
Free in another life. solo leveling

The short story is that someone committed suicide because of his boring life and confronted the god, giving him a wish

Daoist755Z0T · Bücher und Literatur
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25 Chs

episode 8

8 Chapter 8 - (Time Skip) and the way to the Capital

I woke up not from the fact that Force pokes his finger at me, but from the fact that the ladder licks my face. By the way, I ought to call him because I sheltered him, then I am responsible for him. When I looked at Seal's bed I saw that she was still asleep .. hee hee. Thank you very much, chanterelle, and now I can take a well-deserved place "Older brother". Getting out of bed and going to Seal's bed, which lies on its side, I began to blow lightly into her ear. After a while, Seal started tossing and turning and waving her hand around her ear over and over again .. hee hee. I think that Seal realized that something was wrong and decide to see why she can't brush away the annoying insect that prevents her from sleeping. Opening her eyes, she met mine and almost jumped with fright, and then said:

- Honestly Sam, I should wake you up first. How did you wake up before me? - (Seal)

- She woke me up. - I say and point to the animal that sits on my bed.

"She?" Seal repeated and looked at the fox with such a look as if her toy had been stolen from her.

- Listen, Sam, did you give her a name? - (Seal)

"Hmm ... No, I didn't, but let me think." He said and began to think about what name to give her.

Looking at the fox on my bed, I began to think about her name. You can call her Blecky because of her black color, although not corny. Exactly ... I'll call her Goldie because she has golden eyes and a small badge on her forehead which is also golden in color. I think it's a fitting name because "Gold" translates to gold.

"Goldie ... how do you like Goldie?" - (I)

—Beautiful name- Said Seal and she looked happy like Goldie, and after Seal added. "Listen, Sam, you promised to tell me where you got the meat and milk for Goldie yesterday.

"Sorry Sil, but I can't tell you about it yet, but in the future I promise to tell you everything. Forces, I hope you will not be angry for not telling you this right now? - (I)

"No, I'm not angry, but I will if you don't tell me later." Good? - (Seal)

"Okay, for now, go to breakfast and I'll feed Goldie for now." (I)

After Seal left, I started buying food for Goldie the same as yesterday, and then I went to the kitchen too. While we, if I let in the shadows of Sils and Mama, three shadows of goblins, and for Dad I will let the last two go in the evening, leaving myself the shadows of seven bandits. After breakfast, Seal and I went for a run, after which I popped home to pick up Goldie. Don't think. that she will like to sit in the same room for 3 months, and she can help me in hunting goblins because there are no other monsters here.

### - In the bandit camp - ###

"Hey Mile what happened here and where are those damn bandits." The guy in light armor and an ax behind his back said to the other guy who was in the hood.

"I don't know, judging by the things in the tents, all the things from the caravans are in place, there are also traces of a battle and a lot of blood on the ground, but there are no corpses. I would say that they were attacked by monsters, but there are only goblins and nothing else in the area, and I cannot understand where these bandits have gone. If they ran away, they would take things. In short, I can not understand anything that happened here, but our work was done and we can go back to the "Adventurers Association". - Said the guy in the hood.

"Okay, so let's do it. Reika, take all the things that you find and put them in the ring. - Said the guy with the ax to the girl with red hair and a staff in his hand.

The girl went to the tents and, entering there, began to put all the things that the bandits had left in a special ring on her hand. After finishing this, I went back to the two guys and said:

"I'm done. We can go already, otherwise I'm tired of this trip? - said a girl named Reika.

-Okay. Pack up and go to the city to wait for the caravan to the capital. I think we were lucky and we can finish quickly. - Said the guy with the ax and headed towards the city where Sam lives.

### -------------- ###

*** Two and a half months later ***

During these two and a half months there was nothing interesting and thanks to daily training I became strong enough. Every day I hunted goblins with Goldie and it paid off. I already have "213" in my account, but it could have been more if I hadn't bought "Shadow Pocket" and sometimes spent money on food for Goldie. By the way, she is a subrace and looks like an adult fox. I loved her very much, because she was my first real friend who can help when you need her. And Goldie got attached to me in earnest and not only to me. Before going to bed, Goldie sometimes played with Seal and the Sister probably fell in love with Goldie too.

In addition to all this, I deepened it a little with the "Kinship with Darkness" skill. I tried to make my body out of black smoke and I got it after not long torment, and I decided to call this skill "Smoke Shape". With her, as I understand it, my body cannot be injured with weapons, but I myself cannot use weapons and skills. Weapons turn into smoke along with clothes, and skills are very difficult for me to use and if I lose concentration my "Smoke Form" will stop working. I was also able to do something like armor on my body. After a little testing, I realized that I could make something like a shield around my body out of darkness and this served to create armor on my body and I decided to name this skill "Shadow Armor". The armor itself is dark with some prominent blue elements, and the only difference is that instead of a helmet on the head, the armor covers the lower part of the face, leaving only the eyes and hair visible.

I used these two skills every day to spend my mana. It turned out that every time my head ached less and less from the excess of mana, but every day the size of my mana and its regeneration increased, and already in 2 months I did not feel pain and my mana increased in volume and speed of recovery. I think then you can try to come up with all sorts of skills or techniques with the help of "Kinship with darkness". By the way, during this time, I realized that I was not mistaken with the choice of this skill, because it helped me very much and will probably help more than once.

I also had a great time with my parents. Sometimes I helped Mom at her work and it was a pleasure for me to do it. Dad and I trained every weekend with wooden swords, but it was terribly uncomfortable for me to fight with a sword and not with daggers. These battles with Father helped me to better control my body strength. By the way, I solved the problem with Goldie but I don't think she will like it. I decided to buy a regular travel bag and leave it there while I transfer all my things to the "Shadow Corman". We decided to go to the capital by caravan. It will take a few days and will be cheap. Parents gave us a lot of money and I think we will have enough for a week of living in a hotel and walking around all sorts of places in the city. Before leaving, my strength almost burst from the fact that I was probably all in expectation of the capital, and I was also excited, I was eager to learn a lot of new things. I also want to visit the library in the capital, even though there is a library in our city, but I decided that I would spend time before the exam training and with my family, because I always have time to read.

Now I am sitting in one of the cores with Sil and several other people. We have already left the city and are heading straight to the capital. It will be a long way to get there and I hope it will be calm. Reluctance to get involved in the problem of saving the caravan from monsters and bandits.