
My Sister's Friend

(The alarm blares)

"I've got to run. In, don't dawdle," Wan hurriedly called out as she dashed out the door.

It was a Thursday, just a few weeks before the start of school.

Klip wandered over to the table, chatting away on her phone. "Yeah, I arrived yesterday. Sure, give me your address," she relayed to her friend.

Putting her phone on hold, Klip turned to In. "P'In, I'm heading to Ling's house," she informed.

In nodded in acknowledgment as Klip departed, leaving In alone at home.

Finishing her breakfast of waffles and eggs, In decided to take a bike ride around the neighborhood before eventually stopping at a quaint park.


Examining the photo she had just taken, In was interrupted by an approaching figure.

"I can't even find peace in my own neighborhood? (sighs) I suggest you delete that picture, missy," the stranger spoke irritably.

In regarded the stranger with curiosity and irritation. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"Oh, now you don't recognize me? Weren't you just snapping photos of me earlier? I understand if you're a fan, but invading my privacy like this is too much. I'll need you to delete that picture," the stranger insisted.

He must be some kind of celebrity or notable figure, In speculated.

Preferring to avoid conflict, In showed him the pictures. "Look, I was capturing the beauty of the sky and trees, not focusing on you. Regardless of your identity, this place belongs to the public, not just you. If you seek privacy, perhaps staying home would be wise," In calmly asserted before pedaling away on her bike.

Left speechless, the stranger mused to himself, "She doesn't even know who I am?" Hiran pondered.

As In neared her house, she spotted a familiar face—Trat, her ex-friend's former boyfriend.

In quickly tucked in her face to avoid whoever was in the car.

Internally amused, In chuckled, "What are the odds of them attending the same university?"

In's ex-friend, Trat, glanced at the rearview mirror. "Is everything okay?" his friend inquired.

Turning back to the mirror, Trat shrugged. "Nothing, I thought I saw someone familiar. Perhaps I'm just overthinking it."

By 5:20 PM, In grew concerned. "That's odd. Klip said she'd be back by 6," In pondered aloud.

--- Ling's Place ---

"Wait up," Klip groaned as she dragged herself to catch up with her friend.

Before them stood yet another clothing store.

"Are we still not done?" Klip asked wearily.

Ling turned to her exhausted friend and chuckled. "We've only visited a couple of shops; there are plenty more to go," she teased.

Klip waved her hand dismissively. "This is too much. You could've told me beforehand, and I could've just prepared a dress," she grumbled.

Ling looped her arm through Klip's. "I wanted to shop with you. This was meant to be our first hangout in what, 4 or 5 years?" she reminded her friend.

Klip sighed. "You said it was for your brother's party?" she clarified.

Ling nodded. "Yes, remember P'Thawit, my brother? He went to study abroad just a few months before you guys also went abroad."

Klip furrowed her brow, trying to recall. "Have I ever met him?"

As they entered the shop, Ling replied, "You probably did, I don't know. He wasn't home that often. Even my parents complained about it," she laughed.

After a long day of shopping, they finally returned to Ling's house, where the party was just getting started.

Klip checked her watch. "5:30!?" she exclaimed.

Ling, adjusting her dress, turned to her friend. "What's wrong?"

Klip scratched her head. "I told P'In I'd be back by 6 pm, and now it's almost 6! I have to text her."

Ling looked apologetic. "Sorry, I should've informed you earlier."

Pouting, Klip replied, "It's probably fine. I'll just text P'In."

Ling suggested, "You can invite her as well."

Klip shook her head. "P'In hates crowded places. She probably won't come."

--- At Intira's Place ---

*Notification sound*

In checked her phone to find a message from Klip: "I'm going to be coming back late. Ling is having a party at her place. I'm sorry P'In, but please don't tell Mom about it."

In furrowed her brows. Her sister always seemed to be causing trouble. She replied, "Just be home before Mom comes back, and don't do drugs."

--- At Ling's Place ---

Upon receiving her sister's text, Klip chuckled softly.

Ling asked, "Is everything alright?"

Klip replied with a smile, "Yeah."


"Thank you, everyone, for attending my son's party," Ying Veeraphol, Ling's mother, announced.

"Thawit, come up here," she beckoned her son to the stage.

Thawit, dressed in a black suit, his medium-length hair slicked back, reluctantly made his way to the small stage. Standing tall at 6'1", his sharp jawline and elegant demeanor exuded wealth and nobility, befitting his family's status.

"Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to be here despite your busy schedules. My name is Thawit Singharattanapan..." he began his speech.

Taking a sip of his drink afterward, Thawit felt annoyed and yearned for some rest. His mother had unexpectedly thrown a welcoming party for him, despite his wishes for a quieter celebration.

"P'Thawit," Ling called out to her brother.

Thawit turned to his sister's voice. "Ling, what is it?"

Ling smiled. "This is Klip, P'Thawit. Do you remember her?"

Thawit furrowed his brows, trying to recall.

Klip scratched her head and smiled. "It's okay, P'Thawit probably doesn't remember."

"Klip, the kid who used to hang out with Ling all the time? The one Ling always talked about, the one who went abroad? That one?" Thawit questioned.

Klip smiled.

Ling confirmed, "Yes, P'Thawit."

"I didn't know you were back," Thawit remarked.

Ling replied, "Klip came back just a few days ago, two days after you."

Klip nodded in agreement.

As they chatted, they were interrupted by Lisa Suttikul.

Lisa, with short black hair and a petite frame, stood at 5'3". She was the daughter of one of Ying Veeraphol's friends, and it was clear from her eyes that she harbored feelings for Thawit.

--- At In's Place ---

Exiting the bathroom, In dried her hair with a towel and checked the clock once again before glancing at her phone.

"Still not home?" she wondered.

In dialed Klip's number.

"Are you done yet?" she asked.

Klip apologized, "P'In, I'm sorry. I'll be back this instant."

In interrupted her, "No, stay there, and I'll come pick you up. Just send me her address."

Quickly donning her coat, In rushed to Ling's house.

As In arrived, she was let in by one of the maids, who had been notified by Ling.

In noticed someone hurriedly trying to hide from a girl in the front garden. It was Thawit, seeking refuge from Lisa after slipping away from their conversation.

Suppressing her laughter, In watched the scene unfold.

From a distance, Lisa called out, "You! Yes, you there! You're a maid here, right?"

In glanced at Thawit, who was right in front of her, hiding behind bushes.

Thawit placed a finger to his lips, silently pleading for her to keep his presence a secret.

Separated by the bushes, In looked at Lisa with confusion.

"Have you seen Khun Thawit?" Lisa asked irritably.

In hesitated, then responded, "Yes, um... He went that way," pointing toward the backyard.

Ling's residence was expansive, featuring three houses within its premises, akin to an estate.

After Lisa departed, Thawit cautiously rose to scan the area, ensuring that Lisa was no longer around. Turning back, he found In had disappeared.

"P'In!" Klip called from the house.

"Did you wait long?" Klip inquired apologetically.

"P'In," Ling greeted with a smile.

Returning the smile, In replied, "Hi Ling, it's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. Sorry for the inconvenience; I should have informed Klip about this beforehand," Ling expressed regret.

"It's fine, but look at you guys, all dressed up," In joked, "Leave some men for me too."

They shared a laugh as they walked toward the gate, bidding goodbye to Ling.

"P'Thawit," Ling addressed her brother.

Ling chuckled, "Where were you? Khun Lisa was looking all over for you."

Thawit glanced around. "Don't tell her you saw me," he urged.

Ling chuckled once more. "I won't."

"What are you doing here?" Thawit inquired.

"I was seeing Klip off," Ling replied, suddenly recalling, "You should have come earlier. P'In was here."

"In? Who's that?" Thawit questioned.

Ling explained, "She's Klip's sister."

"Klip's sister?" Thawit mused.

Thawit reminisced about a time before he went abroad when he had given an umbrella to a girl, who turned out to be Klip's sister. He recalled seeing her crying and drenched on the school grounds.

As Thawit strolled back to his car on the school grounds with his companions, a sight caught his attention—a girl, tear-streaked and drenched, sat alone, seemingly lost in despair.

Curiosity piqued, Thawit turned to his friend, seeking clarification. "You know who that is?"

His friend's response carried a whisper of gossip. "I heard she's the sister of your sister's friend. Rumor has it she tried to steal her best friend's boyfriend. The entire school is buzzing about it. You haven't heard?"

Shaking his head at the unfamiliar tale, Thawit absorbed the cautionary words from his friend. "What should I expect from you? Regardless, I suggest you steer clear of her; she spells trouble."

Observing his friend retreat to the car, Thawit's internal conflict surged. Despite the warning echoing in his mind, empathy tugged at his conscience as he witnessed the girl's anguish.

As he settled into the car, he found himself unable to dismiss the scene outside. With a decisive choice, he stepped out once more, ignoring his friend's exasperated call to leave the situation alone.

Approaching the distressed girl, Thawit extended a gesture of kindness, shielding her from the rain with his umbrella.

 "Don't stay out here; you'll catch a cold," he advised gently before departing, leaving behind the token of his goodwill.

Back to the present, Ling's voice broke his reverie. "P'Thawit?"

"P'Thawit! Are you okay?" Ling inquired once more.

"I'm fine," Thawit assured her.