
From Earth to a Hellish World

Set alone upon an island with nothing but a system to help you progress, dinosaurs of collosal proportion threatening to tear you to shreds at every turn, and countless humans who may betray you at any time for but a single scrap of food; would you survive? The One True Creator has left his energy behind, mana: the power to create and destroy. The power to become a god. If you became a god, what would you aspire to do with your power?

Cosmictear · Fantasie
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86 Chs

*Spontaneous Combustion*

As the gate opened, fog spilled through from the other side like torrents of smoke from a wildfire. The fog gathered on my face and entered my nostrils. I breathed it in deeply, I did not care. The fog smelled and tasted sweet, like pure nectar that only bees drink.

From within the gray fog, an alluringly curvy figure glowing with a green aura stepped softly and slowly towards me. As the fog disappeared, I could see her clearly, Light was wearing a green silk dress that was slightly translucent. I could see her skin through it, and even more. Her light green hair shimmered in the artificial light coming from within her soulscape. Her yellow eyes looked bright and happy as they flicked over my own. "Come inside Seti, you are welcome here."

Inside her soulscape we walked through the short, lush grass slowly as we talked. "So, what did you need?"