
The Aftermath

"You're still here?" Galaxy asked with slight concern in her voice.

"He hasn't woken up yet." London said, sounding sad.

"You didn't sleep at all last night. I know that tone of voice anywhere." Galaxy said.

"Hey, guys. What's going on?" Scarlett asked eagerly.

"Goldie hasn't woken up yet. I'm not sleeping until he does." London said with a low tone.

"Darla hasn't woken up either. That entity we heard on the outside of the bubble sounded like her. I knew Darla was too nice for that." Scarlett said reassuringly.

"It was Darla." London said.

"There's no way that was her. I refuse to believe Darla would do something so unjust to Goldie." Scarlett said, refusing to believe what London said.

"It wasn't physically her. She, however, was the source of the immense light figure we saw. It started electrocuting Goldie and-" London paused, beginning to shake and tear up.

"Hey, calm down buddy. All we need to do is wait for him to wake up, which hopefully will be soon." Galaxy said hesitantly.

Darla walks in.

"H-hey guys." Darla said tiredly.

"You-" London started angrily.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" London asked both loudly and angrily.

Goldie moves slightly.

"You hurt him really badly, Darla. I don't understand why you don't like him." London said with tears running down his face.

"I do like him. I hang out with him all the time! Ever since I got my powers, I always felt like someone else was there." Darla explained.

"Really? And that someone was a psychopathic, idiotic figure of light that likes to hurt the ones closest to her?" Galaxy remarked.

"No! Not at all! I didn't mean to hurt him...I get overprotective of my family. I guess my powers heightened that to a whole other level." Darla defensively said.

"YOU GUESS?!" Galaxy yelled.

"YOU NEARLY KILLED HIM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Galaxy continued, yelling even louder.

"I-I'm...s-sorry..." Darla said, beginning to tear up.

"Like hell you are. Leave. I don't want you near Goldie until you explain fully what happened." Galaxy said, pointing to the door.

"Understood." Darla said, slowly leaving the kitchen.

Goldie slightly opens his eyes.

London happily gasps.

"Oh my god, you're alive!" London happily yelled.

Goldie puts his hand on his head.

"I...definitely don't feel alive I-I'll tell you that much." Goldie said, laughing slightly whilst getting up.

"London. Go get some sleep. You really need it." Scarlett said.

"Do not tell me what I need and don't need." London sassily remarked.

Scarlett scoffed and left the kitchen.

London walks up to Goldie and buries his face in his chest whilst hugging him.

"I-I'm fine now. There's no need to keep worrying." Goldie said, putting his hand on London's head.

"You are clearly not ok. You still need rest. Here let us help you to y'alls bedroom." Galaxy said, putting emphasis on "y'alls".

Goldie teleports to the bedroom and London falls over.

"OOF. You got rejected." Galaxy said, laughing at London

"Don't you have someone else to attend to?" London remarked.

"Fair point." Galaxy said, leaving the kitchen.

London walks into his bedroom. He spots Goldie on the bed, yet again asleep. London sighs with concern and sits in front of the window. A few hours pass as the sun sets on the horizon.

"I just wish...none of this happened." London said, speaking to the window.

"Be careful what you wish for." Galaxy said, in the doorway.

"WHY CAN'T YOU GO AWAY?!" London angrily asked.

"Cuz I'm your sister. You can't get rid of me that easily." Galaxy remarked.

"Go check on Darla and leave me alone with my thoughts." London said, looking out the window.

"Fine." Galaxy said, rolling her eyes.

An hour passes. Slight electrical sparking is heard.

"What's that noise?" London asked himself.

The noise gets louder.

"GALAXY!" London shouts.

A scream from the other room is heard. The door to London's bedroom slams shut as well as the door to Darla's room.

"LONDON, WHATS GOING ON?!" Galaxy shouts from Darla's room.

No response.

London huddles in the corner. The electrical sparking noises get louder. Galaxy tries to break down the door. No effect.

London turns on the lamp next to him. Goldie starts moving around a little bit. The lamp explodes as London looks at the ceiling. Yellow electrical currents are seen.

"Oh my god. What's going on?" London asked.

The yellow currents coil around Goldie's hand and then the room lights up like a bonfire.

Goldie slowly sits up and opens his eyes.

"Goldie! You're awake! Come on help me get out of here!" London said trying to get out of the room.

Goldie slowly gets up and stands over London.

"G-goldie...?" London asked with a small stutter.

Goldie's head twitches slightly.

He puts his hands around London's neck and proceeds to pick him up.

"P-please let me go!" London said, struggling to break free of Goldie's grasp.

This exact same thing is happening to Darla and Galaxy. I think you can piece together what's happening to Galaxy.

Goldie punches the door and it goes flying. Darla does the same.

Goldie and Darla look at each other. They nod and throw Galaxy and London at each other. They collide mid-air.

"L-London! Ah...Wake up, damnit! We're supposed to die together!" Galaxy said, trying to get London to wake up.

He wakes up, gasps, and starts coughing.

"Ok, you're not dead yet! That's comforting to know!" Galaxy said.

Goldie forces London to turn around and look at him.

Darla does the same to Galaxy.

"We aren't so different, you and I." They both said at the same time.

Their physical forms glitch.

"Don't hurt him!" Goldie said.

"Oh, why should i do that? You're no fun." Goldie said back to himself.

He clearly was not himself.

"Don't hurt her! She did nothing wrong!" Darla said.

"Uhg, you're no fun either!" Darla said back to herself.

She clearly was not herself.

"You and I aren't so different, London." Goldie said.

"You always had a soft spot for Goldie. It sickens me. You two are so lovey-dovey and it makes me sick." He continued.

"You aren't Goldie! You're just some freak of na-" London stopped.

Goldie punches him so hard that he goes unconscious.

"LONDON!" Galaxy screamed.

She kicks Darla in the face and breaks free of her grip.

"Oh, g-god London! I'm s-sorry! I-'m a terrible s-sister! I wish I c-could've done more to p-protect you!" Galaxy yelled, starting to cry whilst cradling London's head in her lap.

"If you want him, Goldie...I'M NOT DYING WITHOUT A FIGHT." Galaxy screamed.

She gently puts London's head on the floor and stands up.

Galaxy gasps and looks down. She finally realizes who's behind it all.

"You know, Entity. You're smart. Possessing the ones we love to try and ruin them." Galaxy said.

"Huh. So you know." The entity said.

"Oh yeah. You really think Goldie would punch London that hard? I'm not that dumb." Galaxy said, still crying.

"Aw...you care about your brother." Entity said.

"Yeah, I do. You're pathetic." Galaxy said aggressively.

"Really? Prove it." The Entity said.

The auras coming off of Goldie and Darla fade away and merge with each other. Goldie and Darla collapse. Entity phases into existence and punches Galaxy.

Galaxy is completely unphased by it. She wipes the blood running from her nose.

"W-what?! My punches can't be taken!" The Entity stuttered.

"Aw...what's the matter Entity? Scared?" Galaxy said walking towards him.

Entity backs up and falls over. He used his hands to move backward away from Galaxy.

"You made one fatal mistake idiot. You. Hurt. My. Brother. Now I'm going to break you. I'm going to break you like you broke us. Like you broke Goldie. Like you broke Darla. L-like you broke me. L-like you broke L-London." Galaxy explained angrily

"N-no! Stay back!" Entity said.

The ground begins to shake violently. Two extremely reflective orange crystals come out of the ground.

"Sianara, mate." Galaxy said.

Galaxy brings her arm down and the crystals topple over onto Entity. A bright light shines underneath the crystal as the crystals begin to glow.

"Oh what's the matter entity? Can't get out of the crystals?" Galaxy mockingly asked.


"I'll take my chances." Galaxy said.

Entity starts laughing.

"What's so funny?" Galaxy asked.

The crystals shatter as Entity stands over Galaxy.

"You thought you beat me? PFFT. Funny. You, humans, are so delusional." Entity said.

Galaxy backs up and falls over just like Entity did.

"Funny how the tables turn. huh?" Entity mockingly said.

"Yeah, except your table is an ugly, rotting mess!" Galaxy said, laughing.

"Ha. Get ready to meet your maker, Galaxy." Entity said, getting ready to punch her.

He launches the punch but it's stopped by someone

"What?!" Entity yelled.


"YOU!" Entity screamed.

"That's right, me!" Scarlett said, throwing back Entity's punch.

"I hate you puny humans. Always have a defense line!" Entity shouted.

"The feeling is mutual." Scarlett remarked.

Entity nervously laughs.

"This won't be the last you hear from me. Have fun with your pathetic lives until then!" Entity said.

Entity disappears in a shroud of purple clouds.

"Are you ok, Galaxy?" Scarlett asked, helping Galaxy up.

"L-London! G-Goldie! D-Darla!" Galaxy yelled.

She sighs with sadness.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you guys sooner. I knew he was coming. I just didn't think he would strike this early..." Galaxy said, crying.

Goldie gets up and grunts.

"You did your best...we didn't beat him but-" Goldie stops mid-sentence.

"OH MY GOD WHAT DID I DO?!" Goldie yelled, looking at London.

"Entity did it. Not you. He got punched by your form. So hard in fact that he went unconscious." Galaxy stated.

Darla gets up.

"What...happened?" Darla asked.

She spots London.

"Oh my god, what happened!?" Darla asked loudly.

"Entity. When he was in your bodies, London tried talking back and he got punched by Goldie's form. I knew Entity was coming for us, but I didn't think it would be so soon." Galaxy said with sadness in her voice.

Goldie exhales slowly and clenches his fist.

"Doesn't matter if you knew. You should've told us. You are the reason London is hurt." Goldie said, putting a lot of emphasis on "you".

Goldie picks up London and he takes him to their room.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." Galaxy said starting to cry again.

Darla puts her hand on Galaxy's shoulder.

"It's ok. Goldie is upset that London is hurt. He'll get over it. You didn't know he would attack us so soon. I am curious though when were you planning on telling us?" Darla asked.

"Right now, actually. Guess I was a little late to the party though, huh?" Galaxy said with tears running down her face.

"Look, everything will be ok! Goldie will get over it and when he does, you can apologize." Darla said trying to give Galaxy a glimmer of hope.

"Just like when we were on that dump of a ship..." Galaxy said.

"Heh. Just like then." Darla said hugging Galaxy.

"It'll be ok. I'll be here for you until he gets over it." Darla said.

"Thanks, Darla..." Galaxy said, crying.

"Why...I can't believe I let Entity punch London." Goldie said, pacing around the room.

"The next time I see that psychotic taunt, I'll murder him." Goldie said angrily.

His head twitches a little.

"I'll kill him. The same way I died. I'll make him suffer. Not even time will help him." Goldie said looking down at his hands.

"G-goldie...don't hurt Entity...I had it coming..." London said, grunting mid-sentence.

"Oh my god, you're ok!" Goldie yells.

London closes his eyes again.

"You always were so protective...I appreciate t-the fact you would kill someone for m-me..." London said in pain.

"I'd do anything for you, London. I can't thank you enough for freeing me from that forbidden plushie..." Goldie said starting to cry.

London opens his eyes just a little and laughs slightly as he puts his hand on Goldie's face.

"My teddy..." London said.

London closes his eyes and falls asleep as Goldie starts crying, keeping London's hand on his face.

Galaxy puts her hand over her mouth as she slides down the wall and begins profusely crying.

"I-I'm sorry, London...I'll stop at nothing to protect you...even if it means death..." Galaxy said, looking down at her hands.