
From Goliath's Shoe

"Lord, save the scavenger, for he is fragile of body and mind..." May the call of the game, the unending test of humanity by our god, ring echoes through your hearts, for the truth of your mind and body will eventually be consumed by that same façade. The eternal underdog, slothfully disposed for millennia, shall never know the glory given to mankind. "It's about time your heart was clued in... on the contract attached to the fate you face." /// Amson Grinner will never escape from himself-- at least, not before breaking both body and mind. Every day is the same cycle, listening to his thoughts and restraining his true self behind the faces imposed upon him, the faces brought about by other's expectations of him. Hardened, selfish and guiltless... that is the truth he understands lies behind that mirror, but when presented with it, he cowers-- such a strong body yet fragile will. The nickname "Goliath", pushed deep into his past by his protective mind, will soon catch up to him, but will he face himself or be crushed by the weight of his sins? His one, true fear is losing the company of his only two friends, for if he was without them, he'd likely lose grasp of himself, reverting to these demons of his past. /// "May this game, this gift from god, bring stability to the strife of each player's existence and grant them the freedom to kill or cull to their heart's content, lest they become consumed by that same, blinding freedom."

goodeygoody · Urban
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60 Chs

Amson, 17, "Primed"

"He's one..." I said, tapping my controller violently. "Literally breathe on 'im and we win."

I sat in the darkness of my room, only the light of my flashing TV stopping me from being shrouded in it. The first day of senior year, much to my dismay, was just about the same as all the other years, introduce yourself, grab a syllabus, and it's on to the next class. About all of my classes left me alone, except for the first half of the day, where I was basically strapped to Tora Fletchlin's hip.

"I've got him." Baun said, nonchalantly getting the last kill.

As the victory screen flashed in my face, I thought about my first day. 'Would I really be able to turn over a new leaf for this year?' I thought. Inside, I felt the same as I always had, disinterested, spacey, and admittedly, a bit pissy. I felt no drive to do any better, and I began to doubt whether I could actually commit to the plan I'd obsessed over for so long.

Much to my surprise, I only had a single class, PE, with Baun, and I didn't know how to feel about that. We'd been friends for so long, always had the same class, and life was great. To be honest, he's probably the only reason I have the friends I do now. I don't know if it was just the change from the norm that made me feel this way, but it stuck with me, even as I spoke with him now.

I wondered if he'd felt similarly.

"How you feelin'?" Baun asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I was caught off guard by the question. "I guess I'm happy we won."

Baun laughed a bit.

"No, not that." He joked. "I mean today-- your first day of senior year."

I hesitated but eventually replied.

"I don't know." I said. "It seemed like a lot of the same shit."

"Oh, really." He sounded mildly surprised. "Why's that."

"I don't know, man." I reiterated. "I... I just didn't feel the drive-- the energy to even think I could do it. The school's still shit, the system's still shit, and I just don't feel like it's worth it anymore."

"Well, the school won't change for you. That's why you've got to make your senior year great. It doesn't matter about the system and whatnot."

Baun queued us up for another match, and I sat there, pausing my brain for a moment to listen. I had to do some rethinking about my plan; I don't know why I expected the school to change. It shouldn't matter, but for some reason, I couldn't agree with myself anymore.

"Anyways, you've got the rest of the year to think about your plan." He continued. "It's just the first day, so for now, I think we should discuss this party you're about to throw."

"I thought we were done with this whole party idea." I sighed.

"What gave you that idea?" He scoffed. "Things couldn't be any more in your favor, Am."

Baun stopped the queue, and we both sat in the menu.

"I'm thinking we invite our PE class to the party." He suggested. "That seems like the best and easiest move for you make a name for yourself early on. What do you think about the Friday two weeks from now, the day before your birthday?"

"I still don't know, Baun." I reminded him. "I don't think my parents would ever approve of me throwing one."

"I could help you out on that end." He assured me. "Just trust me, and things'll work out."

I closed my eyes, thinking of any way I could change his mind, but it was futile. I could never change his decision. Still, the obstacle in our way, my parents, wouldn't go away easily, and even Baun's influence on my parents isn't as potent as he assumes.

That I know.

But I couldn't keep sitting at the end of my bed, in my own head like that. I pushed myself off my ass and onto the bed, pulling the covers over myself as I saw Baun queue us into yet another match. I took another deep breath, fixed the controller in my hands, and pursed my lips, ready to speak.



The next few days were typical but definitely different from the first. Teachers were prepared for material, and the students were just as prepared for their own, signifying the start of the ongoing battlefield I'd mentioned before. Stupid pranks and useless fights filled the hallways, people digging for dirt on one another. I could never imagine getting my hands dirty like that, and watching the fights wasn't very entertaining, either.

Mainly because none of the contestants knew how to fight.

I'm not insinuating I'm some professional, but compared to the actual big leagues, these guys typically looked like they were either dancing or mating. It was usually disgusting in one way or another.

Since we shared a lot of classes together, I found myself sticking around Tora, and to my surprise, I started to enjoy the time we spent around each other. She was a kind of hype man, in a sense. She'd always sing my praises regarding middle school, something she'd never done before entering senior year. It was odd, and normally, I'd be annoyed. However, I think I've grown desensitized to it.

We started making conversation, another thing that didn't often happen between us; normally she'd be the only one talking. This time around, though, it was nice having the company, especially given the state of Butcher Cross's opening week.

PE class was always eventful, and with everyone there, I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Nicky was a clown on the field, our comedic relief whether we happened to be winning or losing. Whether it be dodgeball, kickball, or track and field, she never disappointed, and sometimes Baun even joined in on the fun.

Though, he'd always pull his punches to spare her feelings.

Tora, on the other hand, was the ace in the hole for whatever team she happened to be on. Whichever team she was on would have had a severe advantage had Baun not been around to tank her kicks and throws. The epic back and forth between the two never failed to exceed my expectations.

With the basket case, there was no telling. She was often just... well, there. Sometimes even I failed to notice her in the crowd. I think it's safe to say we're alike in that regard, without a proper place in the physical realm.

Sports were never my forte, but I wouldn't say I'm unathletic. For a 6'0 guy, I think I'm about average physique and weight. Just don't ask me to lift anything or run for more than a small sprint. Sports have never truly interested me until now, now that I've got my plan: the three G's, but I've participated, mainly during my rowdy middle school years.

I'd like to think of myself as a sort of crutch. I'm there when you need me, but I'm also a reminder that our team is handicapped. I've caught a few kickballs in my day. I've just got to get another feel for it, then I'll be on my way to challenge the big dogs in the pit, Tora and Baun. Alas, for now, that's but a pipe dream.

"Hey, Grinner!" Our retired drill sergeant PE teacher yelled. "Get the hell out of La la land!"

Hello everyone reading! I want to thank you for taking the time to read this small story I wanted to post while I'm creating the revision for my initial novel. It seemed like a fun idea, and it could run longer than I expect, so stay tuned. Though it might not be as complex as I intend my other stories to be, I've put enough thought into this concept that I think people would enjoy the layers that I intend to build for the characters. I just hope everyone gives it a chance to build. Please consider voting or leaving a comment because I've been needing someone to read the things I'm writing, and for a while, I've been out of luck completely. Thank you and have a wonderul day.

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