
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasie
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104 Chs

Panic after a night of Bliss

[Next day] 

Jemisha woke up and noticed Chris was stroking her gently.

'Did you even sleep?'

"I did."

She kissed him and wanted to do it again, but Chris stopped her.

"While I love to eat you for breakfast, let your body have some rest. You looked pretty worn out last night."

'Alright…' As she kept kissing him.

After their little making out session Chris got of the bed and took a shower.

Jemisha also came of the bed and saw a few drops of blood and was confused, it wasn't time for her period so where did it come from.

She hurried and washed up got dressed and ran out of her cottage to look for Shanna.

When she arrived at her mother's place she knocked on the door.

'Shanna!, Shanna! Are you awake!'

Jemisha was a bit anxious.

Shanna heard Jemisha and came up to the door and saw her being anxious.

'Rose what's wrong?'

"Were is former father? Is he awake?"

'Yes he is, why?'

'Well can you please kick him out for now, I need to talk but I don't want him to listen to our conversation.'

Shanna saw she was now a bit embarrassed and anxious at the same time.

Harvey heard his daughter and got up and walked up to the door.

"Take your time Rose."

"I'll take a walk and have a look around."

He patted her head and left.


Jemisha got inside.

'Now what's wrong Rose, for you to be so anxious.'

'Well… I…'

Shanna was patiently waiting for her, but she had a vague idea what was going on.

'I and Chris… we…'

'Rose take a deep breath and calm down.'

Jemisha took a deep breath and calmed down.

'Last night I and Chris had sex for the first time…'

Shanna yelped out of excitement and hugged her. 'Rose is now a grown women.'

'Did it hurt?' Shanna asked her.

'No it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would and Chris was very gentle, he told me if it hurt I should say so.'

'But I don't feel sour anywhere although it was a very intense… We took a hot bath afterwards.'

'But when I woke up this morning and got out of bed I saw a few drops of blood on the bed… and it's not yet time for my period.'

'What's going on with my body, why did I bleed all of a sudden, I don't have any wounds and…'

Shanna smiled and now understood her anxious behavior and confusion.

'Well I have an answer for that. You see every women has a hymen it's a little web that sits at the entrance of your vagina, well the tightness differs from women to women, but when you have sex for the first time it rips and you will bleed a little, but it's not a bad thing.'

'Well it's a onetime only thing, but there are cases some women experience it a second or a third time, so don't be alarmed.'

Jemisha sighed a big sigh in relieve, but then jump up.

'Ahh crap, I left in a hurry and forgot to tell Chris I left.'

'Relax, if he sees the few blood drops on the bed, he probably already guessed you went over to me.'



Hades arrived back at his grandfather.

"How was the party?"

"Interesting to say the least."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it seems she took revenge on her stepmother and grandparents… she left them speechless and regret for what they have done."

"Well there were a lot of people of the underworld there, king Black Jack, father, the leaders of the Taipan and Dingo's, even General Leo was there. I also saw a few leaders of the Ocelot's there."

"And what about General Anderson?"

"She shot half of his force that was with him and she shot him as well, General Leo later assisted her and took them away."


Jack laughed. "I wouldn't expect anything less from my little sister."

"I'll take Blake and Loki with me to Spain, but know this old man… no matter who you send to her she will shoot them down. She knows how to shoot… well I did taught her everything I know, I taught her to shoot, to hide and to track."

Jack left the room and went back to the others.


"Grandpa calm down."

There was a knock on the door and an accountant came in.

"Old master, she is at it again… she increased her financial attack."

"That little girl… once I have her, I kill her personally!"

"Hades when does she leave for Spain?"


"You send Jack, Blake and Loki to the airport in two hours.

"Yes grandfather."



Hades left the room and went to Jack and the others.

He showed them the footage he took from the party the night before.

They all looked in amazement and heard a summary of her life before they kidnaped her.

They understood now what she meant by that they actually had saved her by doing so.

The face of her grandparents were priceless and had a good laugh about it.

Their Black Rose really had put them on the spot.

When they heard her speak about them not being there due to circumstances they felt a bit dejected and when they saw all the people on the podium and thanking them for supporting her and help her grow and saved her the really felt they had disappointed her.

But when she took a glass of wine and saluted to the stars in the sky, they knew she did that as to wish them luck and they wil always be with her in her heart no matter what or where they were.

Hades also managed to film the encounter with General Anderson and Jack asked Hades to replay that footage again, because he noticed something.

When he looked at it again he saw she gave someone small hand gestures

"0.3 degrees left, 2 degrees up, hold, 1 degree down, 0.1 degree right, hold, wind speed light breeze, hold, fire."

He saw the bullet flying past Black Rose and missed her by 3 centimetres of her shoulder.

"Jesus Christ… who was the sniper!" Hugo was shocked.

"Chris was the sniper."

Jack sighed in relieve. "Well if he doubted the shot he wouldn't take it. Meaning she trust him 100% when it comes to it."

When they were done watching the footage they all thought the same thing, when they would meet their Black Rose again, she wasn't the same person they had left behind.

"She really has changed a lot over the past few weeks…"

"Hmm, the Black Rose we knew is slowly disappearing, and we can't do anything to stop it."

Jack then looked a little dejected, he felt he was going to lose his little sister who would smile happily or curled up on his lap when she feels vulnerable, insecure or scared."

"When do we leave?"

"In an hour."

Blake, Loki and Jack got there things together and were ready to leave for Spain.


[Island resort]

Chris also had seen the little bloodstain and knew why she left like she did.

Outside he came across Harvey and Harvey stopped him from going over.

"Seems Rose had something to discuss with Shanna and she looked quit anxious and embarrassed, so I left so they could have their girls talk."

"Well I know the reason but I'm still a bit worried, because of the way she ran out like she did."

"Oh what happened, did you have a fight?"

"No, but I don't want to get killed if I tell you."

"Who would kill you?"

"I don't want to get killed by my boss."

Harvey started to laugh. "Well I can't think of anything you could do to her to give me a reason to kill you."

"Well I can think of two reason."

"And what are those?"

"Marriage or taking her first time."

Harvey laughed again. "Well if it's either of the two I won't kill you."

"So which one is it?"

"The later… we both lost our virginity last night."

"Ohh… but you two are dating for 2 years now, I thought you two had already done the deed when you started dating."

Chris looked surprised at Harvey. "Why would you thing we already had done it."

"Well I knew you two were dating when I still was her adoptive father, but even after her request of me discarding her, Shanna told me Jemisha had come by to talk about birth control. While she may not be my adoptive daughter anymore I still can't help but worry for her, or being curious about how she is doing. When Shanna told me, I taught you two were ready to take your relationship to the next stage."

"But hearing you two just done the deed for the first time last night even thought she was already on birth control for 2 years… I think you two really took your time and building a solid foundation first."

"It's not a bad thing, and I think you two are doing things right, better than me."


"Your 23 right?"


"Well at that age I was already a father."

"You had Hades when you were 23?"

"Hmm… well it wasn't planned or anything but when his mother told me, and her family she was pregnant, she was basically kicked out. Well her brother was outrage they would just kick out a pregnant women who was their daughter. I told her she could come and live with me and my family but I did warn her if the child was a girl, she should hid her and tell the family she gave birth to a stillborn. Jessica got to know about my father's rule and agreed that if the baby was indeed a girl she would hid her. I never wanted Jessica go through the pain of killing her own child just because it was a girl, and I couldn't bear it, because after all it is my child."

"When we got the news it was a boy we both stated to relax more and enjoy becoming parent."

"While I don't recommend you becoming a parent so early in life, know that having a child is the greatest joy in life next to having your soulmate next to you."

"But you had a second child, why did you need to hid her? You were at that time the new head of the family and King of the underworld."

Harvey looked dejected. "While that's true, I did abolished that stupid rule of my father, but even when I achieve that and the family felt free again… my father was hell bound on killing any daughter of our family and send out people to kidnap the baby's and have them killed."

"We wanted to kill him but he was either in Europe or America where we couldn't touch him."

"Even though I'm well aquatint with your uncle even he couldn't do anything for me because he wasn't up for the a dispute or war."

"But if Black Rose can restore the European underworld… boss Black Rose has a good relationship with Black Jack and if she restore the European underworld, is it possible for Black Rose to kill the old fox in Australia without having to worry about a dispute with the Asian or American underworld?"

"Well that is possible, she is a General in your uncles rank and since she took down the former king of European underworld she is technically the new queen according to the rules of the underworld."

"I won't bet an eye to it, so there wil be no dispute."

"So all the hopes are now on Black Rose to take down this maniac."

"You could say so."




"Well the old man did pick a fight with the wrong daughter of the Argenti."

"And don't worry boss when she finds out the truth about you, I'll try to lessen the damage she wants to put on you."

"You're not going to tell her?"

Chris smiled. "It's not my place to do so, and for once I agree with Black Jack, it's better for her to find the truth on her own instead of being told."

Chris texted Jemisha and asked if it was alright for Harvey to return.

Chris got a text back and was told she was done with her girls talk with Shanna.

"Well boss seems it's safe for you to return."

Chris and Harvey went back to the cottage and Jemisha pounced at Chris and told him she was sorry for running off without saying a word.

"It's alright Rose, I had a feeling you were a bit anxious and ran out the door to Shanna."

'I'm sorry for forcing you out like that former father.'

"It's alright, I know there are thing you can't discuss with a man around."

She hugged Harvey. 'Thank you for understanding.'

He patted her head and had a warm smile.

'Ohh former father there is something you need to know.'

"And what is that?"

'You wil probably get a lot of visit's from your family soon.'

"And why is that?"

'Well I send out word about former grandfathers past and I'm setting up my traps to capture that old fox.'

Harvey's phone rang and he picked up.

"What is it?"

"Brother is it true about fathers kidnapping and killing the daughters of our family?"

"Because the elders want you home right now to have a family meeting."

Harvey looked at Jemisha an now knew she had stirred up the Asian underworld.

"Alright I'll be there tomorrow."

He ended his call with his younger brother.



"Are you stirring up the Asian underworld?"

'Yes I am.'


'I want to make sure the fox has no place to hid anymore, and I also want them to know they shouldn't mess with me.'

Rose hugged Shanna and then left the cottage.

"Jessica, do you have any idea what our daughter is up to?"

'I do, while she did send out information about fathers doing, she send them to all the wife's of the Argenti family.'

'She also send it to other women of other gangs in Taiwan, China and Japan.'

'And she is also spreading the word to America and Europe.'


'To crush the last bit of influence and connections.'

Harvey was in utter disbelieve, although the wife's of the underworld alone couldn't do anything, they could convince their husbands, and if that didn't work they would band together and start to rebel.

Harvey chuckled.