

Stepping into the school hallway with her sister ayra searched for her best friend with her eyes among the sea of students standing beside their locker and gisting. 

Alice cleared her throat and said "you know you owe me an apology for locking me away from your room " .

Ayra stared back at her incredulously , "Mom yelled at me and lectured me on respect for one hour straight and you still want an apology? "

"Of course I'm your elder sister so I deserve an apology from you. "

"Start acting like one then and I don't owe you shit instead you should apologize for intentionally bringing your scary doll to my room knowing fully well I can't stand it " she added whispering, the last thing she wanted was for the whole school to know she was afraid of Dolls. 

"Gosh you are so unforgiving I already said I'm sor-"

"You know what just save it I don't need your apology" She muttered and made to walk out. 

"Where do you think you are going? " Alice questioned. 

"Class where else? "

"Classes don't begin until eight if you leave who am I gonna walk with? " Alice whined tugging rolling her curls.

"That sounds like a " You problem " and I also have to revise my book for a test because my own sister played loud music and I couldn't concentrate!! "

" Gosh you portray me as a witch okay I really apologize for everything and would you help me with a note? "

Ayra narrowed her eyes she knew it Alice would never apologize unless she wanted help with something but she wouldn't succumb to her charms this time. 

"Hey girl omg girl I love your pink tank it's a beauri. " A brunette said out of the blue hijacking the conversation.

" I know right I ordered it from Amazon last night as a pre birthday gift to my humble self " Alice said. 

Ayra rolled her eyes thankfully before she could refuse Alice her friends arrived and hijacked the conversation. 

"Girl your birthday isn't until next month " another friend added slightly pushing ayra from her position near Alice. 

" I know but there is no harm in preparing early right?" Without waiting for a reply she continued "this is gonna be my biggest birthday ever am turning legal guys. "

"Yeah and that's on period. "

Ayra gingerly stepped away from the circle before more of her sister's nasty friends would emerge. Turning around to look back she suddenly wished that she was her sister's friend that they could gist and chat all night like the sisters she read in novels. 

Unfortunately Alice had to many friends for her to have a chance plus a boyfriend tsk tsk she sighed and faced her front but was stopped again by Alice.

"Hey baby sis thought we were walking together? "

"Your friends are here now am sure my presence won't be appreciated and if it's about the note you mentioned we would speak about it at home. " She replied slowly.

Ayra thought Alice looked as though she wanted to say something but rather settled with a normal okay with a shrug and returned back to her conversation. She turned back to leave for the hundredth time and heard one of them whisper "No offense but ayra is so nerdy and boring can't believe she is your sister, I mean look at you ".

" None taken" she heard Alice say and they all laughed heartily. 

Ayra told herself not to feel hurt but her heart didn't listen she didn't know what hurt her more was it the fact that people thought her plain because of her intelligence or her sister supported her friends in making fun of her. It was the latter of course suddenly running towards the bathroom she stumbled upon a sturdy body and books flew around them. 

"Oh my God I'm so sorry " she said bowing her head and picking up the books she raised her head and stared into the eyes of brown , smiling eyed of a boy. 

She swore furiously at herself "could the day get any worse? " Of all the people why was it jack Frost that she fumbled into? 

The most gorgeous boy in class who everyone plus seniors crushed on and she was not an exception. 

" I'm rea-- so- sorry it wasn't my int- tension " she apologized again. " Screw you ayra why the hell are you stuttering? 

"its not your fault I wasn't looking either" he replied softly smiling again with his eyes. 

She nodded slowly and handed him his book. 

"Thank you ,are you okay? You seemed distraught a minute ago and you never run to class. "

Wait what so he even know I am existing and knows I hate running aahhggg that means he notices me am not so plain then. 

Stop kidding yourself why will he notice you? Her other mind argued it's just a guess from his part. 

Jack stared at her face as she remained silent and a myriad of emotions ran across her face he swiped his fingers across her face. "Are you okay? Where have your mind wandered off to? "

Ayra came back to earth with a jolt oh my God I zoned out." Uhm what was your question again? "

"Do you need water? Are you fine you are acting quite strange "he added frowning. 

"Oh no no I'm perfectly fine it's just the quiz and nerves" she said nodding reassuringly. 

" I can't believe you of all people is scared what do you except me to do?" He said joking but when her face remained passive he sighed gently touched her shoulders and said "don't worry you will be fine. "

Ayra stared at him in horror Christ he was touching her!!! 

"C'mon let's go to class together. "

Ayra nodded bereft of words wondering if this was one of her dreams.