
Kaidou and Attun

It has been 5 months since Percy left by himself to train. Orange wanted to go with him, but he refused because he needed her to manage his responsibilities while he was away. He got on a small boat and used his newly found power to push his boat away from Marineford rapidly. He traveled much quicker than if he was on a battleship making him believe that this would be the best option for travel in the future.

After he was finished training, Percy returned to headquarters to find Orange scowling at him.

"What's up" Percy said with an innocent look on his face.

"Do you know how much paperwork I had to organize for you. While you were relaxing, I had to make sure your duties were completed."

"So now..." Percy said as he continued to smile

"So now all you got to do is sign the damn papers and you're done" Orange said angrily.

"Thank you sweetie" Percy said and kissed her forehead.

"Y-you" she started before blushing furiously. "Y-you pervert". Orange kept her head down, turned away and ran out of Percy's office leaving him laughing at the scene.

After he laughed for a minute or so, he settled into his chair and started to sign the paperwork that was laid on his desk.

He had a lot to do, from approving transfer orders to assigning certain marines to chase after pirates. He had to command commodores and commanders to either pursue a certain pirate or retreat so he can send someone stronger.

He was just finishing his first pile of paperwork when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Percy said as his face was still in the paperwork.

"Sir!" a deep voice said.

Percy looked up to see a vice admiral standing at attention. "You are?"

"Sir, my name is Pickle, Pickle Faras" the vice admiral said with a proud expression on his face.

"Hello Pickle, what can I do for you?" Percy asked as he put down his report. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it where he heard that name before.

"Sir, I want to invite you to join our faction" Pickle said in a confident voice.

"Your faction?"

"That's right" Pickle continued, "the faction dedicated to assisting the Faras family. We can give you many benefits. We can even support you if you choose to be the next fleet admiral."

"Not interested" Percy rejected immediately,

"You won't be disa-... what? Excuse me?"

"No thanks" Percy said with a fake smile on his face. "I plan to start my own faction in the navy so there is no point on being a part of yours."

"So your going against the Faras family?" Pickle said as his face started to turn dark.

"Against, no. I just don't want to be involved with family politics. I got burned once before so I'd rather not go through that again."

"You will regret this." Pickle said threateningly. "My family holds great influence in not only the navy, but the world government as well. You would be wise not to dismiss us."

"As I said v-i-c-e admiral Pickle" Percy said emphasizing his title, "I plan on starting my own faction. I don't think we are going to be direct competitors. After all, my competition will be against the other admirals, no?"

"You will regret this!" Pickle said as he started to stammer off.

"Did I tell you that you are dismissed?" a dark voice came from behind Pickle and he instantly stopped. He slowly turned around and saw Percy starting to leak black smoke out of his body.

"A mere vice admiral coming and going as he pleases into my office" Percy said as he started to use his conqueror's haki on Pickle. "You think that because I am new, I can be pushed around? Perhaps I should visit your family's residence and talk to your patriarch. Maybe then I can get my message across."

"A-a-are you threating me?" Pickle said as he tried to resist. He of course knew about conqueror's haki, but he was unable to unlock it himself. "I c-can h-have you dismissed for this."

"Oh..." Percy said as he sneered at Pickle. "Why don't you try then. It may turn out that I have more friends in higher places than you realize."

"Y-you! I will have your job for this!" Pickle yelled as the haki started to overwhelm him.

"No you won't" Percy stated clearly. "You are simply a frog at the bottom of the well. You have no idea what power truly is. So, go. Tell your little daddy what I said. But be prepared."

Pickle didn't say anything as the haki that was concentrated on his body disappeared. He immediately turned around and left. No one knows what he was thinking about.

"Boring" Percy said as he saw the retreating vice admiral. "At least he could've had the balls to try punch me for provoking him. Damn coward. I guess I need to tell Kong what happened, see if I need to prepare anything."


"And that's what happened" Percy said as he was sitting on the couch. "Bunch of cowards, how is he a vice admiral. I could've beaten him up when I was still an ensign."

"Maybe" Kong said with a frown on his face, "but Pickle is not the one you should be concerned with. His family has a lot of connections in the world government. Even I can only restrain him so much. Pickle is merely a tool sent by the family. You don't have to worry about him personally."

"So I'm in trouble again?" Percy asked. He wanted to know if he had to act now or wait for an opportunity to strike.

"Not really" Kong replied. "Even though his family holds some influence in the world government, it's not nearly enough for him to demand your job. At most he can make your life hell until you decide to quit or step down."

"So I should nip this problem in the bud before it escalates" Percy stated as he began to stand up

"No!" Kong said following his trail of thought. "You cannot kill Pickle, even if you want to. I suggest you stop caring about vice admiral and start caring about the people behind him."

"Which organization is this time?" Percy asked tiredly.

"Well, the Faras family's influence stretches from most of the cipher pols to judges, and even some of the kingdoms affiliated with the world government. But, I doubt the Faras patriarch is willing to make you an enemy over the vice admiral. After all, Pickle is merely a branch family member, not from the main bloodline. The head of the family knows when to make friends and when to make enemies."

"So what now?" Percy asked curiously.

"Forget about it, you have another matter to attend to" Kong replied.

"What is that?"

"We got word that Kaidou and Attun formally declared war against one another. Their crews started to invade into each other's territories and it is only a matter of time before the two emperors clash. I need you to go out there and monitor the situation."

"Do you want me to capture them?" Percy asked as he looked at his superior.

"No. If we wanted to do that, we need to send more manpower and this simply not a possibility at this time. Sengoku just got word that Shiki is trying to make an alliance with 2 new pirate crews and he needs to intercept them. Rosati on the other hand has been monitoring Bigmom because she is starting to send out her children to gain more territories for her."

"And what about Garp? He should be plenty strong enough with me to try capture the two."

"Can't" Kong shook his head. "Garp is too obsessed with Roger to focus on anyone else."

Percy sighed, he knew that this was a possibility. There was simply too many pirates and not enough admirals.

[Admirals, admirals, that's it!] Percy thought as an idea popped into his head.

"What about Borsalino, Sakazuki, and Dragon? Those three combined can cause serious harm to an emperor."

"Those three..." Kong rubbed his chin, "possible. Your going to be the one closest to the situation. If you need them, do it. If you can capture Kaidou and Attun, don't hesitate. If not, then retreat and observe the outcome of the battle."

"Yes sir" Percy said and left Kong's office. He needed to make a couple of phone calls.

we meet kizaru and akaiu again!!! have fun.

pieinskiecreators' thoughts