
Chapter 30 : A Ballet

There was something beautiful about the organized chaos of a mafia raid. I watched my men descend on the building, working in groups of three to clear rooms. They helped escort people who weren’t involved in our business to safety in the front office and out to the parking lot.

I enjoyed the glimpses I got as Nico and I did the same thing, a practiced team. We always felt that when we added a third guy to our little pair, it interrupted our flow. We were practically brothers, able to know what the other was thinking before they had the chance to say it out loud. We didn't need a third body getting in the way.

The first two rooms we cleared were empty. There was no way that Matteo's men didn't hear us, and there were a few stray gunshots that came from rooms. My men tracked and subdued them in no time though, and I wasn't worried.