
Who is who?

Women were created to be of a man. A Man should be the one protecting a woman. Yet, nowadays it is being disregarded. Man and woman are hurting each a other for various reasons.

If you are a woman reading this, stop hurting men and act like your the one being hurt. Men are not the one who create pains but instead they are the one enduring it from the very beginning. They are the most vulnerable.

If you're a man reading this, stop pretending to be strong let your true self be revealed. There is nothing wrong about crying or asking for help. You weren't created to be perfect, you have your own flaws and weaknesses. Acceptance is the key for a better life.

Man and woman should synchronize to have a better world. To stop creating conflicts, misunderstanding, and other negative things in life.

Start a from yourself. Renew your life if its is needed. Don't say, tomorrow, let it be now.

Time is flying a fast, you can't grab what is. being lost.