
Sneaking out

after the accident Alec kept a eye on me never letting me out his sight.He was worried that I was hurt or that I was hiding something from him. I tried to go to the vampire hideout but I knew I would get caught so I started planning. I could sneak out the window and jump on the tree next to it but that would be hard for when he comes to check on me to make sure I'm sleeping and safe. The next day was student council day so he would be busy doing all his work and checking in on all the teachers so it would be easier to sneak out. I start to pack my bag with all the blood I have been collecting it would be suspicious if I go out with a big bag so I came up with a idea I can use my infinity bag I can add bunch of stuff in it. It's like a magic bag that the witches use to carry their spell books and spices. When it's finally dark outside I start to get ready I have my royal outfit in my bag so I can change when I get close to the hideout but for now I'm wearing my black hoodie and pants with a black hat and mask so just in case I get caught they can't see my face. When I get close to the hideout I put my royal outfit on which is a black dress with dark red roses and black with red bottom heels. I continue walking to the hideout when I see my mom I run over and give a hug and kiss then go to the other vampires and start to give out the blood I brought. After a couple of hours I start to say "goodbye" then leave on the way back I start to change back to my black hoodie. I looked at the time and it's almost time for Alec to check on me I start to run back I see the hallway light come on I climbed the tree as fast as I could when I reached the top I threw my bag and took off my hood and mask then threw the covers on me then my door swung open it was Alec I pretended to sleep he continued to see if I was sleep then he kissed my cheek and said "I know your up" then walked out the room. when he left I was blushing deep red. I got up and showered just in case I have blood on me then I put my PJs on and laid down and thought about what Alec said It keep repeating in my head I was a deep red just thinking about the kiss. A little after I started to fall asleep Alec came in my room after he came in he fell asleep on the bed with me I was too tired to care at the time so I just slept.