
Fractured Hearts

Akai's heart beats solely for her best friend, Ryder, but her secret love remains locked away, hidden from the world. Their friendship is her sanctuary, her safe haven. However, a deceitful third party, masquerading as Akai's friend, shatters this sanctuary, manipulating Ryder into believing Akai committed an unthinkable betrayal. "You're a traitor,Akai," Ryder speaks, his eyes blazing with anger. "You're dead to me." Akai's world crumbles, her heart splintering into a million pieces. "Ryder, please listen—" "No, Akai, you listen," Ryder interrupts, his voice cold. "You're nothing to me now. Nothing..You're a liar, a cheat, and a fraud." Akai's tears fall like rain, her body shaking with sobs. "You're really going to believe her lies over our friendship?" Years later, Akai returns to the city, her heart still heavy with grief. Working as a waitress, she struggles to rebuild her life. Then, fate delivers a cruel blow: Ryder and his fiancée, Savannah, walk into the restaurant, their happiness a stark contrast to Akai's enduring pain. As Ryder's eyes meet hers, the past comes flooding back, and the old wound reopens. His harsh words, "Didn't I say you previously not to appear in front of me?" cut through her like a dagger. Akai's response, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Thompson. I know my place. I didn't think we would meet here," barely conceals her anguish. Ryder's expression twists in disgust. "You're still here? I thought I made it clear I never wanted to see your face again." Akai's heart races, her emotions swirling like a maelstrom. "I-I just wanted to move on, Ryder. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryder's laughter is cold, cruel. "Hurt me? You destroyed me, Akai . You ripped out my heart and stomped on it." "I hated you for what you did to her," Ryder speaks his eyes blazing with anger. "How can you hurt my woman?" "I'm sorry, Ryder," Akai whispers, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry for everything." Akai's heartbreak is palpable, a heavy weight crushing her chest. She knows that their love is lost, trapped beneath the surface of their pain and regret. Ryder's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, his gaze piercing through Akai like a dagger. "If you ever appear in front of me or try to harm my woman, I am going to make your life a living hell!" he growled, his voice low and menacing. Akai's eyes locked onto his, her heart racing with fear. She saw the raw anger and possessiveness in his gaze, the unbridled fury that threatened to consume her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the depth of his emotions, the ferocity of his protectiveness over Savannah. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw a glimmer of the boy she once knew, the boy who had been her best friend and confidant. But that boy was gone, replaced by a man consumed by rage and a thirst for revenge. Akai felt a pang of regret and sorrow, knowing that she had lost him forever. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she beheld the stranger before her, the man who had once been her everything. She knew that she had to look away, to break the spell that held her captive. But she couldn't tear her gaze away, transfixed by the intensity of his emotions. The air was heavy with tension. Akai's heart raced with fear, her soul trembling with sorrow. She knew that she had to escape, to flee from the wrath that threatened to consume her. But her feet seemed rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to escape the fury that blazed in Ryder's eyes.

Audenzia_16 · Urban
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25 Chs

A Taste of Luxury

"Akai, I think you should reconsider your decision," her grandma said, her voice filled with a deep concern and love.

Akai sighed, her eyes welling up with tears. "Grandma, I can't decide whether to go out with him or not. I'm scared of getting hurt again."

Her grandma's face softened, and she wrapped her arms around Akai in a warm embrace. "Oh, my dear, I know it's hard to trust again, but life is short, and we shouldn't waste time apart from those we love. Remember how I always told you that love is a risk worth taking?"

Akai nodded, her tears spilling over as her grandma's words struck a chord in her heart.

Her grandma continued, her voice filled with conviction. "I would say you better go with him. Take a chance, Akai. Make memories, cherish your love, and don't let fear hold you back."

As her grandma's words sank in, Akai felt a surge of determination and hope. She nodded, her heart filled with resolve. "I will, Grandma. I'll take the leap and see where it takes me."

Her grandma smiled, her eyes shining with pride and love. "That's my brave girl! Now go, be with him, and make your heart sing!"

As she emerged from her grandma's room, Akai's heart raced with anticipation. She spotted Ryder sitting on the sofa, his eyes fixed on his phone, his brow furrowed in concentration. She approached him, her voice barely above a whisper. "Wait for a bit. I'll go with you." Ryder's gaze flickered up, his eyes locking onto hers, and he nodded silently, a small smile playing on his lips.

Akai's heart skipped a beat as she turned to head to her room. She selected a stunning formal frock, a gift from her grandma, and slipped it on. The mirror reflected a radiant version of herself, and she felt a surge of confidence. Her grandma's words echoed in her mind: "You deserve to be happy, Akai."

As they prepared to leave, Akai's grandma enveloped her in a warm hug. "Have fun, dear. Make memories." Ryder smiled and nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Akai's heart fluttered as he opened the passenger door of his car for her, his chivalry making her feel like a queen.

Without asking where they were headed, Akai trusted Ryder implicitly, her excitement building as they drove into the unknown. The silence between them was comfortable.

As she gazed out the window, Akai's eyes landed on a glint of light coming from the passage beside her seat. Her curiosity piqued, she reached down to investigate and her fingers closed around a sleek, shiny bracelet. "What is this?" she wondered aloud, her eyes questioning Ryder.

Ryder's gaze flicked to the bracelet, and a fleeting expression crossed his face before he replied, "It belongs to my friend, Savannah. You met her on campus, remember?" Akai's heart skipped a beat as a pang of insecurity stabbed at her. Why was Ryder carrying another girl's bracelet?

Before she could probe further, Ryder's phone blared to life, the speakerphone crackling with John's irate voice. "Ryder, you moron! How dare you! You're leaving for Scotland next week?" Akai's eyes widened as she took in the tension between the two friends. Ryder's expression turned sheepish, and he mouthed "sorry" to her, as if apologizing for the awkwardness.

Akai's mind raced with questions. What was Ryder's relationship with Savannah? And why was John so upset about Scotland? The air in the car seemed to thicken with unspoken secrets, leaving Akai feeling uneasy and unsure of her place in Ryder's life.

"John, don't get angry about it. I'm just following my dreams," Ryder pleaded, his voice calm and soothing.

But John was having none of it. "Dreams? My foot! I'm not going to talk to you anymore," he snapped, the call ending abruptly.

Ryder sighed, his eyes gazing out at the road ahead. "See, not only you but he's also angry with my decision," he murmured, his brow furrowed in concern.

Akai's curiosity was piqued. "Why don't you reconsider your decision, then?" she asked, her voice gentle.

But Ryder remained silent, lost in thought. The tension between them was palpable, like a thick fog that refused to lift.

Finally, they arrived at their destination - the iconic 'Crystal Palace' restaurant in New York, renowned for its stunning architecture and exquisite cuisine. Akai's eyes widened as she took in the breathtaking sight before her.

The restaurant's facade gleamed like a diamond, its crystal walls and ceilings refracting the light into a kaleidoscope of colors. The entrance was flanked by towering pillars, their intricate carvings seeming to dance in the light. As they stepped inside, the soft glow of chandeliers enveloped them, casting a warm ambiance over the luxurious decor.

Akai's jaw dropped in awe. "Wow, Ryder, this is incredible!" she breathed, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

As they stepped into the opulent Crystal Palace, a smartly attired staff member greeted them with a warm smile. "Right this way, Mr. Thomson," he said, leading them to their table.

Another staff member, a dignified maître d', approached them, his eyes shining with respect. "Welcome, Mr. Thomson. It's an honor to have you dine with us tonight. Your family's legacy is renowned, and we're thrilled to serve you."

Ryder's nod was gracious, yet understated, his eyes gleaming with a hint of humility. Akai sensed the weight of his family's name, the Thomson legacy, and the expectations that came with it. She felt a flutter in her chest, her mind racing with questions. What was it like to carry the burden of a billionaire family's reputation?

As they were seated, the maître d' presented them with menus, his hands moving with the precision of a conductor leading an orchestra. "Our specials tonight include the pan-seared salmon and the filet mignon. May I recommend our signature wine, a 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon?"

Ryder's eyes met Akai's, a flicker of amusement dancing in their depths. "I think we'll need a moment, thank you," he said, his voice low and smooth, like a fine whiskey.

Akai's heart raced, her senses heightened as she took in the lavish surroundings, the impeccable service, and the enigmatic man beside her. She felt like she was stepping into a world beyond her wildest dreams, a world where wealth and power were the norm.

As Ryder handed her the menu, his fingers brushed against hers, sending a spark of electricity through her body. "Choose anything you want," he said, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Akai's heart fluttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "No, no, you choose. I have no objection." She felt a flutter in her chest, her eyes locked onto his.

Ryder's gaze lingered on hers, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Alright," he said, his eyes scanning the menu. "I'll order for us."

He chose the pan-seared salmon, cooked to perfection and served with a citrus-herb sauce, for himself. For Akai, he selected the wild mushroom risotto, creamy and rich, with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. "You'll love this," he said, his eyes sparkling with confidence.

Akai's eyes widened as the dishes arrived, the aromas wafting up to tease her senses. She couldn't believe how perfectly Ryder had chosen for her. "How did you know?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Ryder chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I pay attention," he said, his voice low and husky.

Akai's heart skipped a beat as she took her first bite, the flavors exploding on her tongue. She felt like she was in a dream, the world around her melting away. Ryder's eyes never left hers, his gaze burning with an intensity that made her skin tingle.

At 16, Akai looked like a woman in her early 20s, her curves and features developed beyond her years. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, her bright green eyes sparkling like emeralds in the light. Her skin was smooth and creamy, her full lips painted a deep pink. She was a vision of beauty.