
From Grey To Black

'While I live in a grey world, you guys live in a black world.' "While you think you have no place in the world of black, that is not true at all. In my opinion grey is closer to black than it is to white." The girl who was kidnapped at her 16th birthday, swore her revenge on the people who looked down on her. She is determent to take her revenge even if she had to step in to the underworld.

Mariska_K · Fantasie
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104 Chs

Finalizing her new company and setting up a new project

When Chris saw she was sleeping, he left her bed and went to the others.

"Did she say anything?"

Chris nodded. "She said she smelled a scent that similar to what the air smells after a long dry period and it's going to rain… that mixed with scent of moss and wood."

"I trigger her to remember killing the man in the woods 2 years ago, and then the psychologist and sniper."

"She thinks she is becoming a murderer."

"I told her she should talk to you Jack, I already warned her about your bottom-line so don't worry if you bring it up."

Jack nodded. "Alright."

"She is sleeping now because she completely emptied her stomach."

When the evening hit Jemisha had woken up and Blake was sitting in a chair next to her.

'Who gave permission to be in my room?'

"Your boyfriend did."

Jemisha giggled a little.

Blake handed her a glass of fruit juice.

"Jack said you need to drink this first before you could eat anything."

Jemisha took it and drank it empty.

'So how long are you and Warry going to stay here?'

"Not long, we leave the day after tomorrow."

'Than I hope you both brought your swimming trunks.'

Blake looked at her, "We did." And he grind.

"But before that…"

Blake gave his laptop "You have a ton of work you need to do."

Jemisha laughed and took the laptop.

Jemisha looked through all the plans of her company that was ready to open up.



'Did you already hired all the staff?'

"They are all on pending notice why?"

"And I did a background check on them all."

Jemisha looked through the applicants who were on pending noticed and found two people she redder kill than to have work at her company.

'Then explain to me why Ivan Griseo and Ricardo Serale are on the pending notice list.'

Blake stood up and sat down next to her and slowly got close to her and whispered in to her ear seductive.

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

'Alright, and for what did they apply?'

"Well your stepbrother applied for personal assistant, and Ricardo head of secretaries."

'Hmm that's surprising for Ricardo, I thought he would aim for something more valuable like accountant…'

"Well to bad for him but the most sensitive jobs are already covered."

Jemisha saw Hugo was in charge of development lab, accountant went to Blake, and training new security recruits would fall under Jack and Loki, Chris would become her driver.

'And they all were oke with this?'

"Of course, why would we want to be away from our Black Rose."

'Well I'm fine with it as longs as it doesn't interfere with your other job.'

'Alright you can send out a notification that they are hired.'

Jemisha scrolled down the list and saw a women who would be the companies legal adviser and lawyer.

Jemisha searched her on the internet and found she was one of the well-known and respected business lawyer.

'What!!! No freaking way!!!'

'Christel West is going to be…'

"Ahh yeh she came to me and she asked if I could put in a good word for her, I told her that wasn't needed, because you already known about her and her work and you would never oppose to it so…"

'Damn right you are, she is only twenty 23 but she is just that damn good. I was thinking of scouting her but apparently I got scouted by her.'

Blake smiled and texted Christel she was hired.

Hugo got in to the room "Blake that's enough, get out!"

Blake looked at Hugo, "What, why?"

"You've had her to yourself long enough, it my turn now."

Chris was walking by and heard Hugo and laughed a little and so did Jemisha.

Blake got up and left the room.

Hugo sat down and hugged her and nuzzled her.

"How have you been?"

'I managed to survive thanks to all of you.'

"I was so shocked and feared for my beautiful Black Rose when Chris called me."

"Thank god you're alright."

Jemisha who was still in Hugo's arms nodded and had a light smile on her face.

"So as for your company I already made a program and database for all the personnel, they will be given a key pass to enter the building and only have access to their respective departments."

"All the rooms are equipped with security cameras and your floor is even more tightly secured, with camera's in the hall way and at every angle of your office."

Jemisha laughed, 'Am I your boss or a prisoner?'


'So how do you feel about a new project?'

"What is it?"

Jemisha got from the bed and took Hugo to her new house with a small blue prints she had already made.

Jemisha and Hugo arrived at her new house and she showed all the land she had and what she was wanted to make out of it.

'Initially I wanted to build a big house and everybody had his own room, but after all the things that had happened, I want to build you all your own individual houses.'

She took out the plans she had made up for it and showed it to Hugo.

She pointed where everybody house was going to be and that they all would be connected by an underground tunnel that uses the same system as back at her villa in America.

"Black Rose?"


"Why are you even building Chris his own place? Isn't he going to live with you in the main house?"

'Well of course he is, but what if we get in to a fight or he need some time to himself?'

'And what if we break up for some idiotic reason, he still needs a place, it may be awkward between us when that happens but just because our love didn't work doesn't mean our friendship can't.'

'And besides every man needs his cave right?' Jemisha smiled.

She then explained they would not be on the power grid and she would solar panels be build and since she knew the light direction the would always catch sunlight.

Everything she thought of was well planned and thought off, they would only use the power grid if the solar panels would seas to work, or maintenance need to be done. She showed him the plans for her security system.

"This is going to cost you a fortune.."

'Not at all, I estimated its going to cost me around 50 mil.'

"Alright if you say so… Does everybody know about this?"

'Nope only you and Jake, so you better keep it to yourself.'

"Sure thing Black Rose."

"So when are you going to start tearing this down?"

'When Bonnie and Clyde finally left the nest.'

Hugo looked at her questioning.

She showed him the picture she had taken of the owl chicks.

Hugo laughed.

'Aren't they cute? They are barking owls, not endanger but the ranger told me they should be leaving in 2 months and the parents will leave in 3 months or so and if not they would come and capture them.'

'But I still need to file for permits and stuff so by the time I have a green light they'll be gone.'

Hugo looked throughout all the drawings and notes, "Black Rose it almost look like your setting up a base."

Jemisha smiled 'Well you could say I am.'

'This place will be my new home, if I need to fake my death again, or need to disappear.'

"Why do you think you need to do something like that?"

'You never know what the future brings, and sins you all are my friends…'

"I get it, we will always be there for you."

Jake knocked on the door, Jemi dinner is ready.

Jemisha and Hugo stood up and were ready to leave.

She opened the door and saw Jake in front of her.

"How are you feeling?"

'I'm fine as you can see.'


'Really and I'm hungry.'

Jake patted her head. "Alright but don't over eat."

'Are you nuts!, do you think I want to destroy this slim body of mine?'

Jake laughed "What's wrong with a build body?"

'I'm not a man, like you and Jack.'

Hugo laughed how the two interacted as they walked back.