
freind love forever

Some people believe that money is needed to be happy in life.....And someone wishes that friends are needed to live life....Is this true, is friendship really important in human life?Yes this is true...Friendship is very important in human life...Don't be a friend, you are incomplete alive ...Today we will see some such friends in this novel ....who love each other...

ayeshasiddiqua · Teenager
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31 Chs

❤️ friends forever ❤️

After performing the last rites of Haniya, Uncle said where will you go.... I told me to leave Anant Ashram .... He did not like it and he took me with him to his house. brought ... but I was not ready • • ... I did not want to do anyone any favour...

Then your baba said to pay the rent. And I started going to your school with you guys ... then after coming from school used to go to work at book shop .... then I went to college ... after that started going to university ....

After that I quit sitting at the bookshop... and started the job of a professor in college..... G one day I went to the cemetery from the university and Raj followed me after seeing me going to the graveyard everyday :: •..

he saw that I was crying sitting near a grave and talking to my father for revenge ... then Raj asked me I could not hide and told it all .... but Raj My true friend turned out to be my secret after your baba. Raj 9 .... he has never told anyone till today.....

I would say that whatever happened was very bad... but leave everything to the above, everything will be fine. They have got the punishment for what they did....now you take care of them... Preeti said and got up ==... I'll eat it and make it..... .

Mahesh got up from the sofa and said how he got up.....Okay you make khichdi..Mahesh hastily the sofa.... This khichdi is not eaten by me man... he made a face and said that you laughed dearly...

now you have said that you will eat whatever you want... now this will not be made dear please.. .. ... you ... no now this will be made ... Preeti says she ran away ... you laughed ... after many years now she came in peace ....

Karan, Raj, Karthik, Rishab and Harsh... went to Mahesh's house today.... to inquire about his baba's health. Let's all play cricket today... But how will you play, Lame Harsh said ... Just do it Harsh, don't harass others all the time, Raj said, he said ok, go to Mahesh's Baba and sit Gaya ....

tell me uncle how are you ... Harsh asked Mahesh's baba then he saw Harsh ... who are you ... I am your son's best friend.. Harsh said ... .. save .. S ++ P Which son Wu will be surprised ... this is Mahesh and not your son ... I am not even getting married yet and you have even met my son ...

listened to him Where everyone laughed, they fell hard and fell. How are you talking uncle, now your son will be married, now the feast is yet to be held. Your son ... how do you know my son ... now tell me that he is my friend .. but you are there ... Harsh's head turned around .... when everyone laughed and robbed Poots were happening...

... today was Liza's birthday but she didn't remember.. and hard had a birthday plan. : ... Ever since Lisa came, Harsh had stopped talking to Anamika.. What was the matter of Narjagi Anamika ... and then harsh had made Lisa's birthday cake today .... Q The Anamika cake was made well...

and Rishab had thought that he would accept Heer today.... and Heer was not ready to come here.. but Karan had prepared it for carrying. . had reached the farmhouse .... Maria too she had come .... ... all Rishab had finally taken Heer in his mind .... Maria was looking at Raj standing far away ....

Liza had also arrived .... that inner you Harsh took her bubble in the garden of the farmhouse ... it was all darkness ... but as soon as Liza came that light .. ... Looking at the wonderful decoration. ... then everyone wished it in a loud voice .... Lisa ran away and hugged Harsh. ,,,,,

If I had gone from here, you would not have hit the wall.... Harsh said laughing Howe.. Then I would have pushed you into the pool ... Liza laughed Howe said You laughed Harsh. , ..and everything is here but this one happily asked... yes all is yours...

Have come here….. Harsh smiled. was….but now Maria had given up on it….she was still looking at Raj eagerly…and Raj was looking at Liza with love who was joking with Harsh .... Maria went to rote howe ... then Liza came to Raj.. also i will try...

but there are more people here but why did you tell me only.... because you are my friend not... are we friend Liza asked you Raj nodded.... We both are very good friends Raj suddenly asked ...

yes but less than Harsh Liza said mischievously you gave Raj laughed ... then Anamika gave her voice then she left. Ok Mr. Emotion remember me .. ok boss Raj bowed down to his heart and said that you laughed Liza .... all those laughter will happily leave for their homes ...

Uncle do you intend to have your son's wedding party or not....Harsh was again present in front of Mahesh's baba ...He was watching Harsh very carefully...First my Let the marriage happen, he said calmly… Hey you too will get married….

But first you should do Mahesh's feast .... but when Mahesh got married ... He never knew Mahesh, you never knew the month of Mahesh's marriage .... Whose marriage should happen ... last Mahesh's .. kon mahesh... your son .. my son's wedding tu hogayi 1 ... what should I do now ....

you make it a feast .... ok I will get it done. .. then who will marry me... A Mahesh Tere baba is very fond of getting married, is Harsh got fed up and asked ..... Mahesh was laughing after listening to these two ... Be a human being, Harsh Mahesh slap ko...

yes tu uncle we said... ye uncle who told you... told you... how much is the difference between me and yours... I am at most 4 days older than you 1 .... yes right... ... are ... we both used to steal Imalia in childhood and called harsh Yes remember me... Then one day you had asthma... and you died coughing, I missed you a lot. After you die ***. He said sadly, you felt dizzy to Harsh → When Mahesh laughed with a sigh. ...

Come on Baba, it is time for you to sleep. ... after 2 months there will be 23 Mahesh's feast .. . ..they said you are happy happy ... 7 3 .. ... after a month . ... Karthik and Simran get married .. Uncle Faizi had come in the wedding of these ... Uncle told Karthik that son your father has given me a feast. Ho ho ho, I don't want to be considered an uninvited guest, ho ho ho...


Come on uncle ho ho ho ho "} ho,,, you will look very good with them,,, take pictures, ho ho ho, Harsh nailed them. .... who are you badtmiz boys,,, ho ho ho, 1, ... I am Kartik's friend, uncle, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho haarsh is still not deterred he became a man Jakartik killed Harsh Thappad... Le Ban Gaya Insan Harsh put a finger on his mouth... Everyone laughed at his tantrums...

The second day of Kartik and Simran's wedding... Rishab and Heer were married and Heer himself had decided that she wanted to go to Rishab's house now... and she didn't want to trouble Rishab.... ... today even in their marriage, Harsh had harassed Heer more than the limit...

With great difficulty to give party to Harsh by promising that he had taken Sherwani from him… because Harsha had hidden the Sherwani at the last moment… Because Rishab did not have time to get another Sherwani... . ... l Heer and Rishab were also married ...

Mahesh and Preeti were married exactly 2 weeks after their marriage .... which was happening .... in which Harsh made Preeti a bride. Had troubled .... and Preeti, who became the bride, could not even break her head ...

so she was patient. Even in Mahesh's feast, Harsh was behind his baba..... and whatever he did, he would do the same way.... Mahesh's baba was getting very happy with its kite antics.... he insisted. Kar was dressed like a Harsh..... though she was Sherwani....

After the marriage of all these, the date of marriage of Karan and Mehak was fixed. ... their marriage was after 2 years because they were still studying for Mehak .... Harsh had asked his grandmother to take Anamika's house to Rishtey .... Before this he had talked to Anamika .....

and he had sent a message to Raj after thinking of Anamika that now I will also become a bridegroom ... together there was an innocent little emoji. ... Reading this message, Raj sitting in his room laughed ... Yes Shaitan now you will also become a bridegroom ...

Raj replied and laughed for a long time ... Then he messaged Lisa that your work is done. ... 666 8 Harsh's grandmother went to Anamika's house and asked for her relationship, you those people will agree ... But Anamika's 3 Tai and 3 uncles said that they will take Harsh's exam ...

Will Harsh be his daughter? can keep Anamika happy or not....if she passes then we will get married otherwise not....when Harsh's grandmother will be happy that you are someone who will straighten her grandson... While Anamika's grandfather was rejoicing that there is someone you who will straighten their worthless sons.....

The next day there should be 6 tests of the horse. ... in which one groomed clothes. Keep pressing ... . . wanted to see that if Harsh ever made his daughter feel like not doing anything, he would either help her or help her .....

Harsh did all the work and passed ... and now Harsh was understanding how to tolerate people like himself..... Harsh's grandmother, you are happy ... today was Harsh's wedding.. .. Harsh had decorated the house as well as the whole street .... like Harsh, his work was also unique ...

Anamika was sitting in the Breedley room .... All the girls were with her ... Liza was also there .... I don't know when this Harsh will come, Heer said to Bezaari. .. then his eyes went to the TV screen which was connected to the camera to see the entry of the groom outside ....

Heer gestured to everyone and told that you all will be surprised... What is this Anamika asked ..... your future husband is like this, its work is like this, let's all go out and see u .... Liza first laughed looking at Anamika and then asked everyone to go along.....

Everyone came to the door and started seeing the entry of Harsh.... Said Harsh had decorated the track with flowers that everyone was surprised .... In front of the track there were 2 heavy bikes one was driving Mahesh and the other Raj...

Cars were stopped in front of the hall. Raj and Mahesh did it on the .. side of the car. , And will stand in front of the track.... where his wicked friend was dancing howe was descending from the track and Rishab you landed straight. Standing .... Fireworks from both the sides......

the coming and going were watching this scene intermittently .. .. someone asked Mahesh who is getting married he said that sample of ... Ural .... Tu to Harsh and Anamika Everyone was happy in the marriage… Raj was looking at everyone smiling and standing away….


Mahesh and Preeti.. Mahesh was saying something to Baba… Then he put his hand on his head. . .. on the other side Heer was scolding Rishab not to eat anything sweet and cold today... because she was unwell..

. Karna and Mehek was taking selfie standing aside.... Simran and Kartik fighting that if karthik didn't say the right idioms now you won't talk to him..Harsh and Anamika were laughing sitting on stage..Liza Raj

The mother and sisters were laughing sitting in the middle...

Then Vivek pursued Maria...and she said yes...they both were talking standing side by side with Roma...Raj had apologized for his rudeness to Maria and she forgave Had given . , Everything was perfect....). Then Mahesh called him with a voice..... .... Mahesh asked for a phone to Rishab, if I take a photo, he did not give it ....

Then Karan said that bring me, my hand is long, so he quickly gave the phone. Yes Rishabh .... Mahesh did not give the demand to the phone ... and Karan asked for it and gave it immediately....

that's why all the digging is said on one side Joru's brother one .... Karthik said you will all be silent for a minute .... Karthik got nervous, did you say something wrong..... on the other hand Then Harsh blew the whistle, applaud friends, today Karthik

The correct phrase has been spoken .... Hearing this, Karthik said, embarrassed and put his hand on his head, everyone applauded and whistled loudly....... everyone was happy. ..... there was happiness in everyone's life ..... that's why it is said that friends make life .....

...... THE END .......

How did you like this novel?...Like and comment my dear friends ...bye bye ❤️❤️ love u all ....

🥰ayesha siddiqua 🥰