

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits to his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Fraction- 21

Sophisticated kingdom past and all were exchanged through captain and Russell conversation.

But all above, far from those conversations Sara steep on her anger, and emotion for a quiet while. For the whole matter, this isn't the situation where she was putatively summoned here for this matter. Moreover she was on her day off, Rigging her own problem at hand. She might pretend to not care more but that's was half- truth. After what happened to her older brother. Her personality Rifted in harsh at home alone, sobbing tears on her bath, lacking a person for any contact or even a proper meals. But As soon as the dawn hit on her face, she terminate her emotional and head towards her job at hand. It's like she, totally swift from her doom, glim personality to inspiring, strong hearted.

After the death of her family, Her Elder brother was the only one of her remains of Family, which was soon obliterated.

All these details were also acknowledged by Brock, As her vice- commander. He had been with for longer time. He had admired her with respect because of deeds, she had done for him. But his helplessness to watch suffer her like these cause him to swallow his molten blood.

Even if he wanted. Nothing He can achieve now. Because, He already had felt quiet for a time now that those two Personnel of the Russell weren't even leaving a hitch of living body. Their presence, faded from the corner where they had situated themselves for a while. And if he would tried to go wrong from Russell point in any way. This might not end well, for them.

They had no other choices except to listen to him, until the end. But Russell words weren't only a blather. He might speaks in strange manners. But Most words he had summoned makes the sense of the sitch. Especially, The affairs of Kingdom, The occurrence of those 'Realms of shadow'. But only thing that doesn't cutting on his edge. Is that the reason for Russell action. As nothing is free in this world. "What are you trying to cook? Your highness?" Those were the thought filled on Brock's mind. Until he might've caught the answer. But didn't let on his face. And slightly Viewed again towards Sara. And what's this? Sara slowly but surely calming herself. It maybe a little surprise to Russell but not for Brock. As he knew her for longest he'd also been used to her Short-Temper. This might've been the cause for earlier behaviour of Sara but that can't be sure. She is more like Short- Temper, bit of egoist, strong hearted outside, Bit of annoyance and dumb folded with curios mind, Excel in battles. All and all a teenagers on adult body. That's maybe the reason why, Captain doesn't leave by herself, most of the time, she'd been accompanied by Brock, who quiet handle all her mess on part. Leaving his gaze from Sara with less care. Brock attended again toward captain and Russell conversation.

[ As we are talking about Vice- commander Brock. There is quite a point. As we knows Sara is Commander of West Royal knights. But for some reasons Russell preferred Addressing her as Vice- Captain. Why is it? Because She might've been top candidate for next captain? Or maybe..? Not sure the Mistry only remained until Russell may explain.]

Leap of time took by the Russell before confronting another debate among themselves.

Both Sara and Brock were looking towards each other face's with the incompletion of the words and questionable marginal that!! What exactly does prince trying to indicate? But now, The variable whom unable to understand may be only Sara. As Brock might've Guessed his answer and Captain. We can't be sure about him.

" After looking back, It was inevitable I guess! My grandfather condition I mean !!"sigh!

Ahh!! On the account. Those long – lamenting time taking procedure, thanks to our kingdom power distributions. Nothing shall bypass until all the members do not approve. It might've been a pros to one end but cons on another. To this dates nothing have changed.

Sniffed a smile by Russell.

" Beside, There a hearsay going around about our neighbour Kingdom of Dom. That they have discovered the second grade Pasolini mines on their kingdom. Isn't that right captain?"

Startle expression rouse his face to resolved that query of Russell.

" As you said, your highness. But the truth behind is thin as cotton on the pile."

Sly smirk from Russell "well even it is a just a hearsay. It had cause a quiet commotion around in the empire Too. We can't just let it slip from our hand's like that. Even though we might achieve none the value for the efforts. After all it's a Pasolini we're talking about. And on top that, this is the second grade one. "

" If that's true. Then things were going to worsening then the situation of now. Isn't it?!"

Russell words continued. His vision went out from the window staring at the castle garden. Where, on the small bush. A spider had laid his web around waiting silently for its prey arrival. On the bottom of the bushes beneath from the ground. A small bug crawl outside for searching it's food. Heading slowly towards it's end not realizing the danger ahead.

" hmm, what happened to our holy maiden? I heard the she was chosen from goddess "Nilelirion" as the new maiden. Can't we just push our hands in the name of maiden." While viewing that nature cruel ploy He said. His stretched words were seems off. But that was truth.

"Yes! Your highness! She has been recently chosen and were undergoing procedure training."


"And she will began her visit to the neighbouring kingdom for spreading the blessings of the goddess.... After her training ends."

"Aaah -Ha." Russell paused her act after listening captain last words.

"Then, Be sure to make preparation."


"ooh-ya! Escort her directly to the kingdom of the Dom after the end of her training."

" She would be great bargaining chip." Sly smile rouse from Russell face. "As The kingdom of Dom is practically, A nation build out from the beliefs of God and all. Now that we have the Holy maiden on our side. They can't just let this slide easily. Now do they? Sly smile again appeared on his face.

"...." Captain looked toward Sara and Brock with a face difficult to approach on Russell words.

"Pardon my rudeness, your highness isn't it would be great to first consult this matter with his majesty."

"... Hah! Don't worry about it. I will personally talk to this matter with his majesty. Beside the occurrence of the Pasolini mines was fluttering in the air few months ago When I was in empire. The collection of the information that gained was suggested that. First when the Pasolini mines were discovered. The Dom kingdom hired it's best soldier along with mercenary and adventurers but theirs attempt were failed."

" ...? Failed what does that mean?! Your highness at first why does the adventurers and mercenary were sent at the first place? What does even they will achieved in mines?"

Along with Questionable face Sara started to pour her words. It seems her angered loosen up. And again she accompanied herself with usual strong- hearted personal. Missioned on her job with curious mind. This was sudden change, but didn't bother neither by Brock, captain nor Did paid any attention by the Russell.

" Hmm- hmm, My, my vice – captain." Smile in a childish, and a bit laughter manner by Russell. Sighs! This was expected but not from you. Sighs!"

Russell tried to withered the situation from sarcastic manner. As he already guessed, things began more warmer. This didn't let any effect on Sara, Although she was bit annoyed. But her annoyed face Apparently lighten a bit the air around.

Anyways, It lessen All the parties mood, not sure about Russell accompanied personnel though! It was quite absurd to be witnessed. A moment ago their was a silence of death and all. Now they seems to begun friendly and all. Sara point might've understandable. But what about Brock and Mostly the Captain? His actions were off, from his usual to began with. Is this because of Russell being a Prince? No that's not the total truth. Yes, In some degree Can be cause of Russell being prince but the Royal guards aren't some backwaters Soldiers. They have been serving for years to this point, They have saw Countless of nobility and fought alongside with them.

Specifically, Captain. Whose achievements can't be counted on ones figure. The real reason for their unusual behaviour today specifically because of None other Russell himself. Begin Prince isn't the Liberty That caused this changed of behaviour, his achievements are higher then anybody on that room, leaving the power aside. Even though he is the Youngest of all. Not to mention those Russell personnel, They could easily taken Sara and Brock without sheading a single sweat. This all been also been acknowledged by Russell himself. So, that is why he's been dealing this matters, very carefully.

Because power and strength aren't the same.

" Well, At first the Pasolini mines aren't like others mines there were highly protected from the invaders from the horde of the monster aka ' Magical beast' inside. Until all the monster weren't clenched out. There is No way around to extract Pasolini. That is also another factor which determined it's price to rise. The stronger the 'Magical beats' occur the Better the quality and Vice- versa. Moreover you can also called it like a dungeon."

"However, The attempts from the Dom kingdom were constantly failed. It's been One month but they couldn't achieve much. Sure they did clear the beginning entrance and bit inside but that's all they could have achieved till this date. When the discovery of the mine followed at first. All without any proper manner tried to use their luck but sadly None the souls came out perfectly. The barely survived one's said that there is only death awaits inside ' This Pasolini mines' the way the survivor had been there.

Where their legs cut off from their bodies. The torn of flesh from their bodies were advertising the scenario and the horror of the mines inside. And God knows what others the information is vague At that part. When the condition seems out to off controlled. Finally Authorities had no choice but to heavily guarded for any further casualties. Till now, it is the second highly guarded after the Dom castle. Fascinating!" Last part muttered by Russell.

"...." such a thing also happened in the Pasolini mines? But I weren't informed beforehand." Sara express her surprises there.

". Tuch, tuch, tuch!! Russell profound those sound while twisting his tongue, and moving little far from them.

" Not at all!"

" Hah?!!"

" I said this doesn't happened in all Pasolini mine's. This was exceptional but the chances were so rare that this the second time. That's what I heard? " Serious gazed while sipping the tea.

"..... yes, your highness I have also heard. But didn't have urge to believe it. And now if what your are saying is the truth! Which probably is. Then this high level of ' Magical beast' Then there is no doubt it's a second grade mines or by looking at scenario perhaps it could even mean the ' Third Grade Pasolini Mine' or... That's makes quiet fond to the situation. I presume." Captain expression were valid for the circumstances.

Another approval on Russell Thoughts lead him bit slide on the edged while he was drinking his tea. Leaving amazed Sara, nothing can be sure on Brock.

" Well, your are right On that!!

This might've been surely the case. Why empire also have urged it's eye on these affairs but Direct influence on their mines from Empire cannot Earn value to the Dom kingdom.

"If they directly asked for the empire Aid. Those bastard will swallowed them up without sparing a single part."

"Negative effects could also be influenced to the public around. That's also another factor to be determined." Captain added on Russell words after a thought.

" hmm, yah! That's also. Hmm" Russell replied while covering the sentence with surged.

(( Nwoliyen continent Along with Rasmon empire In it. It also contains total four empire. Rasmon Empire belong one of the Biggest Empire in Nwoliyen Continent. Situated in the east, lamion Empire to the North, Halmin Empire to west and sulvin Empire to the South.

Including Jubelian and Dom in a total Rasmon Empire contains Seven kingdoms. Few Archipelago.

Exus 'kingdom of the sea.' Belongs to lamion Empire. Specifically Exus Kingdom formed from different islands. So that's why it called ' kingdom of sea.' It is situated North to the lamion Empire near the Jubelian kingdom.

There isn't any contact from other continent. Discovery of any new is a just vain. Because only vast ocean is out there. As they says. And none presume the idea that there is continent out. But people can't be sure. ))

"...., So, their approach will be.?" Separating Captain words from his mouth. The answer were fallen out from Russell.

"Yes! They will approach other kingdoms for help." Calmed and tactical manner Russell expressed his thoughts. While his body was now leaned on the couch near. While playing with glass round ball on his hands.

".... But! Doesn't that lead them to be vulnerable. Your highness." While sparring Russell words Sara were conflicted with her words with bit of being patriotic.

" pardon my rudeness, your highness." Sara after reading the situation.

".. Huff". Lighting face with garnish wave. Russell felt in that situation.

" Well, that may be true but, They won't just ask one kingdom they will expand their wings through the imperial vassals for the help. Which will increase their chances for economy to rise. While maintaining harm from the consequences of having Pasolini mines. That would must be their prior."

"... But, how's come..? Your highness." Sara against with her congested question.

" Hmm, you see. Their extended matters in accordance of the Pasolini mine. Which is the one of the main reason that none kingdom will refused. Another if they collect all the kingdom of the empire together then. They won't be swallowed by the empire entirely. And when the mines were secured. They can just makes sure about rules for which the quantity of the Pasolini mines is escorted in other kingdoms. Which will eventually aid their economy anyway.

They might not be the One who would go for war. As their history suggests. This will surely boost their economy, the life standards of the public, all and all they are still kingdom. Even though they do prefer to be simply called as God servant but that's not how they have totally maintained their kingdom This long. Now do they?"

" hush..! That's what they were aiming for huh!" Sara expressed but still bit of question is roaming on her face.

" But won't they at first decide about their portion on the recovery of the mines."

" HMm, good question, Then let me cleared that doubt for you!!"

" You see their first conditions will the effort is equal to the right for the claim on the rewards. Meaning, that when they will gather forces from other vassal of the empire. Their first and uppermost clearance of the situation on the representatives of the other kingdoms is, That who ever will achieved effort on the completion of the Pasolini mines. That represented kingdom will have more right for the demand of the Pasolini vice-verse."

" But, doesn't the other nations will get the decided amount of Pasolini even if they're not able to approach on harsh conditions. Won't they just decide on the quantity of the Pasolini they will get beforehand. Because even if they aren't submerged on the conditions. They are still risking their lives on the line. Why'd go for higher?"

Silently listening up until now. Brock pulp out with serious matter on the assumptions of the Russell. In a disapproval and decisive answer. With a Pervious bitter face silent brock express in a way that the presented body were moved from his harsh words.

The moment of fraction second of his highly rude manner and disapproval answered were about to cut off along with his head by the Russell escorts.

" Calm down!!" In a veracious voice Russell exclaimed his words on his escorts. Who had surrounded Brock from their swords. One in front, which have closen its tip of sword near Brock eyes pupil and another sword tip was on the vocal cord.

Such a swiftness and a time had taken from those escorts that Brock wasn't able to defend him from them. While both captain and Sara realized a while later. Even though Brock was sitting on the sofa near Them.

When Sara along with captain realized the Murderous aura they were too late for their approach along with brock. But only Russell had reacted on those fraction of the secondth of time, to stop them from making the scenario any worse. Their swiftness was on a such a level that Sara and Captain had only about a half blinked on their eye's. That swiftness should at least have thrust to disperse the floor on the ground or disturb the air around but none of that happened.

Both halted their action and spared the life of brock.

Surprisingly brock didn't even flicker his posture. There wasn't even glimpse of hesitation on his face about what he did? Rather was Ready to take responsibility of his actions. He was sitting calmly without any fear on his eyes. As if he had saw worse.

His straightforward posture with heavy dark spirit calmed. His slim but fixed muscles on his body Beneath his uniform barely spared by those buttons on his chest.

"Lives you say..! Or did you meant 'meat-shield..!!'Huh!

Sounded valves fixed after just a second later when he heard those words from Russell. But didn't let his raged take over again on himself.

Firmly while closing his hand near his face. Brock said- "I know who you're exactly referring to Your highness. The adventurers and mercenaries were the uppermost choices by the different kingdoms. As they are cheap and used to this conditions. The higher-ups only have to pay half, And other half after the completion of the task. Those only applies if they came back alive after such a expedition." Cold and saddened expression aroused near Brock along with Sara and captain.

" Geez, Then what's the problem? I know you were angered and felt disgusts by my words. But, That's exactly how it works. You know better then any of us? Don't you?! Besides they bet their lives for the money. You know!"


Interestingly Russell was amazed by Brock braveness. Even though he wasn't totally saw the attacks by his escorts but he was the first one after Russell to realized their attacks and didn't flicked a bit. Not that he was trying to show off falsely. It was like naturally, his heart became wall of steel.

" I was quite impressed by your bravery today. I certainly can see why my brother wanted to be your disciple? And speaking about him. How's my Brother in your care? Vice- commander Brock?"

Russell express his thought with cold eye's and sly smoked smile.

Simultaneously the seeds sown by the spider is about to harvest soon. Citation of the situation was about to it's end. When Russell moved his head around from the same window to gain the knowledge of the situation.

Where a moment ago the bug from the ground heaping it's way near to it's end. The scenario caught by the Russell eye's were horrified but he was amused by the scenario. That bug had been caught up by the spider. His lower body was swallowing slowly in a gracious pace by the spider. Who is enjoying it's fetish.

While on the other hand that bug was silently waiting for being fully swallowed from the spider. He couldn't be able to move it's body in any way because of the paralyzed poison Toxified in his body. It was more like his mind and soul were trapped in it's own body. Desperation on pain but not moment went along. Now when the spider were throwing his fangs on the lumps of his body. While tore lumps of the meats from his body Making to shake for the while. That bugs words with its last stable while ferociously saddened face were at last swollen by the spider.

Waiting to be answered his questions while watching that scenario Russell smiled at the end. And slowly directed his head towards the answer, he'd been longing for.

"Prince lolith. I mean prince 'lolith Ark-van Jubelian' is doing great. Your highness." In a sense of forced to be answered Russell said but while talking about Russell little brother the fourth Prince. He was bit relaxed and proud.

"Hmm, I see, I See.. !!" Maintaining the buffered down the tempered thin line of the situation. Silently said by the Russell with a smile on his face.

Russell expression were also something. He can become sometimes serious and cold without any restrictions while like others times, he can still ask about his family members as normally people do!!

Startle by the situation Sara was trying to calm and relaxed her mind with the series of the unexpected circumstances that were emerging front on her eye's. Like literal second ago, she thought that Brock head was about to cut off and she couldn't even able to move. But As expected from the captain his cool didn't flicker much.

" well putting that aside. When did I told you to move without my permission!?"

Smiled face became horrified in split of second later. When he moved his head towards his escorts.

Both bow down with feared. They were all suited in black even their faces weren't able to seen because they were covered from a white long cloth. Which was hanging from their forehead and some pattern in black were on the centre of those both clothes. But still their shivered expression on the situation was revealing everything. Did they expressed their voice out or not?

" I will talk to you later. Get out from my sight!!"

Both vanished from that room. While others were still trying to cooled down their mind. While bearing Russell veracious aura which have again startled them.

"Hmm, something the matter?" Russell said while lifting his left eye brows with curiousness.

They were startled by his "SY" energy which he had unconsciously loosen around while talking to his escorts. But didn't realized up until now.

" No, your highness!! It's nothing?" Captain said While maintaining his slider posture after "SY" Energy harmed his position. While Sara still maintaining her posture and again with a surprise Brock was fixed on his position.

" .. . .. Is that so?!" puzzled face later Russell said while continuing his words.

" I was saying something wasn't I? What was that?! Hmm, let's see. Oh, yah!?"The Dom kingdom!! How am I forgetting everything today!? And cursed this headache. Why didn't it settled down up until now? Ahhh!"

" your highness. Why don't you take a rest for a while. We can continue our conversation tomorrow."

Captain was calmed and trying to settled this conversation. Even though Russell was bit odd. And was quite powerful and all. But still comparing to the adults around. He was still a child.

"Ah! No!? Fill me the cup from that tea pot. ... I can manage a little longer. This matter should be clear quick."

Most of the Russell actions were justifiable to the captain on certain reason. Up until now but he wasn't able to grasp the situation wholly till the time. On the other hand Russell wasn't on his best either. Was it because He only came from the Empire this morning? And moving around without a rest. Perhaps!!

Without arguing much captain followed his instructions.

Filled cup from captain was received and firmly in fixed his position on the near another sofa. Russell continued his words while other tarnished their attention towards him.

" As our vice commander already said. Their isn't a necessary fro them to over accomplish than they can. But as you already know that Dom kingdom isn't like the other kingdoms. Mostly that kingdoms main perspective is to maintain peace and harmony. As they say's. More than ninety percent of the total population worship on the single goddess "Nilelirion. And They didn't even approached for their domain expansion till this date. Because of their religion teaching. They didn't participated in a war with anyone except to Carcesius kingdom. Especially for the solely purpose of acquiring 'holy maiden' of that time. But they were still defending their kingdom as Carcesius is the first to start war. The Royal Family of the Dom were also highly influenced by the church and their teaching. For that reason their relationship to its neighbour is quiet peaceful. Dom kingdom is mainly known for the religion hub."

" so?!!" Sara with another pushed words.

"So, In the first place. The Royalties of the Dom kingdom aren't actually Royals. More or less like the religion belief among the kingdom prefer the situation to form a religion Royalties. Their circumstances is such a dire, or should I say pathetic. That The kingdom controlled by the Royals and noble are only in the surface but behind the scenes was mostly utilized by the church and the religious group."

"huff, with slight sniffed from Russell.

"Dom kingdom doesn't have The next royal heirs for the throne because of the some internal matter. Only the princess which is about on her teen. The husband of the princess were supposedly to be the next king. Because of the religion believes and value of the other kingdom won't be behind for cutting the bitter to the Dom kingdom. They still hold greater value. And everyone will try to utilize including us."


" yes, us why are you all surprised !?"

" N-No, It's just? As you've been saying. Shouldn't we look towards our own problems rather then involving in others? Sara with bit of anxious expression.

" Again, huh!! Sometimes you do speaks the truth. You know! But on your queries. We will do the both."

" Both?!!"

"Yes, both of em!! Because we got no choice. If we were able to establish a Good upper- look to Dom kingdom. Not only our cost of production will decrease. But we don't have to Import Pasolini mines from The kingdom of sea. And it will not only spare us more time but also save us from Empire taking portion from it. As we were clearly near with Dom kingdom. And only Two days of Time required from Our capital to Dom kingdom. Only dividing us by Those mountains ranged but if this deal were to properly accomplished. Then we can agree on a proper road system. Beside, it won't hurt to have a Extra help. As certainly the crisis moving.

" Hmm, that's buyable, so then this is the reason. Why'd your ask for ' New Holy- maiden?' I Guess?!"

" Correct!!!"

" Hmm, I see then!"

Halls of exchanged were establishing between Russell and Sara. Which was a quiet a surprise to Brock but not the captain nor did Sara. Because Even though Russell is a prince a bit of annoying a moment ago. He was just showing the mirror to them. As he didn't expected all these problems will occurred at that time when he wasn't around. Besides, Relationship between Sara, captain and Russell is quite long before than Brock. Because both captain and Sara had been serving the Jubelian kingdom for the years now. It was natural to them to knew about the prince and noble around these duration. But, certainly Russell was a Genius from the start and bit of spoiled and annoying but he was still a good kid. But now, after his time on empire he had changed a lot. His cold personality became only colder.

Both Sara and captain were used to play with him, teach him swordsman and other stuff back those days. It was obvious that they were surprised by how different and cold did he became nowadays. And unable to completely swallow his transformation at the same time Ashamed that in absence of his presence all these matters occurred. So, this might've been a reason why The Captain was still odd on his place.

He wasn't talking in a pleased manners Because of his accomplishments and all. It was because of his relationship towards Russell. Most of the accomplishment were the time from Russell being in empire and only the person. Who had fought? The war knew the true face of war. This might been the reason why Sara, often loosen her place and trying to talk normally as they used to.

But now, after seeing the well- established conversation between them. All the matters were sorted out. This might've been the reason why Russell had been calling her vice- captain. The only person who is not quite familiar with Russell behaviour is Brock. Also back in those days he'd knew about the Genius Russell feats but today is the first time he was witnessing him. But it's doesn't applies that Russell is enjoying doing all these. He was doing because he got not other choices, Because when ' The ropes were about to loosen up. It is logical to be tinged up.'

"The upper hand to Re-establish our relationship to the Dom kingdom and make them to owe us. That's our priority, then!!" Sara along agreeing arguments said.

" Yep, And from what I think there is no way that their neighbour. That is us that they won't invite. Because Even if our kingdom don't have any proper relations to each other. But they're still aware of our military power's and the deed that have done in 100 years ago. And because of the less interference. They don't have much idea about our kingdom conditions right now. And when the kingdom of the Jubelian were to take part of such a collaborated situation the chances that the empire to bare their fangs will decrease."

".. ...."

"And besides—this will also help us for strengthening our trust. I know——we don't have any great relationship but still. Minimal of trade is associated near the border.

"...., your words were present with truth. Your highness! But.!?"

"... But..!! What!?"Minimal pressure of his words crushed captain heavy mind.

"..... You, see those minimal traded aren't supposed to be an official agreement between two kingdom. They are just had co- relative relationship for a long time—Mainly this is a..."

" Absurd!! " Steeping on captain words. Russell muffled it's obscuring his tyrant on the matter. While placing his hands clasped behind. His diligence manner were effusive greater today in worsen way—then it used to be.

His behaviour was usually off today. Because of his headache or what the existence maybe!? It was still unknown.

" Sigh, wasn't that supposed to be a part of the agreement Long ago or what!? Sheesh.!! These headache." His word were compromised.

" yes, your highness—it is result of kingdom of Dom previous generations king."

" Aa-haa, But that's story will be for the another time. We should discuss on the matter on our hand."

".... Realm of shadow's.!!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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