
Chapter 19 : Taking Care of Business


It killed me not to walk with Rebecca up to her apartment. I should’ve walked her up. I knew she went home all on her own all the time and made it just fine, but I would have liked to make sure she made it all the way home safely.

I was tempted to turn around and check on her, but I just didn't have time. I was already running late to meet with Nico. Marcus, the man at the pizza restaurant, had let me know there were some hits recently on our supply chain, and it needed to be attended to immediately.

It didn't stop me from wishing I could’ve gone up and spent another night in Rebecca's apartment. Last night was the most comfortable I had been in years, and I’d be thinking about sleeping in her arms for days, at least.

I wove through the traffic, far too aware that I was already running behind. I made a few less-than-legal traffic maneuvers just to make it to the meeting on time. Rebecca luckily lived fairly close to the warehouse, so I didn't have far to go.