
Frail King

Rough synopsis: Ell is an egoistic famous bully in his school. One on a camping trip, he and his class were transported to another world with skills and magic. Everyone was happy and obedient until they found out that they might possibly be hypnotized by magic. Can they overcome this unprecedented hurdle together or succumb to their differences as students?

Keikei_Karui · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
6 Chs

What we needed to know

With shivering knees, I walked silently along with my classmates following Gaer.

The silence seemed unbreakable. The sound of our shoes echoed passing through the halls and down the stairs. The heavy atmosphere prevented them from speaking because tonight, I might die.

Occasionally, I could see my classmates looking at me from time to time. I always receive those worried looks and did not do anything to calm my nerves.

Although this is a huge change. Before, I will never get this kind of treatment. They will either look at me disgusted or afraid. There's no in-betweens.

This kind of change doesn't do me any good though. Their change of heart is a little bit too late.

The direction of the dining hall is to the left after coming down the stairs. The large hall we were in earlier is directly below our rooms. This time, however, we head to the right.

We passed a couple of rooms until we stopped 3 doors after coming down the stairs.

I assumed this is the pope's office. (My fate is sealed, can't I do anything..?)

Gaer opened the door without a sound. I may have gone deaf from the beating of my heart but I don't care about the details.

There's no turning back.

All of us entered the room except for Gaer. I, myself, hesitated but managed to brighten my feet forward.

The room is well-lit despite the lack of any obvious source of light. I brushed it off as magic.

Painting of several unknown people hangs from the walls, and pedestals hoisting broken sculptures of people are placed in every corner.

There's a shelf full of books in different sizes and colors, as well as wooden sticks I see as wands.

All of those don't matter to me though.

At the very end of the room sat a table atop with quills, papers, and small jewelry boxes.

Sitting behind it is the highly imposing pope who intensifies my heartbeat to full-throttle.

Looking at him, I couldn't help but feel a cold sweat. The dangers he poses to me are deathly frightening and I was sure I'd be dead.

I pull my brains inside out to think of a way to escape this predicament and I can only come up with one pathetic solution: reason myself out.

I have a lot of running arguments in my mind, visualizing every scenario I can think of and coming up with a solution.

Pathetic, I know, but this is every person's most powerful weapon if they did something wrong. I haven't met anyone who immediately admits their mistakes.

This is something I am good at, fortunately. Wriggling myself out of dangerous situations or topics to save face or help myself get out.

However, even if I can put an indisputable reason to the table, saving myself unscathed is very unlikely. But if I can exit this predicament alive, I accept any kind of punishment.

One glaring problem though, one I just realized as we walked into this room.

This pope is said to be able to read my mind. All of my arguments will be immediately countered as he has time to react. I couldn't let my thoughts perish either since gotta rehearse and double-check them. There's also the headache of choosing my words very, very carefully. There's no point in arguing my way to safety if I said something rude to him.

But, I came up with an unreliable solution. Speak as fast as possible. There may be a better solution but time isn't on my side. Should I have realized this crack in my plan earlier, I might be able to come up with something better.

Still, there's no point in dwelling on those now, I am here already and it's do or die.

"So, you've come," the pope said.

(Did we have a choice..?) I asked but I immediately shrugged the thought after remembering he, too, can read minds.

I didn't notice it earlier but in front of the priest, across the table, Gil was sitting, looking at us while we stand.

He especially glared at me but I chose to ignore him since I have a bigger problem than his mouthful impulse.

"Y-yes, just as you ordered." Allen stepped forward and answered.

"Well then, it seems that we have a lot to discuss," he looked at me and I could only see it as a threat.

"As you all may have realized, you are indeed under a hypnotic spell... that's not quite accurate." he stood up, walking towards us as he explains. "But this not intentional, believe me, or not. It is the effect of my skill, which makes anyone around me act differently and agree or believe everything I say."

(T-that's cheating... he's practically playing with my emotions. I am but a virgin lad, please do not take advantage of my innocence.)

"It can easily be negated by strong emotions such as suspicion and doubt so I hardly find it reliable."

The moment we realized the hypnosis, I don't remember willingly, in this case, unwillingly, well, I'm not willing to, uhm... voluntarily agreed to him. In fact, my guard is all the way up but the personality-changing effects still influence me.

"Because of that, I fully understand your hostility towards me and the need to discuss the matter among yourselves in secret. That being said, I do not condone you fighting amongst yourselves. I fully understand that all of you are considered children that require adult supervision. That is why I cannot merely watch after seeing you engaging in violent acts. I cannot leave you to your own devices and decided with your own judgment."

I don't know what to say. Maybe it's a lie, but he seems sincere while saying those things. Of course, the ever-present hypnosis may have clouded my judgment, or his acts are just too good.

He seems to be watching us and observe our actions then act accordingly. Based on his words, he doesn't seem to mind that we doubt them. That we are suspicious of them. In fact, he's more looking at what we'll do to ourselves rather than what we'd do to them.

Not to brag but I haven't doubted a genuine person in my entire life. I have an eye for good people worthy of my respect for whatever it's worth and I cannot sense a shred of lies from him. He seems transparent, honest, and kind-hearted.

Keyword: seems. I still highly doubt this pope. I don't believe whatever he says. Unless he's given me concrete evidence that he cares about us, I will never trust him. Though I can't really think of it, I still knew it by heart.

"It is presumptuous of me to think of your safety after robbing you of your lives, but for that same reason, I knew that I am responsible for everything you do..."

He continued his speech for what felt like an eternity. He talks back and forth about how we're under his care and we must act like family. It doesn't look like we're gonna stop soon.

Under any circumstances, I would definitely complain about this and demand him to let us go back to our rooms. I have slept for a couple of hours myself but I don't think my classmates had any wink of rest.

"...as such, I feel the need to talk with you all in transparent. All points must be addressed, ask me anything you'd like and I shall answer them honestly," he said, going back to his seat.

Gil felt the serious tone earlier and had gone to our side. We were listening here, standing in silence as he goes on with his speech.

Now he's asking us to state our problems with them.

"You may speak up, don't hold back with your words," he said and he went silent.

I look at Allen to see some kind of expression. However, he is looking at me as well. He tilts his head as if to indicate that I should speak.

I look around and they too look at me expecting to speak. (Why me..?)

Why me? Why not you? I have my own problems to deal with and that's a priority for me. I wouldn't want to be your spokesperson and ended up forgetting my goal. Never.

Our silence lasted for five minutes until it was broken by the priest himself. "I see you are not prepared for this. I will step out of the room and grab your chairs to seat on, and use that time to review what you want to say. Please excuse me." with a thud, he left the room leaving us alone in the room.

I wasn't expecting this. Partly because I thought for sure he would immediately raise the topic I am here for. Gladly, it seems that he wanted it for last. It's essentially a single topic that needs a very, very serious discussion.

Ten seconds passed before all of us breathed out the tension. Of course, we might still be under their hearing but his presence petrified our tongues.

"W-what do you all think..?" Allen, shaking, asked.

"H-he knew that w-we are suspicious of him and he wants to talk... is that right?" yeah. It's as if he wants to clear a misunderstanding.

I remained quiet as I recollect my thoughts. I couldn't spend time discussing anything right now. I have a lot of questions on my mind. On top of all those, I still have that issue which is my priority.

"What do you think Ell? I thought you have something to say," Allen said.

I shook my head and continue my thoughts.

He feels responsible for bringing us here. He's responsible for us. We're their supposed heroes. They expect us to protect them in the future. Because we're new here, he must protect us. So... so... so what of it?

Unless he has some ulterior motives, his words show his legitimate concern. It's too good to be true.

Of course, I know he just wants to get our favor by gaining our trust but if that's the case, he wouldn't lie to us. We can ask a bunch of questions, request a bunch of things and he will get them done, is that right? Because if I'm currying favor from somebody, I wouldn't do anything to make them feel otherwise. Lying to us is just worse for that purpose, and the moment we found out, it'll be detrimental. Maybe I can promise him one thing so he wouldn't disclose this issue to the king? But if it's their treaties and relationships as nations that are at stake, then I, a single hero— without any glimpse of accomplishment whatsoever who he just saw beat a classmate in a heartbeat in this situation—doesn't balance that out especially since there's nineteen more right here which he could easily manipulate by showing them my death. No! No! I'm doomed. Arghh! I'm thinking too much!

"Y-you okay Ell..?" Raien nervously asked. By this point, I haven't realized that I was now standing my back against the wall away from my classmates. I can hear them talking about what to say but those barely matter to me.

"Raien..." she looked at me, a worried expression on her face. "If I ask you, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

"W-what are you talking about?! You're in a serious situation and that's what you're thinking?! Snap out of it, let's think this through, I'll help you!" (what am I saying..? If I die, I don't wanna die a virgin, is that what I was thinking? What's wrong with me...)

"I-I... I'm sorry..."

"I understand. I'm sure you're just panicking, that's why I'm here, okay?" her comforting words soothe my nerves. "Should you need to prostate, I'll do it with you," she's so innocent. If a mere begging can solve this problem, I don't need to be this tense.

"I'm fine now," I assured. "I can do this by myself, I'm sure of it." I wasn't lying. I think I can argue my way out.

She, however, gave me a cynical look. It sounds too sure to be true so I understand that she's doubtful.

"You don't have to act strong, I know you more than anyone..." she sighed.

"You don't believe me?"

"Yeah, duh?"

"Here, if I manage to convince the priest, would you become my girlfriend?" I asked. She looks at me straight in the face, skepticism still in her eyes.

"I doubt you even more now... you were never interested in romance before." (am I? No, that's not it...)

"Just trust me, okay? You worry too much,"

"Because it's you who we're talking about! You do a bunch of silly stuff that makes you in trouble, that's why I worry!" she lashed.

(Sure, I do that sometimes but I always resolve it myself. Besides, I really do found a way out, albeit not guaranteed, at least it's worth a shot.)

"Anyway, I can't let you involve yourself in my problem. I wouldn't be able to face your parents if anything bad happens."

"T-they're not here, are they? The pope said we can't go back anymore!" she's too eager to help; she doesn't back out.

"You're not my girlfriend, okay? Don't push yourself into my problems. If you want, be mine and I'll think about it." I teased. I just can't understand why is she so gung-ho about this. I, the person in question, have found a solution. I have an air-tight argument so she should just let the man handle it.

"S-so be it! I'll be your girlfriend so let me help you!"

"And what were you two doing?" Sophia said from behind with an imposing look. Apparently, they were listening to our conversation.

Raien was speaking so loud, it attracted the attention of my classmates for some time now. I just didn't realize it.

"I uh..."

"Seriously, we're in deep water, especially you, and the two of you are making love. What's wrong with you?"

"You... got it all wrong,"

"What did I get wrong? That you are asking her to be your girlfriend? Are you desperate? Or is that a death flag?" she's lecturing me while my classmates are looking at me with disgust.

I didn't reply, instead look away and ignored her.

"Now you're playing that? Huh? So be it, if you're that prepared to die, then go on your own. Let's go Raien, leave that asshole behind, you deserve better." she left pulling Raien by the hands. "Tch!"

"S-Sophia..! L-let go of me..!"

"Seriously, he's the worst! You're just digging your own grave by helping that guy!"

"Y-you go—"

"No! Don't put yourself in danger." she's right though, Raien shouldn't put herself in danger. But the way she phrases it ticks me.

Still, I ignored her and rehearse my words. I won't be thinking about it before the pope and I actually spoke but my [Viewpoint] skill will save me.

"But..!" Raien can't rebut because of Sophia's constant barrage of arguments against me. My other classmates are with her as well. (How fast the situation flipped...) earlier, they were sympathetic, now, they're filled with animosity.

It wasn't my fault. Raien just don't listen to me. I told her many times that I have a plan but she just wouldn't listen. I just thought she'd easily back out of I said that. (Ha... what's wrong with me? Why did I think that would work..? Am I..?)

I'm afraid of death. I have things I wanna do. Here or in the previous world. My mind was a mess, I couldn't think straight. Even so, I didn't realize it at the time.

I remained quiet until the pope came back, maids carrying chairs in his tow.

They lined it up side-by-side, two rows with ten seats each.

Naturally, I sat at the very edge to the left in front. Somebody, I don't care who, sat with me and move their chair away.

"Have you decided on what to ask?" the pope asked as soon as he sat in front of us.

"Y-yes," Allen, tensed still, replied.

"Then let us begin, shall we?"


"I—we want to ask something first," Allen asks the priest, nerves unchanged. The pope nodded prompting him to continue. "H-have you heard everything we talked about? Everything..?" Allen wanted to set everything straight first as discussed. I am not involved in that discussion but I overheard them so I knew everything they want to know.

"Yes. Room to dinner, I know everything."

Everything we'd discuss is known to him. In every doubt and fight, he monitored us in full. That doesn't sound very reassuring, privacy-wise.

"Then... is what you said earlier true..? Is it just an effect of a skill?"

"Yes. I am unable to prove myself yet but I was not lying." I can't prove anything so take my word for it, is what he's saying.

Doubt clouded my mind so I definitely can't trust that. There are a lot of possibilities that might've happened such as they failed a hypnosis attempt so they're covering it up as a skill effect. They knew what we thought, read our minds, and possibly knew how we operate. They're probably planning to manipulate us in some way or another.

In this world exists skills. Superhuman abilities grant the bearer all sorts of powers. Based on what I've read, as well as worldwide events that happened on Earth, power births an uncontrollable desire to have more. If our skills are indeed special, I doubt they're planning on using us for mere defenders. What happened if we indeed decimated their enemies? They wouldn't just let us go, are they? Heck, they might be planning a world domination by now and we wouldn't know about it.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

"W-what are you planning to do to us?" that's the kind of question that should be asked. Not those silly making-sure questions.

"As I said before, you are our heroes. I am merely here to be your guardian til' you can stand up on your own."

His face didn't move a muscle. The same straight face he's showing after our arrival. His poker face is impenetrable, if we want to gain something, leading conversations are the go-to.

Allen went silent after those words. Those are the last question they've discussed to ask and they're planning to ask more depending on how the pope answer. But it seems that they can't anymore.

You won't use us for land expansions or domination?" Sophia boldly asked. The others looked at her, aghast but she ignored them. "I-I don't want to sound rude or anything.... but in our world, there are a lot of stories about m-manipulative people using others for their sake so I thought..." Sophia's face slowly looked troubled as she goes on until tension just swallow her and she was petrified.

"Hmm... that isn't new even in this world. I cannot reply to anything about your questions so allow me to tell you a story about our continent, if you wish to know more."

"P-please do..." she sighed a relief after hearing him.

"Thousands of years ago, this continent was once home to twenty countries..." Trades are happening worldwide, and there is a lot of merchandise to be bought but the diversity is somewhat lacking.

Those who lived near the shore naturally boasts their fishing production, as well as goods and commodities related to the ocean.

Using magic, they transport those fishes to the inland where the demand is high. However, competitions are immediately one of the problems, especially in neighboring countries.

Propaganda after propaganda is made just to make the other country worse and that means their products as well. Not just from competing countries, but inland nations as well. After all, war means spending, and spending results in profit. Especially those countries that are trade routes and specialize in forging.

Each shoreline nation can't afford any competition. Although the demand is high, fish doesn't last very long so a large supply means less profit. And countries that rely on fishery won't survive like that. So, after 20 years of back and forth, the war finally broke out.

Each war participant wishes for the other side to perish and absorb them eventually. However, due to their locations, they are always fighting in a linear fashion where they attack from the same place.

Countries are small at the time so flanks are out of the book because that would mean crossing other nations. Not unless they allied with them.

With allies now on the line, large-scale invasions are now possible. Flanking enemies, which is only theoretical, is now done by the allies instead.

However, not only one side has an ally. The war has officially escalated into the first world war.

The first world war is chaotic. Countries that push their invasion too much attract invasion to themselves. There are a lot of back and forth but after 4 years, it ended abruptly. Deaths: Unaccountable.

Kingdom of Lestia. The victor of the war assumed the position of the continent's first superpower. Lestia began to act and extinguish the flames of war. They made rival countries sign a treaty peacefully or otherwise.

With the cooperation of other countries, they immediately double their food supply to prevent famine from eroding every country. It is due to the Divine prophecy received by the current queen.

Soon, all nations signed agreements in detail and every dispute must be discussed in the presence of Lestian officials. They forced laws for all to abide by, which is unexpectedly accepted by everyone with a grudge.

Reformations are made after that day and each year, the continent has become more organized. Twenty-six countries survived the war and twenty is absorbed by the others.

years passed until the second world war broke; for different and complicated reasons. It lasted for a whopping 25 years and the current nations are the ones left standing.

The priest summed up the last part.

He is especially telling us the first since it shows how power, desires, and greed erupted in wars and the use of force is necessary to stop them. Not much different than our world.

"...we do not condone war. As a pope, I wish for a peaceful world. Although that is a dream that cannot be attained, I do my best to make the place in order. Even if I have to use force. That's why I am stated as the pope. Because I can change people's way of thinking if they are ignorant of it." he finished.

He said that he impose all the laws regarding the use of magic. Slavery and racism are under their jurisdiction as well. They knew too well how the death sentence is an inhumane punishment. However, he said that peace can never be attained without blood. He called it unnecessary evil.

I couldn't care less about their law, I don't know how much of an effect magic and skill pose... is what I would say if not for my dumb decision.

"I am not exempted by the law either. I was put here so that we can force our beliefs of equality on others and discourage violence and cruelty. If found guilty, I'd be hung in public just like any other criminal."

Honestly, I have a lot to say about this so-called law. (What about framing? If I'm framed and died for a crime I didn't do, then what happens, is that it? 'Sorry, my bad', is that what they'll answer?)

Hearing my thoughts, the pope replied. "That is a difficult matter, even for us Mr. Lydds. We possess a device that can detect anomalies in a person ofter seen when somebody is lying. Every high-ranked priest in this country has a mind-reading ability as well. However, those are not fool-proof and as such, we are still finding better solutions for them."

Shucks, that's kinda dumb of me. The reason I was thinking this through is because I didn't want him reading my mind.

"Well then, is that everything?" he asked after seeing that nobody was speaking. "If you have any questions, I can still answer them at a later ti—"

"I-I have something to talk about," I asked. I figured that this is the best time for this. I specifically sat here in front so I can speak to him one-on-one. Well, Twenty-on-one but who cares about the details?

"Mr. Lydds, yes. I have an idea of what it was so please move your chair in front." he smiled gently as if to lessen my nervousness. It didn't work.

I move my chair forward to the middle and talk to him face-to-face. Now it's a one-on-one with an audience.

"T-that's good then, ahem!" I cleared my throat.

"I ask, Mr. Lydds, did you have any motive for doing that?" I was caught off guard, I thought I'm the one to start the conversation. Now my plan is ruined. Oh god.

"No, I do not. Those events are merely the results of the flow of our conversation, the mood, and the conditions I am in." despite my plans going in shambles, I manage to say that straight. I just need to go around and back to my argument.

Naturally, my classmates just listened. I couldn't see their expressions but I think they're disgusted by me for my conversation with Raien.

Speaking of which, she was tied by Sophia and was sitting at the back, opposite the edge of where I sat earlier.

"I see. What you did is extremely dangerous and worthy of death by our law." (Oh boy, here it is.) "I have already told you, misuse of magic, and skills in that respect, is extremely illegal, and violation of it is immediately regarded as treason. What can you say about that?"

So he's going in this route? Certainly, I cannot use my argument here. If I did, I'd be seen as desperate and he'll get the upper hand. How clever, Mr. Pope.

"Like I said, in your presence, my mind is barely functional. We—or I have been suspecting you since our arrival, and learning about mind reading earlier, I immediately decided to follow the flow of the conversation so that I wouldn't raise your suspicion of me. I don't want to risk my and my classmates' safety and so I got into that situation. But I must admit, the moment the opportunity presents itself, I decided to use my skill thinking I could use it as a bidding piece if ever we find ourselves in a situation such as this." hoo! That was long.

Now I just need to listen to his response and reply carefully. I haven't used my argument but as of right now, it's just a backup.

"Indeed, you are. I would be the same if I were in your shoes, although I wouldn't use that opportunity to control a king. Regardless, it seems that my explanation about our law is lacking."

(O-oh, I thought he was gonna say, "You controlled the king, your argument is irrelevant!" or something. I-I guess I'm safe..?)

He, however, started laughing. "Hahaha! Do not fret, Mr. Lydds. I am not planning on handing you to the king of Tserra or celebrating your death ceremony in this country. I have ears everywhere, even in this very room, and I knew all well that you are thinking thoroughly about how to escape this difficult situation. I am deeply impressed by how you tackle your problems." he smiled and complimented me.

"A-am I safe..?"

"You were never in danger,"

"B-but that's the king, isn't he..? Or is he just a—"

"No, no, he is the real king to the flesh. However, they themselves signed a contract that they will not blame anyone responsible should they find themselves in danger. We thoroughly confer about the possibility that otherworlders may pose danger or their powers uncontrollable. That is the reason why others are not so welcome in introducing themselves."

He took the risk and paid for it, is that it? I'm glad, now I have a king under my—

"But I must warn you of using your powers for your own gain."

—care. I wouldn't let anybody endanger him. Never.

"I wouldn't even think of it had you not reminded me. The king is safe in my hands." that sounds like I'm a super powerful being that can kill a king if I wish to do so anytime. Well, I can but I wouldn't. Promise.

I heard sighs of relief from behind which I am inwardly debating whether to feel mad or glad.

You didn't sigh because I couldn't control him, right? It's because I'm safe, right?

"We shall discuss more the day after tomorrow. For now, everyone shall have some rest or discuss to yourselves." he smiled gently which is genuinely pleasing. Right now, I can safely trust this guy. "To set everything straight, I can only hear from every room but it doesn't provide any vision of it. If you wish to discuss this matter to yourselves, I'd be sure not to eavesdrop." nope, I still don't trust him. Now I'm scared of going to the toilet.

(How can you prove that?)

"Just take my word for it," he smiled and let us out.

How glad I am to be safe.