
Freezing Prisoner

Growing up the last years of his live in poverty on mars, the once called Yuri never expected anything good to happen in his life. However, even he did not anticipate being chosen by the Spartakan AI, becoming one of the Kosmanavts - an elite group of Space Soldiers that were practically demigods for the averadge human. Transported into a alien magical world, he found himself facing against terrible aliens, traitors, monsters, other Kosmonavts - and much worse - in a deadly battle of survival. What's worse, the new powers he managed to aquire just so happened to make his already cold life even worse.

LORD_TOADY · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Powerless men

''Sometimes it can be even worse: a man decides to go to, let's say Earth, ''--here Daniel turned back and stared right at Yuri ''isn't that right, sleepy? ''

Daniel than suddenly turned towards me.

Yuri was slightly surprised and questioned when the driver realized that he had awoken.

Frank than turned back and said: ''So you are not dead. That's good. ''

'Wow, so he can be nice, ' thought Yuri to himself. His overall impressions of the man changed slightly for the better.

His impressions went better, when Frank asked the other two if they'd like to have a smoke.

Yuri didn't say no, while Daniel, who did not smoke, refused.

'' What sort do you prefer? ''

'' You've got different sorts? '' glumly asked Yuri.

'' Which do you prefer? '' repeated Frank.

'' Well, then honestly, I'd like to have the marsian brand 'Taxon' '' replied Yuri.

Frank then immediately pulled a cigarette case out of his pocket and offered it to Yuri.

' It truly is ' Taxon ' . . .' thought Yuri to himself.

But Yuri wasn't much surprised by the fact that the cigarette case actually contained ' Taxon' but rather by the cigarette case itself. It was of enormous dimensions, made of solid gold and on the inside of the cover a triangle of diamonds flashed with blue and white fire.

Daniel only opened the window. He was again shown not to be shocked by the case. It seemed he had already seen it enough times. Frank only thought: ' What the hell is he . . .? '

Yuri and the owner of the case lit their cigarettes.

Yuri decided to ask Daniel, how he managed to find out that Yuri wanted to go to Earth.

'' Don't ask him. For as long as I know him, he somehow has answers to most questions, even if I don't entirely believe his words. But he can guess most things about other almost completely correctly. '' Responded Frank.

''I may continue now,'' said Daniel, while also turning the car around. For as long as Yuri lived here, he realized that even during the night, the streets were never empty. Now however…

''Let's say a man decides to go to Earth. A trivial matter you may think, but he cannot because for no good reason he suddenly jumps up and is attacked by bandits! Then, by some miracle, he manages to fend them off, even killing some of them. The only difference being that the police then arrested the man, even if it was purely out of self-defense, but one of the guys he killed was a son of a rich Mafioso. Then, the police get paid to send the poor guy into the next prison-planet, where he ultimately dies. Are you going to tell me that he arranged to do that himself? Wouldn't it be nearer the truth to say that someone quite different was directing his fate? '' Daniel than gave an eerie peal of laughter.

''I shall refute his argument by saying'' Frank decided to himself, '' that of course the man is mortal, no one could argue with that. And even with our technology, after a few centuries, we ultimately succumb to death. But the fact is that . . . ''

However, he was not able to pronounce the words before Daniel continued:

''Of course, man is mortal, but that's only half the problem. The trouble is that the man is unexpectedly mortal! And he cannot even say what he will be doing this evening. ''

''What a stupid way of putting the question. '' thought Frank and objected:

''Now there you exaggerate. I know more or less exactly what I'm going to be doing this evening. Provided of course that a brick doesn't fall on my head in the street. . . ''

''A brick never falls on anyone's head. You, my friend, I assure you, are in no danger from that. Your death will be different. ''

''Perhaps you know exactly how I am going to die? '' enquired Frank with understandable sarcasm at the ridiculous turn that the conversation seemed to be taking. '' Would you like to tell me? ''

''Certainly, '' rejoined the stranger. He stopped the car, looked at Frank up and down as though he were measuring him for a suit and muttered through his teeth something that sounded like : '' One, two . . . Alex in the second house . . . the moon waning . . . six-- accident . . . evening--seven . . . '' then announced loudly and cheerfully : ''You will die by a puppy! ''

Frank then turned to his companion with a wild, furious stare and Frank asked with a sardonic grin :

'' Are you f*cking with me? A puppy?! ''

'' Yes, '' replied his companion, ' a puppy of a young man named Alex.'

'' Hm, '' grunted Frank, upset by the foreigner's little joke. '' That, if you don't mind my saying so, is most improbable. ''

''I beg your pardon, '' replied Daniel, while starting the car, '' but it is so. ''

No one decided to continue to talk anymore.

Looking around, Yuri realized that they were still no sign of other people. It was as if they were in the middle of a ghost town.

Yuri was just about to ask where they were, but was caught off by Daniel whispering:

'' Jesus did exist, you know. ''

'' Look, Daniel '' said Frank, with a forced smile, '' With all respect to you I take a different attitude on that point. ''

'' It's not a question of having an attitude, '' replied the Daniel. '' He existed, that's all there is to it. ''

''But one must have some proof. . . . '' began Frank.

''There's no need for any proof, he just existed '' answered Daniel.

Just as they were about to argue, Yuri heard something ram into the car, what made it fly around and crash.

After that, he lost his conscience.
