
freedom to excel

the whole house was very quite and there were no trades or nose or talk from anyone

Kate_Cat_7642 · Bücher und Literatur
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the strict man

the whole house was very quite and there were no trades or noise or talk from anyone.there was no visible sign of distraction or shout from with in, the opposite, the next building or even neighbors.this was largely due to the faft that Mr. Roti's two sons and the housemaid knew that ,their father ,mr roti was very strict and a great disciplinarian to the core .

Mr roti did not tolerate any nonsense laxity nonchalant attitude from any of the children and their housemaid . Mr Roti's wife was always busy at the work place , because she was the one managing her husband's company due to her husband's poor health condition.despite the fact that mr roti was diagnosed of a serious aliments, warned not to stress himself, he believed so much that his children Stephen,David and his housemaid, Soloman were his future. Mr roit oftend created time to oriented is children and the housemaid.he did not tolerate failure or to much play from any child . he always treats them equal even with is housemaid Solomon, to show them all that their have equal rights.he encouraged the children to do well in their acadmy he pursuit because he saw it as a great opportunity for them to excel.

part of me roti rule and regular was that no one should be found playing ball all sitting ideal , but reither seeing to be reading. he makes sure that he monitor them daily to do there reading appropriately, after coming back from school and also make sure that the did their assignment after taking lunch , and resting.

Mr roti was always happy and felt good anytime he saw is children and housemaid Solomon reading their book. he believed that true he was wealthy, and capable of living great inheritance for them, training his children his children his.best way he could, he would remain the only legacy that could make them happy forever.mr roti was ready to use all his energy, depress his unhealthy condition to train his children to reach the best and highest level in the academy word. non of his children could dare he,deprise is condition because their all new is reaction would be very harsh ,

when the period of exam was fast approaching,the children and housemaid, Solomon were always very serious g with there studies, both evening and night because there would not want to upset their father.

the children Stephen David and Solomon where set to deliver good results to there father as a reward if his support toward their academic career.

thanks for reading