
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasie
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104 Chs

I don’t think my birthday was ruined

[Villa Umbra Rosa]

Jemisha was back at the villa and hesitate a little to go inside, what was a normal reaction, but Chris, Jack and Hugo reassured her she would be fine because they were with her.

After some time she opened the door and saw the living room what should look like a bloody mess was clean like nothing ever happened there.

She started to relax a little.

Jack had already texted Blake and Loki they were at the villa.

Chris and Jack were busy in the kitchen and Hugo and Jemisha pulled out the blueprints of the villa and started to discuss new safety measures and security systems.

Hugo came up with the idea to alter Artemis program to a warning system that would be able to detect intrudes and sound the alarm as soon as a trespasser was on the grounds.

Jemisha thought it was a good idea but there were so many obstacles they had to deal with.

'Well reprogramming her is not a problem, but we need some kind of recognition system or else every time you guys come her the alarm will go off.'

"How about voice recognition?"

'Sounds good but there is a problem with it, if somebody mange to record it…'

Jemisha and Hugo were brainstorming.

"How about and eye scanner?"

'Laser problems… wouldn't it be bad for your eyes?'

'We don't need to change Artemis core program…'

'Two device connection and voice recognition.'

'You guys use the names I gave you and a personal pass-code.'

"Isn't that a bit much?" Mouse came in to the room.

'What are you complaining…you suggested to fortify this place.'

'Well let's first set up the laser fence around the property.'

Loki and Blake arrived back and the villa and saw the living room was a mess, a blue print and a lot of papers were lying everywhere, but there was no sign of Jemisha.

Blake looked at the plans and thought some could be useful to his company if they were executed differently to her house.

Chris came in to the living room.

"Where is Black Rose?" Blake asked him.

"She is outside with Hugo testing something."

"How was her reaction coming back here?"

"As one would expect, she was hesitant at first, but we told her we were with her nothing bad could happen to her, and she calmed down."

"A few hours later she went in to work mode and started to cook up a lot of idea's with Hugo to extend the security system of the villa."

"She is now testing a laser fence with him in the back yard."

After 30 minutes Jemisha and Hugo came inside.

'Another fail…'

"Well it wasn't a complete fail."

'True…but still…I think we should just fortify this place temporarily the old fashion way with an electric fence.'

Jemisha sat back down and hadn't noticed Blake and Loki had returned.

"But at least the facial recognition program is working, you managed to get that up and running in just half an hour."

'Well that wasn't that hard because the data base will be small anyway.'

'But I should change the voice recognition with a license plate recognition system, this would also be easily for Artemis to recognize because that database will also be small, just 6 cars and 6 face.'

"Then what about visitors like the nurse?"

'Well easy, confirmation from me or Blake or you. I'll make sure you have access to override if an emergency is percent, and… '

Jemisha looked up and saw Loki and Blake standing there.

'When did you come?'

"Not long ago."

"But you just got here a few hours and you turned your living room in to a mess…"

'Who cares…my house so what does it matter it's a bit messy, get used to it.'

Blake walked up to Jemisha and ruffled her hair "Alright I'll try."

"By the way Black Rose, do you think you can modify this plan and implement it to my perfumery stores?"

Jemisha looked at what was written down 'Piece of cake, just give me a week and we can test it small scale here at the mansion.'

'We can use it as an introduction of my company, and the collaboration will be a brand new system implemented at your jewelry store.'

"Alright…when are planning on starting ST labs?"

'Hmm.. depends.'

"Depends on what?"

'My face… if the scars are gone in my face then I will open up shop.'

"Black Rose…"

'What? I'm not a machine I also have feelings.'

'Why you all know what happened and can see passed my wounds and scars, I and other people can't.'

"Then how about this…let one of us marry you."

'Alright but it won't be you Blake… I'll will decide between Chris and Loki.'

Blake face turned stupefied and Hugo out of habit took a picture of him.

Loki and Chris walked up to Jemisha and hugged her.

"Well our Black Rose knows that overly handsome man always need to be shared."

"Hmm, she redder downgrade a little and have someone who is more reliable."

'I should just marry both of you, then I have the best of both.'

"Pfft" Hugo wanted to laugh and took another picture of Blake.

'You took a picture right Hugo?'

"I did, It's a priceless artifact."

Loki, Chris and Jemisha were laughing.

"You three really like to mess with me don't you?"



'Because it's easy and fun.'

Blake walked up to Jemisha and pulled her away from Chris and Loki.

"Maybe I should increase my own arsenal on you."

'Blake I warned you 2 years ago, woman are dangerous creatures, are you finally realizing my weaponry has grown al lot.'

"I do admit your weapons have grown, and you're not a child…your still not blooming to your full potential."

'Well aren't you in denial…'

'But this Rose has already seen your jealousy.'

Jemisha walked away and sat down.

'I wish you all the luck in the world to win over my heart, my heart is not so easy to capture ones it is set on something or someone.'

Jack entered the room "Black Rose can you clean up the living room so we can celebrate your birthday soon?"

Jemisha stood up and swiftly cleaned up all the papers and blue prints in matter of minutes she had cleaned it up and stuffed everything in another room.

Jemisha came back and saw a birthday cake standing on the table, she teared up because she couldn't remember the last time she had one, but having her 5 guardian angles and a birthday cake was all she ever wanted.

Jemisha hugged them all, 'I don't need any more than this.'

Jack gave her a hug "Happy birthday Black Rose."

"While we know you only wished for us all, we still couldn't bear it to not give you anything."

They brought out a painting with all 6 of them.

Jemisha was blindfolded holding a black rose and 5 angles behind her each held their respective weapons.

She knew the meaning of the painting and was struck with all kinds of emotions because it was so beautiful and she smiled.

'Now this is a beautiful and priceless artifact.'

'Thank you all.'

The doorbell rang and Jack stood up.

He opened the door and Jemisha saw a man she had met before once he had 3 puppies with him.

'Spike! Come and see who has come to my birthday!'

Spike came out of her bedroom and saw the man standing and walked up to him and sat down.

"He Spike how have you been?"

Spiked whined and barked.

The man patted him.

"I heard what happened with Shane, I'm sorry…"

'Hmm, I still miss him but he went beyond his job description and saved my life, he died a hero… right Spike?'

Spike whimpered and sat down next to her.

Jemisha invited the man and the 3 pups inside.

'Spike why don't you take the 3 of them to your playground and play with them.'

Spike pushed and barked telling the 3 to fallow him.

'So what's up with the 3 pups?'

While everybody was eating cake the trainer then told Jemisha why he came to her.

"The police force are cutting down on the K9 force and the 3 of them were supposed to go to training but…"

Jemisha smiled 'I have an idea…I was working on a security system for my villa, but having guard dogs was also an idea of mine.'

'Why not come back in 6 days and were going to discuss a plan for all the dog who have no place to go, but can the 3 cuties stay here till that time? Spike has been doing is job even without Shane but it's noticeable to me he feels lonely ever since that day.'

"Sure, but they are a handful."

'That won't be a problem, right guys?'

"I don't think 3 pups would be a problem, Jemisha is harder to handle."

The man laughed.

"Thank you for taking care of them, and happy birthday Jemisha."

The man gave her a small gift.

She opened it, and saw a picture of Spike and Shane, it was taken on the day they came to her.

She hugged the man 'Thank you.'

'By the way where are you staying?'

"I'm staying at Jack's place for now, since he is staying here his place is empty."

The 7 of them kept on celebrating her birthday and Jemisha told the man to stay for dinner.

As the evening fell Jemisha called for Spike to come in and have dinner.

He came in with the pups, and Jemisha spotted something from the corner of the her eyes.

Jemisha anxiety started to flare up and rushed to her laptop and check her security camera's

She skimmed through the footage but she didn't find what she was looking for.

Spike walked up to her and started to bark and laid his head on her lap.

She started to pet him and slowly calmed down.

Jack and the handler saw how she went through her episode, but also notice on of the pups lying down and next to her.

Seem the pup has an affinity for Spikes job.

The two others in the kitchen were barking and growling, what was unusual.

"You said they haven't receiving any training right?"

"That's correct."


"Seems they are very sharp."

Jemisha started to hyperventilate because of what she saw on the screen she stood up and ran to her room and close the door and hid under the covers.

Spike opened the door and he and the pup went inside.

Blake went through the records of the security cameras and asked "Do any of you recognize these guys?"

Loki saw the man Jemisha almost beaten to death in America and his brother.

"What the f*ck are they doing here?"

"Better question how did he know she is here."

"Don't let her have access to the camera's and make sure you delete this from the records."

Blake nodded and just as Hugo wanted to reprogrammed the access for the camera's is when he saw something, he saw Jemisha creeping up behind the men with a baseball bat in her hands.

"What the hell!!!"

"Jack get your ass outside before she is going to kill them!"

Jack rushed to the door and opened it, he saw Jemisha swung her bat at the shooter who was responsible for Shane's death with so much force she broke his upper arm and made him loos balance that he fell in to the man standing next to him and they both fell to the ground.

Jemisha recovered her swinging posture and was now aiming for the unknown man, and aimed for his head. Just as she swung down Jack stopped the bat from landing on his head.

He was standing behind her and whispered "Aim for his knees."

He let go of the bat and Jemisha swung it and aimed not for his knees but for his shinbones a cracking sound was heard fallowed by a loud cry of pain and when she was done he took the bat from her and pulled her in a hug.

"Did one of your wounds reopen?"

Jemisha looked at her arms and saw no blood and she shook her head.

"Alright, for as long as your wounds are healing I allow you to use a bat against intrudes as a self-defense weapon."

"Did you play baseball during your collage years?"

'I did.'

Jack smiled "You have a great swinging form, maybe you should teach me sometime." And ruffled her hair.

Jemisha smiled and nodded.

The others had seen everything and rushed up to her and checked if she wasn't bleeding.

"You bitch!"

The unknown man started to yell at her.

Jemisha crouched down 'How rude…you should be thankful to Jack, if he didn't stopped my first blow at you, they would have to dragged your dead body away and put you between 6 planks and bury your body.'

'I may be an injured Black Rose, but as long as a rose has her thorns she can still be dangerous.'

The unknown man pulled a gun but Jemisha took it from him like it was noting and disassemble it right in front of him in half a minute and tossed all the pieces. But kept the bullets and gave them to Jack.

Blake called their boss and told him Killian had arrived at her door together with a shooter who was responsible for the death of her dog Shane.

Harvey asked to pass his phone to Killian.

Blake smiled "May you rest in pieces."

Jemisha heard the man screaming and she heard him say he had to report to him right now.

'Jemisha took the phone away from Killian, 'Boss while he would love to go over to you, I hope your house is wheelchair friendly and have one at your place.'

"And why is that Black Rose?"

'Well…I broke both his shinbones with my baseball bat.'

"He can crawl his way to in to my place."

'Alright I pass the message; bye, bye.'

She hang-up the call and threw the phone back to Blake.

'Boss said you can crawl your way inside his place.'

'Oh and next time you try to cross me, I will come down on you hard.'

Jemisha went inside her villa and started to relax again.

Spike and the pups all gathered at her and made sure she staid relaxed.

Jack then picked both man by the collar and pulled them to the gate and threw them out.

When he returned Blake asked him, "Why didn't you stop her when she swung her baseball bat for a second time?"

"I stopped her first swing at Killian because she aimed at his head."

"I told her to aim for the knees, but apparently she thought aiming for his shinbones was better."

"Well hopefully this will make Killian think twice before he tries anything again." Chris said.

Loki had a worried look, "I think she just pissed him off even more…But she is a big girl, if she can't handle him I'll kill him personally."

Jack looked at Loki concerned "He is your brother…"

"I don't have a brother!"

"My brother betrayed me, stabbed and shot me and left me for dead."

Loki went inside and straight up to his room.

Jemisha had already noticed the look on his face and walked up to the door.

She knocked a few time 'Knifes…are you alright?'

Loki opened the door and pulled her inside.

He pulled her in to a hug "I'm sorry…"

Jemisha didn't understand why he was apologizing.

'Why are you saying sorry? Do you think this is your fault and my birthday got ruined?'


'Well did you ask them to come?'


'Then take your apology back and shut up.'

'You know this Killian guy?'

Loki didn't say anything.

'Well since your silent I guess you do.'

'I won't force you to talk to me, I'll find out who he is on my own.'

Loki looked at her.

'And just so you know, I don't think my birthday was ruined.'

'Maybe I should ask Jack to catch him and tie him up so I have something to use as a punching bag.'

Loki started to laugh.

"I just need some time before I tell you, but I'm glad you don't feel like your birthday is ruined."

Jemisha ruffled his hair. 'Good… now let's go back and party throughout the night.'

'By the way I forgot to tell you something.'

"And what is that?"

'I really like my birthday present last year; my first thorn, can you give me another one next year?'

"Sure think Black Rose, you can never have enough thorns."

Jemisha smiled and pulled him by his hand and took him back to the living room.

Jemisha saw the pup who was with her earlier when she suffered from anxiety walking up to Loki.

He started to whine and bark.

'Seems I'm not the only one who is suffering…' She whispered