
Frequency: Wounded Reflection

All Lukas wanted was to live a simple life with his family. But after a strange monster rampaged through his village, his simple life was torn to pieces. Later found by a member of an elusive group known as the Fortissimo, Lukas vowed to hunt down the monster and take revenge.

Plupps · Fantasie
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216 Chs

Cherished Memory

[Volume I: Introduction to the Snow]

Lukas never had much. He lived a simple life on the outskirts of Shorstone with his family, right by the shore of Mystic Lake. 

Every day he would help his father with fishing, hunting, or chopping firewood before winter came. Occasionally, he would have to travel to the market to pick up supplies.

Sure, he had to do a lot, but he was the oldest sibling in his house. Even if he was only fourteen, he had a lot of work to do. His father had a lot that needed to be done, so he had Lukas help him. 

His father could be a bit temperamental, but he never let it get in the way. Sure, sometimes he would shout, but it's not like he would snap or give Lukas insane punishments. His father just had a lot of stress.

Still, despite some hardships, Lukas was content with his life, even happy. As, at least in his eyes, he got to spend every day with his family. Which was something to wake up to every day.

Today was one of the days when he had to pick up supplies from the markets of Shorstone. When he wasn't trading or bartering for goods, he would sit down and take a breath. Admiring the vibrant hues of the gorgeous Mystic Lake.

Especially when evening would fall, with its vibrant yellows and blues. But he couldn't sit here forever, admiring the way the light danced off the surface of the crystal still surface. He had to return home before the light was gone.

It didn't take long at all, as he was sitting at his favourite spot along the banks of the lake. Right in front of his home, on the calm gravel beach.

As he opened the door, he saw his mother look over from the kitchen and smile warmly at him.

"Lukas is back!"

She stopped cutting vegetables and went to help Lukas unload all that he was carrying. Bringing most of the supplies over to the kitchen. The rest Lukas organised himself, one by one.

His father was currently absent, most likely cutting firewood or hunting small prey. It was autumn after all, winter would come soon, so he and his father needed to put in a bit more work.

His siblings too, were mostly goofing off, playing games with each other. Except Ela who was helping their mother with the cooking.

It's not like they had much to do anyway. Sometimes they would help their mother with cleaning the house, or the clothes. Lukas was the only one to help their father, as he was the only one capable and willing to help. Maybe when little Caleb grew to Lukas' age. Maybe then he would help.

For now, Lukas sat down on an old rocking chair and relaxed for the night. His feet were tired and needed a rest. He let the smell of the meal his mother was making envelop the room as he listened to Caleb babble on his random stories.

"...and then a HUGE spider came out of the ground and fought with the bird! They kept fighting until the sun came up and, and, and the spider was winning, but then he had to go into the ground because he was scared of the sun."

Nothing ever really happened in the stories, but it was enough to keep little Amy entertained. Lukas sometimes wondered what her imagination must be like, after hearing so many of Caleb's little stories. 

Sometimes Caleb would ask Lukas for stories, and he would make up extravagant stories. Caleb on the other hand, would take about half of it, simplify it and tell it to his younger sister. Caleb never really understood many of Lukas' stories.

Soon, however, when dinner was almost ready, their father returned home. Made known by the loud distinctive clicking of the lock. The children ran to the door, but Lukas was always too tired to do the same. Ela too, did not greet their father, with her hands full helping their mother.


His father looked down at them, picking up little Amy and putting her on his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, I'm back. But let me put this down and get out of my outdoor clothes."

He put Amy down and moved to the fireplace, dropping the firewood tucked under his shoulder that he had collected that day to an ever-growing pile. Sitting at the table waiting for a meal to be served, simply relaxing from working all day. 

Soon dinner was served, rabbit stew. The table ate quietly for the most part, maybe occasionally interrupted by Caleb or Amy, who would quiet down when insisted by their mother. Lukas finished his share first and excused himself to rest and sleep for the night.

He always slept first, as he shared his room with all of his siblings. So he tried to be fast asleep before they could keep him awake. They were always so noisy.

If it weren't for Lukas' constant exhaustion from either going to town or helping his father he would likely have trouble sleeping due to his younger siblings. But rarely does he have to worry about such things, sleeping like a rock through the night.