
Chapter 12 - First Day of School

Math with Mr. Cranky was turning out to be just as miserable as Micro thought it would be. The teacher was just droning on and on about the same basic principles of the first chapter. It didn't even seem like they were going to do any actual problems in class today.

Not that Micro really cared at the moment. Not when he received a new pop up.

Event Dungeon Available!

Education and Learning

Time Limit: 1 Day

Location: School

'So I get the chance to do special dungeons every so often?' He smiled at that. After all, how hard could a dungeon about education be? He sent a party invite to Spike and Sugar and then opened party chat.

You guys interested in doing an event dungeon after school?

What's an event dungeon? (That was Spike)

As far as I can tell it is just a dungeon that opens at random times and can only be done within a certain time limit.

And how dangerous is it? (Sugar of course)

It's called Education and Learning so I doubt it is anything big. Though I do wonder why it waited until math class to show up.

That phrase sounds familiar somehow… (Spike)

I know right!

Little did the group know that they were being watched by one of their new friends.

'What is going on with them?' Scootaloo said. 'They keep looking down as if they are texting each other but they don't have their phones out.'

"Why are you staring at them?" Applebloom whispered to her friend. Scootaloo looked over at her.

"I'm telling you they are up to something," Scootaloo responded. Her two friends rolled their eyes.

"They already told us that they just pretend," Sweetie Belle sighed.

"And I'm telling you they just disappear into thin air!" She said, her voice getting louder.

"What disappears into thin air Ms. Scootaloo?" An angry voice said next to her desk. Scootaloo turned and saw Cranky standing next to her desk tapping his foot. "Apparently whatever you were talking about was so impressive you felt the need to interrupt the whole class."

"I...I'm sorry teacher…" Scootaloo said. Cranky sighed.

"It's the first day and I already have to hand out a detention. Come back here after your classes. As for you two…" Looks at the other two girls. "You two are on thin ice for whispering. Since you didn't interrupt class I will let you off with a warning but next time you will be joining her in detention."

"Yes teacher," Sweetie and Applebloom said in unison. Scootaloo grumbled but sat back in her seat silently. Micro looked at her a little guiltily.

'If I tell her about my ability, that would solve a lot...but are there more problems that would arise if I do?'

These thoughts made their way into his mind all the way to lunch. The group of six had sat together again and were chatting about how things are going so far with the two girls gently teasing Scootaloo for getting detention on the first official day. He was still debating whether or not to say anything when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. The group turned and saw Fluttershy standing there.

"Oh Fluttershy!" Micro said standing up. "I...I'm sorry about…"

"It...it's fine," Fluttershy said blushing. "Though Rainbow said you wanted to make things up to me?"

"Well, yeah," Micro said blushing. "I'm at least partially responsible for those...incidents and I feel I should do something for you in return."

"Well, there actually is one thing…" Fluttershy said as she blushed. "You see, my friends and I had been planning on going to the new mall they are opening up on Saturday but they all have other things they have to do now. So…"

"You want me to go with you?" Micro asked. Fluttershy went even more crimson and nodded. "Well sure! I was interested in going there to."

"Great! Do you want to meet there around 10?"

"That sounds fantastic! Do you want to exchange numbers then?"

The two did so and with a wave Fluttershy left and Micro sat back down at the table. He was about to take a bite of his lunch when he saw his friends and even some of the older students staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You...you just got a date with Fluttershy!" One said.

"The girl with the nicest rack in the school!" Said another.

"He knows that!" Another commented. "She buried his face in them yesterday!"

Micro rolled his eyes at that, though that comment did bring something to his mind.

'What is her breast size? I thought it was E but…' he sighed. 'I forgot Observe again!'

"I repeat what I said earlier," Sugar said. "You are lucky!" Applebloom looked at him and turned red before looking at her own chest, thinking about her grandma, mom, and older sister's chests.

'Please don't let them skip me. Please don't let them skip me!'

"Well, it's almost time to go back to classes," Spike said. "What is everyone looking forward to the most."

"Well I like PE," Scoots said with Applebloom nodding.

"Well I think we all know what the boys are most looking forward to," Sweetie Belle said in a mock accusatory tone. The boys chuckled a bit as they invision Zecora.

The group made their way to the gym, with them separating to the different locker rooms. Micro briefly wondered about what it would be like to just follow the girls in...then realized that when he furthers his Modification skill…

'Oh my…' he blushed before fighting down the feeling rising down south. He did not want to have that happen in the guy's locker room.

Gym class started off just fine, at least until one student started throwing a tantrum.

"I am not going outside," the source of the tantrum stated. "These sneakers are more than your salary. I am not going to risk getting them dirty."

The girl had purple hair with a large white strike in it. Unlike the rest of the class, who were wearing regular white shirts and the black shorts, she was wearing purple and pink leggings and a matching tank top. A quick Observe revealed her story.

Diamond Tiara

(Rich Brat)

Lv 5

Stats: (Not high enough level in Observe)

Daughter of Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich, she is expected to live up to her family name. She has been spoiled much of her life and her attitude typically shows it. While her family life may be the cause of some of her attitude, she still acts as if her upbringing is superior to anyone else's. Her only friend is Silver Spoon, though that might be a stretch.

Breast Size: A Cup

Relationship: Doesn't know you, but already looks down on you.

Micro rolled his eyes at that. Of course she is a spoiled brat. Just what he didn't want to deal with. When meeting with some people to discuss the sale of his inventions, he met some rich kids and he despised the majority of them. Some were fine but most…

As for the "friend" that was mentioned, he cast a quick Observe on the grey haired, glasses wearing girl who was looking increasingly embarrassed.

Silver Spoon

(Kind Soul)

Lv 7

Stats: (Not high enough level in Observe)

Silver Spoon is a kind girl, at least normally. She befriended Diamond Tiara at a young age, with both being the only friend the other had. When Diamond Tiara started acting bratty, she stuck by her side, changing her attitude to fit in with her only friend.

Breast Size: B Cup

Relationship: Doesn't know you.

'So she is only with her because she doesn't have anyone else to be friends with?' Micro thought. That was...sad. 'Maybe I can do something to help her out.'

Quest Alert!

The Brat Who's Unstable and the Silver Spoon

-Silver Spoon currently is in a rough friendship that may lead down a dark road in the future

-Make friends with Silver Spoon

-Convince her Diamond Tiara is not a good friend

Quest Reward

-New friend

-100 exp

Quest Failure

-Friendship could turn abusive in the future

-Manipulation of Silver Spoon

Bonus Objective

-? (?)

After reading the failure option, Micro had to hit yes. There was no way he would let that go.

He looked back to the argument where Diamond Tiara was still rambling on to Spitfire about her complaints, until finally Spitfire had enough.

"Enough!" Spitfire growled. "Since you obviously didn't listen when I explained the gym uniform yesterday, I will speak louder! I explained yesterday that everyone would be required to participate. That includes YOU! So now, since you obviously don't want to play sports with the rest of the class, you can run laps all period, on the outdoor track!"

"What!?" Diamond Tiara shouted shocked. "When my daddy hears about this…!"

"When your daddy pays my salary, then I will listen to what he has to say! I know about you kid. You got your way at your old school because your mom was on the board. Not here! Now, I expect you to complete at least 20 laps before the end of the class!"

Most of the class chuckled while Micro saw Silver Spoon look at her "friend" in embarrassment. As they started making their way outside, the gray haired girl approached Diamond.

"It'll be find Diamond," she said. "You can borrow a pair of my sneakers from now on if you…"

"Why would I want your old beat up shoes!" Diamond snapped before stomping away grumbling. Silver started to tear up when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" Micro asked. Silver sniffed a bit and gave a forced smile.

"Of course. She's just...annoyed."

"Well it's not your fault," Micro said as they started following the class. "She acted up and you offered to help. If she doesn't want to listen, that's her problem."

"Well...she's just used to getting her way," Silver Spoon rubbed her arm shyly. She hadn't talked to a boy her age this long before. She was usually hanging with Diamond. Either that or they ignored her for some reason.

"Well, I guess you probably know her better than me," Micro conceded. He wasn't going to push too hard too fast or it might have the opposite effect. "So, I think we are learning soccer passes today and we all need partners. Do you want to team up since Diamond isn't joining in?"

Silver looked at him surprised. He knew she was friends with Diamond Tiara...but he wasn't judging her? A genuine smile crept onto her face.

"I...I think I would like that."


"And so class, now you know well," Zecora said. "Those are the major parts of the cell."

Most of the boys nodded dumbly at that while the girls took notes. Zecora was once again showing off her body in response to Frida's orders. Micro and Spike, who saw her in just lingerie last night, were the only ones able to pay any form of attention...to the lesson that is.

"Oh and Spike and Micro, I have a note," Zecora said as the class was packing up. "To meet in her office, the principal wrote."

Spike and Micro looked at each other curiously before nodding. They left the class first and made their way to the faculty offices.

"What do you think this is about?" Spike questioned. Micro thought about it for a moment.

"Well it has nothing to do with Zecora since she isn't coming with us...maybe the Fluttershy stuff? But that wouldn't explain why you are here as well…"

Mid thought, they arrived at the office. Spike and Micro both gulped and the Gamer knocked on the door.

"Come in," Celestia's voice called. The two entered and saw not only Celestia, but Luna, Twilight, and Sunset.

"Um… hello principal Celestia," Spike said nervously, meanwhile Micro looked at all their titles and rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Considering their titles I doubt we have to hide," he said before bowing toward the two older women. "Your highnesses."

Twilight and Sunset looked shocked at this, Luna looked suspicious, while Celestia seemed to be amused.

"How do you know about that?" Luna asked. Micro looked over at Spike and motioned him forward.

"You want to go first or should I?" Spike shot him a mild glare before stepping forward. He took a deep breath before he shifted into his Draco Kin form. Once again, all but Celestia reacted while Micro just pretended to check his nails.

"A...a Draco Kin?!" Sunset asked shocked.

"Hehe…" Spike chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah."

Suddenly a bolt of magic shot past him from behind and struck the wall next to Luna's head. Stunned, the rest of the group turned toward Micro and saw him glaring at the vice principal with his hands in a finger gun shape.

"I really hate racism so I suggest you not judge him based on other Draco Kin you may have met."

Luna looked guilty and let the magic she had been building in her hand dissipate. Spike nodded back at his friend with a smile while Celestia shot Luna a slightly scolding look.

"I apologize for my sister," Celestia said. "Now, I believe it is your turn to talk."

"Well…" Micro said as he scratched his head. "That's a long story...how much do you know about video games?"

For some reason, Luna went from ashamed, to intrigued.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}