
Fractured Hearts

Akai's heart beats solely for her best friend, Ryder, but her secret love remains locked away, hidden from the world. Their friendship is her sanctuary, her safe haven. However, a deceitful third party, masquerading as Akai's friend, shatters this sanctuary, manipulating Ryder into believing Akai committed an unthinkable betrayal. "You're a traitor,Akai," Ryder speaks, his eyes blazing with anger. "You're dead to me." Akai's world crumbles, her heart splintering into a million pieces. "Ryder, please listen—" "No, Akai, you listen," Ryder interrupts, his voice cold. "You're nothing to me now. Nothing..You're a liar, a cheat, and a fraud." Akai's tears fall like rain, her body shaking with sobs. "You're really going to believe her lies over our friendship?" Years later, Akai returns to the city, her heart still heavy with grief. Working as a waitress, she struggles to rebuild her life. Then, fate delivers a cruel blow: Ryder and his fiancée, Savannah, walk into the restaurant, their happiness a stark contrast to Akai's enduring pain. As Ryder's eyes meet hers, the past comes flooding back, and the old wound reopens. His harsh words, "Didn't I say you previously not to appear in front of me?" cut through her like a dagger. Akai's response, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Thompson. I know my place. I didn't think we would meet here," barely conceals her anguish. Ryder's expression twists in disgust. "You're still here? I thought I made it clear I never wanted to see your face again." Akai's heart races, her emotions swirling like a maelstrom. "I-I just wanted to move on, Ryder. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryder's laughter is cold, cruel. "Hurt me? You destroyed me, Akai . You ripped out my heart and stomped on it." "I hated you for what you did to her," Ryder speaks his eyes blazing with anger. "How can you hurt my woman?" "I'm sorry, Ryder," Akai whispers, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry for everything." Akai's heartbreak is palpable, a heavy weight crushing her chest. She knows that their love is lost, trapped beneath the surface of their pain and regret. Ryder's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, his gaze piercing through Akai like a dagger. "If you ever appear in front of me or try to harm my woman, I am going to make your life a living hell!" he growled, his voice low and menacing. Akai's eyes locked onto his, her heart racing with fear. She saw the raw anger and possessiveness in his gaze, the unbridled fury that threatened to consume her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the depth of his emotions, the ferocity of his protectiveness over Savannah. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw a glimmer of the boy she once knew, the boy who had been her best friend and confidant. But that boy was gone, replaced by a man consumed by rage and a thirst for revenge. Akai felt a pang of regret and sorrow, knowing that she had lost him forever. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she beheld the stranger before her, the man who had once been her everything. She knew that she had to look away, to break the spell that held her captive. But she couldn't tear her gaze away, transfixed by the intensity of his emotions. The air was heavy with tension. Akai's heart raced with fear, her soul trembling with sorrow. She knew that she had to escape, to flee from the wrath that threatened to consume her. But her feet seemed rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to escape the fury that blazed in Ryder's eyes.

Audenzia_16 · Urban
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25 Chs

Akai's surprise visit

Chapter 4:Akai's surprise visit

Akai that day she didn't go to school as her Grandma's health was not well so she decided to take her to the hospital.. as she was returning to home from hospital with her grandmother.

Her phone rang ,seeing that Ryder's mom is calling she accept the call.

"Akai can you come and pay a visit today?" "Who is calling Akai?" Her grandma asked. "It's Ryder's mom." "Are you with your grandma?" From the other end asked Ryder's mom. "Yes, I'm with her. We just got back from the hospital."

"Oh, Akai, I'm so sorry to hear that," Ryder's mom said, her voice filled with empathy.

"Grandma, aunty wants to speak with you." Grandma took the phone in her hand and put it to her ears, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "Mrs. Thompson, thanks for taking care of Akai so much. I am really grateful to you for giving her love and support."

"Yes, yes, we will do so," Grandma replied, her voice filled with a sense of relief and gratitude.

Akai couldn't understand what they were conversing about on the phone, but she saw a look of comfort on her grandmother's face. After some time, her grandmother handed the phone back to her. "Grandma, what did aunty say?" Akai asked, her curiosity piqued.

"She asked us to go to their residence," Grandma replied, her eyes locked on Akai's.

"Now?" Akai's voice was laced with surprise, her eyes wide with wonder.

Grandma nodded her head, a gentle smile on her face. "Yes, now. Mrs. Thompson wants us to come over."

Akai's heart raced with excitement and a hint of confusion. She didn't understand why the Thompsons wanted them to visit at such a difficult time, but she trusted her grandmother's judgment. She knew that the Thompsons cared for them deeply, and she felt grateful for their unwavering support.

Her grandmother nodded her head, a gentle smile on her face. She caressed Akai's face, her touch warm and comforting. "I feel enlightened, seeing Ryder's family adore you so much. They truly care for you, Akai."

Akai's heart swelled with emotion as she looked at her grandmother, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love. She knew that the Thompsons had become like a second family to her, and in this moment, she felt grateful for their unwavering support.

As the taxi pulled up to the Thompson residence The grandeur of the mansion took her breath away. The sprawling estate was nestled among lush greenery, with manicured lawns and vibrant flowers that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze. The sun cast a warm glow on the sleek, modern architecture, making the windows sparkle like diamonds.

Akai helped her grandmother out of the taxi. She paid the driver and carefully supported her grandmother's frail frame, feeling a sense of responsibility and love. As they made their way up the winding driveway, the security guard seeing her gave her a smile and greeted her .

The Thompson residence was a testament to elegance and sophistication, with its sleek lines, floor-to-ceiling windows, and imposing stone façade. The massive wooden doors, adorned with intricate carvings, swung open with a soft creak, revealing a stunning foyer that seemed to stretch up to the sky.

Akai's eyes adjusted to the warm lighting, and she took in the lavish interior. Marble floors gleamed underfoot, and a majestic chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room. The air was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers, and the soft hum of classical music seemed to envelop them in a warm embrace.

As they entered, Ryder's mom, Mrs. Thompson, rushed to greet them, her face etched with concern and compassion. "Akai, dear, it's so good to see you both. Please, come in, come in." She enveloped Akai and her grandmother in a warm hug, leading them deeper into the mansion.

Akai felt a lump form in her throat as she gazed around at the opulent decorations, her heart filled with gratitude for the Thompsons' unwavering support. She knew that this visit was more than just a social call – it was a reminder that they were not alone in their struggles.

Mrs. Thompson led them to the living room, her eyes shining with warmth as she gestured for them to sit. "I have been longing to meet you, Mrs. Klein. It's been a long time since we've met," she said, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Akai's grandmother smiled weakly, her eyes clouding with memories. "Yes, dear. I hope this granddaughter of mine is not giving you any trouble," she said, her voice laced with concern.

Mrs. Thompson's face lit up with a reassuring smile. "No, no, your granddaughter is so sweet. How can she cause us any trouble?" She patted Akai's hand, her touch warm and comforting.

Just then, a soft voice interrupted from the doorway. "Madam, the young master has left his tiffin here." The housekeeper, stood with a gentle smile, holding out a small lunchbox.

Mrs. Thompson turned to Akai. "Ah, Akai, can you please go with Mr. Jack and give him his tiffin?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

Akai nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of excitement and purpose. "Yes, Aunty!" she agreed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

As she followed Mr. Jack out of the room, Akai felt a sense of belonging wash over her. She knew that she was loved and cared for, not just by her grandmother, but by the Thompsons as well. The warmth and kindness of this family enveloped her like a cozy blanket, making her feel safe and cherished.

She had heard so much from Ryder about his university, the prestigious Harvard University, renowned for its academic excellence, rich history, and iconic buildings. The mere mention of its name evoked a sense of awe and reverence. But nothing could compare to the thrill of actually seeing him on campus, surrounded by the bustling energy of students and faculty.

As she walked alongside Mr. Jack, her heart raced with excitement, her mind conjuring up images of Ryder in his element, exceling among the best and brightest. She felt a surge of pride, knowing that her friend was a part of this esteemed institution.

The sun cast a warm glow on the historic buildings, their Gothic spires and brick facades exuding a sense of tradition and knowledge. The air was alive with the hum of intellectual curiosity, the chatter of students, and the rustle of leaves from the ancient trees that lined the walkways.

Akai's eyes widened as she took in the breathtaking scenery, her excitement building with every step. She couldn't wait to see Ryder, to share in his world, to experience the magic of Harvard firsthand. Her heart swelled with joy, her smile spreading from ear to ear, as she thought about the adventure that lay ahead.