
Chapter 81 : Shot Heard Round New York

I arranged for Nico to go up to the hotel with me on Saturday. I wanted to check out what was going on. Anastasia had mentioned weeks ago that there was a man that came in regularly who made her uncomfortable. I figured I had allowed that to go on for long enough. She told me he had checked in again, so I was going to find out for myself what was going on.

"So, who is this guy?" Nico asked as we drove over to the hotel.

"I'm not sure. Anastasia doesn't even know who he is. I just know he's sort of an odd character and makes lots of meetings while he's there. I just want to make sure he's not dangerous. I don't trust anyone anymore."

"Hmm. Have you considered therapy?" Nico asked, but his tone wasn't a teasing one.

I almost slammed the brakes. Nico suggesting therapy? Who had gotten a hold of him and given him a healthy view of taking care of his mental health?

"Where's this coming from, Mr. Suddenly Well-Adjusted?" I asked, giving him a half smile.