
Frieren: A Lonely Demon's Desire (Demon Child SI-OC)

A soul- er... A partial soul transmigrates into the body of the demon child that the village chief adopted before she eats one of the villager's mother's daughters, Confronts the hero's party, Before killing the village chief, burns the house down and takes his daughter as tribute before turning into hostage, Before getting killed by Frieren in one fell swoop. Will she the soul of a normal human be able to reject her nature as a demon through her memories of being originally human? Become good and be accepted in the world of Frieren? Will she survive the confrontation of the hero's party and try not to get disintegrated by Frieren herself? ...Probably not but she'll make the most of it, Trying to help along the way. In a journey to be able to feel again, To be herself again. (Set before the original unnamed demon child killed and ate the child of the mother villager and meets the hero's party.) (Demon Child SI-OC)

Modeus_Dream · Anime und Comics
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Can yall help me with a name?

Im thinking of naming the MC Fühlen or Fuhlen meaning 'feel' or 'to feel' but can you suggest other names? here is the list of translated words into german words for name. don't forget the MC is a girl.

Fühlen/Fuhlen - 'feel'

Erinnern - 'remember'

Meinen - 'mean'

Fassen - 'grasp'

Spuren - 'sense'

Merken - 'notice/remember/realize'

Suggestions/Other -

Also who would you think would name her? The village chief or herself? Im a bit indecisive at that.