
From Common Weeb to Abyss Lord

A common shut-in and somewhat perverted weeb woke up as Kousuke Endou on the summoning of the 'heroes' from Earth in the world of Tortus. What would he do next? Read and find out! --- -- - Writer's Greetings: Welcome to my first voyage into the abyssal sea of fan fiction! This fan fiction is a commonplace 'power-fantasy,' 'wish-fulfillment,' 'another-world (isekai)' fanfiction. So, expect the tropes and clichés frequently used in this kind of work. They'll probably appear here. This fanfic will contain a harem. However, the harem's dynamic will be somewhat complex. You may or may not like it. I'm not sure. On top of that, MC won't be a perfect guy with a perfect personality. He will have a severe character flaw (Luxuria). You may or may not like the MC due to it. If you don't like him, I won't begrudge you. Just don't start flaming pointlessly! By the way, be ready for some silly, cringe, chuuni stuff here! Moving to the next topic, I'm writing this fanfic on my Android. I apologize in advance if you find any mistakes. English isn't my native language, so I'm not an expert. Still, I'll try to present something adequate. By the way, each chapter contains a minimum of about 1.5k words. The narrative will be in the third-person's point of view. About the posting schedule, I can't promise anything because I don't know what will happen on IRL. However, I will try to post a new chapter every day, or once every two days at the latest. With that all written above, Writer's Greetings is over, so happy reading! Sincerely, Common Weeb

Common_Weeb · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

First Loyal Follower, Get!

"Rejoice, Little Rabbit! You have broken your shackles and transcended beyond your initial measly destiny! You're a mere beast no more! You're now worthy to be the Guardian Beast of the Abyss! As such, this Lord shall grant you a new name to mark your new life and destiny! From henceforth, you shall be known as Caerbannog K. R. Abyssgate! Or Caerbannog the Abyssal Killer Rabbit! Wear your new name and title with pride and dignity! Ku-hahaha!"

This time, the Rabbit, no- Caerbannog K. R. Abyssgate, also known as Caerbannog the Abyssal Killer Rabbit, understood the words of its Lord and Savior, Rob F. Abysslord. As such, it responded with a solemn "Fou! Kyuu!" and nodded its head with some dignity it previously lacked.

Previously, Caerbannog was just a beast with limited sentience, a being that lived according to its instinct. It lacked the ability to think rationally.

However, it'd become a sentient living being that could think and feel after drinking Ambrosia. As such, it finally realized how small and limited its previous world was.

Despite its limited experience in life, it knew that it owed a great debt to its benefactor who had enabled it to become more than a mere beast without intelligence. However, it realized that it did not have anything of value to pay its debt to its benefactor.

On top of that, its debt to its benefactor is too big because what it got is priceless. It might have just gotten sentience, but it, at least, knew about the law of equivalent exchange.

An eye for an eye, blood for blood!

Caerbannog only had its body. As such, it affirmed its decision to become a loyal follower of its benefactor.

Indeed, our protagonist finally got the first loyal follower that would follow him even to the end of the world.

However, what happened next left Caerbannog shocked and at a loss for words. Its new Lord abruptly stopped his cool, menacing laughter.

Then, its magnificent Lord crumpled into a fetal position on the ground and trembled as if he experienced unbearable agony. It immediately hopped at to Lord while shouting worriedly, "FOU! KYUU!?"

On another note, that cute shout meant "Milord! What happened?!"

After landing next to its Lord's crumpled and shivering form, Caerbannog heard a faint whimper that sounded so miserable to its ears. And it came from its Lord.

"Oh, my god... What the fuck was that?! ...so embarrassing! ...please, just kill me..."

Caerbannog was perplexed.

What happened?! Why did its Lord let out such miserable whimpers?!

Though it was confused and speechless, Caerbannog quickly regained its composure and utilized its new sentience to think something to ease its Lord's sufferings. Alas, it didn't know what to do in its limited experience.

"Fou! Kyuu, kyuui?! Fou kyuu!" (Translation: Milord! What do you need from your faithful and loyal subject?! Please, tell me this lowly subject of yours!)

Caerbannog frantically asked its Lord in concern.

Unfortunately, its Lord had recovered from the Abyss Break derivative skill's influence. Therefore, he didn't understand what Caerbannog's incomprehensible voices meant.

At that moment, he was no longer the hyper-competent Rob F. Abysslord. He was just Rob Freeman who suffered shock, shame, and a lot of mental damage from his chuuni moments.

Rob wanted a hole to appear in the ground beneath him and swallow him whole. Oh, right, he could transmute the ground to dig a hole to bury himself. However, he was unable to do so in his tormented state due to severe mental trauma.

Honestly, Rob had never experienced such shameful moments in his life. It was too much for someone with strong self-respect such as him.

Truly, the price of absolute power was absolutely steep!

Nevertheless, Caerbannog's presence next to him caught his attention. He raised his head weakly to look at the sentient rabbit monster.

After raising his head, Rob's crimson irises could be seen. His sunglasses had mysteriously disappeared.

Regardless of his sunglasses' mysterious disappearance, Rob's crimson irises looked deader than dead. Even the eyes of a dead fish seemed more lively than his eyes.

Alright, that was an exaggeration. Despite that exaggeration, Rob's crimson eyes seemed to fit someone who was so dead inside and had given up on living.

When Caerbannog saw Rob's deader than dead eyes, it unconsciously took a step back in horror. It did not expect to see such a pitiful pair of eyes not long after getting sentience.

Moreover, such eyes belonged to its master. Therefore, Caerbannog couldn't believe it!

Its Lord shouldn't be this pathetic! Its lord was so magnificent and sublime that he had bullied the strongest monster on this floor to a miserable end!

Where's its magnificent Lord?! Why did its sublime Lord end up this pathetic?! What's going on?!

"K-k-kyuu, fou?" (Trans.: A-a-are you okay, milord?)

Caerbannog stuttered out in concern.

After hearing Caerbannog's adorable stutter, a little hint of life returned to Rob's crimson irises. He then breathed out in wonder, "Fluff?"

"Fou?" (Trans.: Milord?)


Rob suddenly turned his body around and went all fours, after which he jumped at Caerbannog with bloodshot eyes and outstretched hands. He looked like a druggie in withdrawal or someone who'd gone mad and turned feral.

"FOU KYU?!" (Trans.: What the fuck?!)

Rob's abrupt action and strange war cry startled Caerbannog. Moreover, its Wild Intuition warned it of the unspeakable things its master would do on it if it got caught. Therefore, it unconsciously dodged its master's attempt to catch it.

Rob failed to catch the fluffy bunny that could slaughter even the legendary party of adventurers with contemptuous ease, but he didn't give up despite failing to catch Caerbannog. He jumped at the fluffy rabbit again while loudly proclaiming, "Don't run away, my fluff! Let me fluff you to heal my heart!"

Caerbannog felt a chill traveling down its spine. It immediately ran away from Rob who was stubbornly pursuing it.

And so, a game of cat and mouse occurred in the labyrinth corridor. Rob was the cat, and Caerbannog was the mouse.

Unfortunately, that game of cat and mouse ended quickly. It was because Caerbannog lost Rob's presence after escaping his pursuit for a few moments, and after missing Rob's presence, it decided to stop.

Of course, that was the wrong decision. Rob who suddenly appeared apparently out of nowhere caught Caerbannog and began fluffing it to cure his heart.

When Caerbannog got caught, it stiffened and tried to lash out. However, it soon realized that the one who had caught it was its master.

Due to its loyalty to its master, Caerbannog stopped itself from lashing out at the last moment. It didn't want to harm its master. It then decided to resign its fate in its master's hands.

Caerbannog squirmed in Rob's hands, its limbs flailing hopelessly. However, it didn't really intend to get away from its master's hold.

Its squirming was just a token of struggle. It had resigned itself to its fate, after all.

Rob fluffed the sentient rabbit monster in his hands to his heart's content. Just like other Rabbits inhabiting this floor, it was as big as an adult husky, yet its size, which was several times bigger than ordinary rabbits on Earth, didn't really bother him.

Rob's strength was already leaving the realm of ordinary humans. Therefore, Caerbannog's size and weight didn't really matter to him.

Moments later, Rob recovered from his trauma. His heart was cured. He then carefully placed Caerbannog on the floor and said, "Thank you for allowing me to fluff you, little guy! Now, I'm healed."

"Kyuu kyuui kyuu, fou!" (Trans.: I'm unworthy of your kind words, milord!)

Though it was vexed because of being treated without dignity, it still felt moved from being able to help its master. 'If only it doesn't give me indignity,' it added inwardly.

Rob eyed the animated rabbit monster with a bemused smile and a wonder-filled gaze. He didn't understand what did the rabbit's squeaking meant, but he felt its subservience to him.

Rubbing his chin, Rob pondered something in his mind. 'This rabbit watched my fight against the Bear from the beginning while hiding. It reminds me of the same Rabbit that watched Hajime's fight without his notice in the original story. That rabbit was named Inaba and became one of many Suzu's tamed beasts... if I don't remember it wrong. So, what's the chance this one is Inaba?'

A few seconds later, Rob shook his head and denied that possibility. 'Unlike Hajime who took more than ten days to finally move his ass after falling and a few weeks to kill the Bear, I've killed the Bear in a week after I fell here. I don't think this rabbit is Inaba. The chance is too small. Yes, this one must a different rabbit. Well, whether it's Inaba or a different rabbit, it doesn't matter. Most importantly, I can see that it has gotten attached to me. Is this because I've assimilated Suzu's Beast Taming talent?'

Apart from consuming the hair of the male students, Rob had also consumed the hair of the female students. It was obvious from the many skills of the female students he had.

Rob had carefully collected the hair of the female students plus Aiko when all the summoned heroes gathered in the banquet hall of Heiligh's castle. Of course, he'd managed to collect the girls' hair without them knowing because he'd done so with great care.

Yes, Rob was aware that what he did was absolutely creepy. He could be seen as a criminal if he got caught.

If he got caught, it might have led to complications that probably wouldn't have made him end up in this situation. If he didn't end up in this situation, he wouldn't become as powerful as this moment.

Regardless of what happened in the past, it seems like he had gained the students' talents besides the skills listed on the status plate. At least, he thought so.

Moreover, his talent as a beast tamer could be proof of that theory. 'What other talent did I get that wasn't listed on the status plate?'

Rob was curious. However, he realized that he had digressed.

Rob returned his attention to the rabbit monster in front of him. He was sure that it had become attached to him, probably due to his talent as a beast tamer, but it might be likely due to Ambrosia he had given it.

Nevertheless, Rob decided to ask Caerbannog, "Well, little guy, do you want to follow me venturing down this labyrinth?"

"Kyuu? Kyuu kyuui kyuu, fou?!" (Trans.: Huh? Why did you still ask such an obvious matter, milord?!)

Rob showed a wry smile after witnessing Caerbannog's deadpan. He wasn't sure how it could form a deadpan with its facial structure.

"Sorry little guy. I don't understand your words."

Caerbannog took a single step back. Its face somehow became humanely expressive and went "MASAKA?!" in disbelief.

Rob rolled his eyes at Caerbannog's exaggerated reaction. He didn't expect this rabbit to be a drama queen.

Still, Rob was glad that he got a companion. The past week had been very lonely for him. If he didn't focus on getting stronger, he would go crazy due to loneliness.

Before transmigrating, Rob didn't have a problem being alone because there was the internet to entertain him. However, this world had no internet to entertain him. He had to entertain himself by training his body, practicing his skills, and absorbing knowledge.

It was no wonder that Ehit became crazy!

Entertainment is essential in life because without it, you can become mad and do something crazy to keep yourself entertained!

"So, are you going to follow me or not?"

Rob impatiently asked Caerbannog. In return, Caerbannog nodded its head vigorously and waved its short, stubby forelegs excitedly, saying "Kyuu! Kyuui!" all the while.

Seeing Caerbannog's animated response, Rob nodded. "I guess you're coming along, then. Okay, follow me, little guy! We need to return to my hideout and consume the Bear's meat to get stronger, wait for a moment!"

Rob abruptly paused and gave Caerbannog a curious look. "Actually, will you get stronger from eating monsters stronger than you?"

Caerbannog tilted its head cutely and released a confused "kyuu?" in return.

Rob rolled his eyes at that. "Never mind."

After that, Rob brought his first loyal follower to his secret hideout. He had a Bear to dismantle and consume, after all.

I've been increasing the word count to the minimum of about 2k words since Ch. 019. I hope that you like it!

Common_Weebcreators' thoughts