, active brother, he is the quiet and watch over brother who will unexpectedly shows is active side."

Jemisha resurfaced and Jake handed her a goggles.

"Wear this and you can see the beauty that lies below the surface."

Jemisha took them and put them on.

She dove back down and saw the fish swimming and plant.

Jake was with her the whole time to keep an eye on her.

The others snapped back.

"Hey Jake! That's not fair!"

"Bite me!"

Jemisha resurfaced again.

'Wow it's so nice and peaceful down there.'

"Right, but Black Rose next time leave the boys at home."

Jemisha laughed 'Why?'

"Because I don't like how they drool over my little sisters body like that."

Jemisha laughed even harder, 'Well having you and Jack as a brother isn't such a bad thing and I don't mind if you see me as a little sister.'

'But you're not allowed to meddle in my relationship with Chris.'

"Well it's a brothers duty do that." He said proudly

And they both laughed.

They swam back to shore and Hugo handed her a towel while Chris and the others were attacking Jake for his actions.

"I see you have an big brother now."

'Well I perceive both Jack and Jake as elder brothers, that's why I will listen to them better than to anybody else.'

Jack smiled "Well since you see me and Jake as you elder brothers than we are happy. Because me an Jake really are brothers."

'I know, while you do look different, your demeanor is similar.'

Jemisha was having fun with everybody, she went swimming with Chris and played some beach volleyball with the rest.

Jemisha had so much fun at the beach with everybody, it was the first time they all relaxed together and she wished more of these days could come along the way.

As the day progressed Jake and Jack set up a barbecue and the ate and drank.

When the sun was going down everybody was getting ready to go back.

Jemisha looked out to the sea and wished she could have more of these moments with everybody, because it she couldn't remember when the last time she had so much fun.

"Black Rose!"

Jemisha turned around and saw everybody standing and smiled.

"It's getting late, were heading home!"

Those words sounded good to her, because ever since she met them all it was the second time in her life she felt loved. She considered each and every one of them as either friend or family, and that alone made her happy.

'I'm coming!'