
Chapter 89 - Miss Kobayashi

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

"You're telling me you didn't get any level up from that?" Fluttershy asked as they walked up the steps of the apartment building Kanna pointed them to.

They had dropped off Saikawa, the girl agreeing to keep their abilities a secret. At first she wasn't sure about it, but when Kanna held her hand and gave her puppy dog eyes she immediately squealed and nodded as if there was no problem at all. Apparently ever since an incident when Kanna accidentally made a summoning circle for a djinn in an exchange diary for Saikawa, she'd been keeping Kanna's dragon identity a secret.

Instead, they told the girl's parents that Kanna and her had been stopped by some older bullies who ran when they saw Micro and Fluttershy approach.

Now, Kanna was riding on Micro's shoulders as they took her back home.

"No," Micro grumbled. "Apparently my ability can register when an enemy gets beaten into retreating vs when they leave because they don't want to be bothered. Despite what Kanna-Chan her did, he could've still kept fighting."

Micro hated that in rpg's. An enemy that yields high experience running away when it knows you will win.

The young Gamer felt a slight tug on his hair and Kanna pointed toward the one door.

"That's where you live?" Micro asked.

"Yes. That's Miss Kobayashi's place." Despite the monotone, Micro could detect a bit of joy in her words. He smiled and reached out to knock on the door.

"Is that you Kanna?" A voice said on the other side. "You're later than usual…"

Opening the door, a short woman with red hair in a ponytail came out. She had glasses on and wore a turquoise hoodie and tan pants. She stopped and looked at Micro and Fluttershy, Kanna saving at her from Micro's shoulders.


(Computer Programmer)

Lv 31

"...Are you two…?" Kobayashi let the question hanging in the air. Micro used Observe quickly and found out a few things.

One, she was currently hosting two dragons and knew of three others at least currently in Japan.


Relationship: Doesn't know you but wondering if you are more dragons and what you are doing with Kanna.

"No," Micro answered with a sheepish grin. "We aren't dragons. Just two people who were in the right place at the right time."

"They helped me and Saikawa with a nasty man who thought I was a demon," Kanna said in her usual monotone.

Kobayashi raised an eyebrow at that and looked at Micro and Fluttershy. Micro sighed and Fluttershy spoke up.

"Maybe we should come in. This might take a while."


"Well," Kobayashi sighed. "At least I'm not the only one who's life has taken a turn for the weird lately."

She took a sip of sake (the brand ironically being called Dragonslayer) and leaned back in her chair. Micro had asked for some but even transforming and telling her of his poison resist skill didn't comfort her in give alcohol to a 15 year old.

"You are taking this rather well," Micro said.

"I have a dragon who pledged to be my maid after I drunkenly asked her to live with me and who constantly tries to get me to eat her tail meat. Then there's Kanna…" she pauses to assure the little girl she wasn't complaining about her. "Who eats bugs and plugs herself into a power outlet to charge. A dragon who takes the form of a blonde (ish) balloon chested young woman looks after my bosses son after she hijacked his demon summoning ritual, and another dragon lives with my colleague and as far as I know hasn't destroyed the world because he likes video games too much. Add in one that works with me and barely makes a living due to spending so much money on sweets."

She takes a long swig of her sake and sighs.

"I literally don't think anything being real can surprise me anymore, let alone a Vampire, a kid who's life is a game, and an overpowered exorcist."

Micro held back on mentioning the Succubi and game characters coming to life for now. Heck, he didn't even reveal more than his basic abilities and what he showed off defending Kanna. He certainly wasn't going to reveal his friends secrets...again (shudders thinking of his first meeting with Celestia).

"So...any chance I can meet the other dragons?" Fluttershy smirked at him teasingly.

"You mean the balloon chested one?"

Micro rolled his eyes as Kobayashi looked at them.

"Aren't you his girlfriend?"

"One of them," Fluttershy said with a small smirk. Kobayashi stared at her, then took another swig.

"In anycase, they aren't coming around tonight except Tohru who went out shopping. She should be back soon."

"Sir Micro," Kanna said tugging on his sleeve.

"Umm...why the sir?" The young Gamer asked.

"You fought off that man in a suit of armor like a knight," Kanna said. Micro looked at her cute face and saw the full innocent sincerity only possible from a child and his heart skipped a beat.

"Oh...um...ok then," Micro said and blushed when he saw Fluttershy giggling a bit at his predicament. Kobayashi just smiled. "What was it you needed?"

"I was wondering if I could play with those cute animals you had."

"Oh! You mean Pachirisu and Pikachu." He looked over to Kobayashi. "Is it ok for us to go out on the roof?"

"Sure," Kobayashi shrugged. "Just make sure you don't get discovered."

"Oh no need to worry. I can create a barrier to prevent people from noticing us."

Kobayashi nodded and Kanna put her arms up in the air as if she were excited, but still keeping her blank face. As they left, with Micro listing some of the other Pokémon he could bring, Fluttershy turned to Kobayashi.

"Is there any reason you let her go out on her own so late? Not trying to judge or anything but…"

"I didn't know she wasn't charged up," Kobayashi sighed. "When she is, she is stronger than any human I know, so I wasn't worried. From now on, I'll make sure either Tohru, one of the other dragons, or I are with her. Not that I could do much…"

"Might deter some people if they see an adult with her," Fluttershy shrugged and stretched her back. Kobayashi stared at her for a moment before growling out, slurring her words. The alcohol was obviously affecting her now.

"Is there something about being magical that makes your chest size grow super sized?" Fluttershy looked at her for a moment, then down at her chest. It was...well, Scootaloo was almost bigger.

"Nothing like that," Fluttershy chuckled a bit. "Besides, your chest is good for your body."

"Don't patronize me," Kobayashi whined. As Kobayashi laid her head on the table, Fluttershy subtly went to move the bottle away. Quick as a whip, the woman leapt at her and tried to grab the bottle back, only to land on top of Fluttershy, face in her chest as the bottle rolled on the ground. Before they could right themselves, the door opened.

"Miss Kobayashi! I'm back!"

In the doorway stood a girl in a strange version of a maid outfit (white frills and black apron like dress?) with blonde hair, orange tips, and pink/purple mixed in. Two large horns stretched up from her head. Her chest was a bit smaller than Fluttershy's and she was carrying a few grocery bags. When the woman saw the scene before her, the bags hit the floor.


Fluttershy wasn't stupid. She knew she wasn't strong enough to fight a dragon. She shifted into a swarm of bats and appeared on the other side of the kitchen.

"Wait a moment," Fluttershy tried to say calmly. "It's nothing like that. We simply helped Kanna and-"

A ball of energy formed around Tohru's mouth and Fluttershy went wide eyed. Suddenly Kobayashi was right in Tohru's face.

"Tohru!" She yelled. The dragon lady swallowed the energy ball and blushed.

"Miss Kobayashi…"

"She is one of two people who saved Kanna!" Kobayashi yelled. "How dare you repay her kindness with violence!"

Fluttershy was surprised. This was a completely different personality from what Micro was talking to. Tohru was a bit shocked by this until she saw the bottle on the floor. Sighing, Tohru looked to Fluttershy.

"What happened?"

A Little Later

Kanna was ecstatic (Micro thought at least since it was so hard to tell) as she chased Emolga down the stairs and to the apartment. Micro grinned as he followed her. It was nice seeing her so happy, and he could understand the "cutegasms" Saikawa gets.

They entered the ID version of the apartment and Micro broke it. What they saw made them stop and stare.

Fluttershy for some reason was wearing a maid outfit (a more stereotypical one) and Kobayashi was yelling at another girl with blonde hair about how a real maid should look.

"Um…" Micro started.

"Miss Kobayashi is drunk again," Kanna said. Emolga looked at the red head and saw the embarrassed expressions on Fluttershy and Tohru's face. With a look of determination, Emolga flew over and electricity crackled. Before Micro could say anything, a bolt of electricity shot from Emolga and hit Kobayashi. When it was done, Kobayashi collapsed to the ground.

"Miss Kobayashi!" Tohru cried out. Micro quickly returned Emolga to her Pokeball.

"She should be ok," Micro said. "Just knocked out. Emolga just wanted to help."

After Fluttershy changed back to her regular clothes and Tohru helped Kobayashi into bed, the two tourists thought it was best to leave.

"It was nice getting the chance to meet you," Micro said, bowing his head slightly. Tohru nodded.

"Sorry for Miss Kobayashi's attitude. She is rather obsessed with maids and it really comes out when she is drunk."

"It's no problem," Fluttershy said. She looked at Micro and saw him blush a bit. She would have to get a maid outfit sometime soon.

"Sir Micro," Kanna said looking up at him. "Will you come by to visit sometime?"

Micro used Gamer's Mind to prevent cuteness overload.

"Sure," Micro said. "And I will bring even more cute Pokemon."

Kanna nodded, and while it was hard, Micro saw the joy. He gave her a pat on the head and turned to leave with Fluttershy.

As the two walked, Micro checked the time (Japan time).

"We should probably get back home."

"Wait." Fluttershy said. "There is one more thing I want to do."

Micro smiled at her and nodded.

"Of course," he said. "This is your trip to."

Fluttershy grinned and grabbed his hand.

"I'm sure you will enjoy this just as much as me," she said.

Now she just had to remember where that Love Hotel was.