
Chapter 54: Lin Wan's Resignation Letter

Seeing the light in Lin Wan's eyes, Pei Qian couldn't help but be taken aback.

"What's going on? Did I say something wrong?"

Why is she reacting so strongly!

Lin Wan calmed down a bit and said, "Mr. Pei, your company doesn't have a last-hired, first-fired policy, does it?"

Last-hired, first-fired?

Pei Qian had heard of this system, but he would never use it.

If he were to lay off people, it would be those who worked hard, how could he lay off slackers!

It would make more sense to have a first-hired, first-fired policy...

"No," Pei Qian shook his head, "Every employee is like family to me. Even if a family member has some shortcomings, we should work together to improve and progress. How could we casually abandon them?"

Lin Wan nodded, then looked at Ma Yang.

Sure enough, Mr. Pei doesn't abandon even this kind of employee. What he said is obviously true!

Lin Wan asked again, "Mr. Pei, do your employees work overtime in your company?"

"Oh, that's also a problem that gives me a headache," Pei Qian sighed lightly, "I'm already trying to send them home, but some people still choose to stay voluntarily, so I can only give them more overtime pay to compensate."

"So, Mr. Pei, do you make games to fulfill your own game dreams?" Lin Wan's eyes were enthusiastic.

Pei Qian was momentarily embarrassed and shook his head with a smile, "No, actually, I... mainly do it for the money..."

"Mr. Pei, you're joking. If you really did it for the money, you could easily increase the fee for 'Ghost Generals' tenfold, but you didn't. I know you're a person with ideals," Lin Wan seemed to have found the answer, "I understand now, Mr. Pei. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Thank you!"

Lin Wan turned and left, leaving Pei Qian a little puzzled.

Who is this girl?

During the exchange and sharing session just now, she seemed to have been listening in the audience.

She should be a new employee who recently joined the Tianhuo Studio...

Pei Qian didn't pay too much attention to it.


Pei Qian and his group stayed in Yangcheng for a total of five days, visiting several different game companies.

However, the game companies in the latter part of the tour were far inferior to the Tianhuo Studio.

Little Lu and the others went from being enthusiastic at the beginning to being bored.

They had come to broaden their horizons and learn advanced experience, but they had thought that as a popular location for the domestic game industry, the game companies in Yangcheng would be good. However, after seeing them firsthand, they realized that they were all terrible!

One was worse than the other!

The best one was the Tianhuo Studio they visited on the first day.

Everyone had thought that the working environment at Tianhuo was already poor, but it turned out that the game companies in the later part of the tour were getting worse and worse, repeatedly lowering everyone's impression of the game companies in Yangcheng!

By the fifth day, no one cared about which company they were going to visit and exchange with today.

Some wanted to go shopping and bring back some local specialties;

Some wanted to hurry up and try all the famous local snacks in Yangcheng;

And some wanted to return to Tengda and work hard for Mr. Pei...

In short, this exchange and learning trip had completely backfired.

Originally, they had come to see the world, but in the end, it turned into a competition of misery among the game companies in Yangcheng...

Especially for the Tianhuo Studio, the high image in the hearts of many people was shattered in an instant.

All the employees of Tengda were indirectly given an education on how to love Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Huang Sibo and the others, carrying big and small bags, boarded the plane back to Jingzhou without any nostalgia.

They were going back to continue grinding on "Fortress of the Sea"!



Meanwhile, at the Tianhuo Studio.

"Mr. Zhou, I've decided, I want to resign." Lin Wan handed her resignation letter to Zhou Muyan with both hands.

Zhou Muyan was taken aback at first, but then couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Could it be that you've finally come to your senses and realized that the game industry is a pitfall, and have decided to go back and inherit your multi-million dollar fortune?"

"That means the task that Mr. Lin entrusted to me is completed?"

"Are you planning to leave the game industry?" asked Zhou Muyan with anticipation.

"No," Lin Wan shook her head.

"????" Zhou Muyan was confused.

She doesn't want to leave the game industry, but she wants to resign?

Does that mean she doesn't like Tianhuo Studio?

Did she not realize that Tianhuo Studio didn't reject her and instead decided to reject Tianhuo Studio?

Zhou Muyan felt a headache coming on.

Of course, he had to keep up his smile on the surface.

"What's wrong? Is there anything you're not happy about working here?" Zhou Muyan tried to force a friendly smile.

If it were any other intern, Zhou Muyan would have let them go without asking a single question.

But Lin Wan was different. She had a good father...

Zhou Muyan had the responsibility to make Lin Wan disappointed with the game industry, so he couldn't just let her leave so easily.

Even if he couldn't keep her, he had to ask why Lin Wan wanted to leave and where she was planning to go.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain to the President's Office of Shenhua Group if they called again!

"Thank you for your care, Mr. Zhou. But... I don't think I can pursue my game ideals here," Lin Wan looked out the window with a dreamy expression. "I'm thinking of going somewhere else."


Zhou Muyan was puzzled.

Tianhuo Studio was already one of the top game companies in China.

Could it be that this little girl was planning to go abroad? To a foreign company?

Hmm, that was also possible...

"I'm going to Tengda," Lin Wan's eyes were determined, as if she had already made this decision long ago.


Zhou Muyan didn't even know which company that was at first...

Although he had just hosted a group of Tengda employees led by Pei Qian a few days ago, this matter was not very memorable for Zhou Muyan, and he soon forgot about it.

After remembering, Zhou Muyan was puzzled.

Tengda... was a start-up company!

They only made a mobile game, and compared to Tianhuo Studio, they were miles apart!

If you want to pursue your game ideals, I won't stop you. If you want to go to a foreign company, I'll let it go. But why would you go to a start-up company to pursue your so-called game ideals?"

Zhou Muyan coughed twice, "You sure about this? There won't be an environment and atmosphere as good as Tianhuo Studio over there, and you might be disappointed."

Lin Wan shook her head, "I trust Mr. Pei. I see something different in him, some qualities that are different from you and other designers... He seems to radiate a kind of idealistic light. I won't be wrong!"

Zhou Muyan's mouth opened wide.

Did Pei Qian use some kind of spell on this girl after meeting her just a few days ago?

He met her only once, and he was able to lure my employee away?

But seeing Lin Wan's resolute attitude, Zhou Muyan knew that saying more was useless, and he couldn't stop her anyway.

He knew that this girl looked gentle on the surface, but her stubbornness was terrifying once she had decided on something.

Lin, the CEO of Shenhua Group, is a well-known super entrepreneur in the country, but he can't even control his own daughter. He can only gradually guide her to inherit the family business through subtle means. Zhou Muyan doesn't think he can force Lin Wan to stay, especially since she has decided to leave the company.

After some thought, Zhou Muyan could only let her go. However, Lin Wan is going to a small company, which may expose her to the darker side of the gaming industry. When she sees the truth about the industry, she may return to inherit the family business, which would be a similar path to Zhou's own.

Thinking of this, Zhou Muyan accepted Lin Wan's resignation letter and said, "Alright, I wish you can achieve your gaming dream soon! Tianhuo Studio will always be your home!"

"Thank you, General Manager Zhou!" Lin Wan turned and left, without any nostalgia.