
From Deal To Feel

In the bustling corporate world, a formidable CEO's life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with a humble cleaner. As their worlds collide, his arrogance begins to wane, replaced by a growing admiration for her strength and kindness. Amidst societal barriers and personal struggles, their unlikely connection blossoms into a passionate romance, proving that love knows no boundaries. Join them on a journey of self-discovery and heartwarming transformation in this captivating tale of love's transformative power.

Daoistf2VTgO · Urban
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4 Chs

chapter 2: of refusals and unexpected turns

after the bizarre encounter at club euphoria, life continued in its regular rhythm, but mia couldn't shake the memory of alexander's audacious proposal. his arrogance didn't sit well with her, and the idea of playing along made her bristle with a mixture of pride and skepticism.

(Narrator's short moment of outburst~

let's be real—alexander's proposition had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. his confidence oozed like a slick salesman, and mia wasn't about to let his ego steamroll over her. she was more than just a cleaner, and she refused to be anyone's plaything.)

so, one evening, mia huffed her way to the couch with a cup of tea and her phone in hand. she dialed charlotte's number, eager to let off some steam. she launched into an animated recounting of the whole crazy story, from the arrogant ceo to the audacious proposal.

charlotte listened, her voice like a cozy blanket over the phone, "girl, slow down. take a deep breath. yeah, he might be insufferably full of himself, but have you thought about the upside?

mia rolled her eyes, even though charlotte couldn't see her. what was she, a contestant on a cheesy reality show? but despite her skepticism, charlotte's voice had a way of making sense. it was like having your level-headed alter ego on speed dial.

"fine," mia grumbled, "i'll think about it. but you owe me for enduring this emotional roller coaster."

charlotte laughed, a sound that felt like a warm hug. "deal. just remember, sometimes the craziest ideas lead to the best adventures."

"fine, fine! I'll be preparing for work now, byee!" Mia said as she hung up the phone


as the days ticked on, mia's apartment became a revolving door of worry. the rent notice was that pesky neighbor who just wouldn't stop knocking. and she had a landlord who had mastered the art of being irritatingly persistent.

so, one day, mia decided to take matters into her own hands. she dug out the contact card alexander had handed her. with a determined glare at the numbers on the rent notice, she punched out a text: "meet me at café serendipity. tomorrow. 4 pm."

time seemed to stretch as mia sat in café serendipity. the low hum of conversations and the comforting aroma of coffee were at odds with the anxious flutter in her chest. her fingers tapped nervously on the table, a metronome of uncertainty.

just when she thought maybe this was a bad idea, the door chimed. she looked up, her gaze locking onto the figure that entered—a figure that practically radiated power and self-assurance.

alexander sterling walked in, his presence like a bold exclamation mark. their eyes met for a fleeting second, a spark of recognition igniting between them. he approached her table with that infuriatingly knowing smile. "mia, right?"

she nodded, her nerves on high alert. "yeah, that's me."

the air felt thick with tension, as if the whole café held its breath. the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the weight of their meeting.

as he took a seat, his eyes never leaving her, mia knew this was her chance to stand her ground. she was ready to challenge his audacity, to prove she wouldn't be pushed around.

with overdue rent hanging over her head and the memory of their previous run-in replaying in her mind, mia squared her shoulders and met his gaze head-on. this was the moment—when pride clashed with necessity, and the wheels of fate spun in ways neither of them could have anticipated.