
Foxs Gift 2

Fourteen year old Naruto Uzumaki awoke with no memory of his past, snippets here and there but nothing solid. Will he remember who he is? Will he ever find out what happened to him? Will he ever make it home? Author note: This is the second book in my Foxs Gift series, hope you enjoy!

WhiteEyed_Ghoul · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Ch. 1

"Wake up."

"You gotta get up now…"

"Wake up, Naruto-kun."

Surrounded by darkness he heard the soft feminine voice call out to him.

"Open your eyes."

He couldn't see her or physically feel her, but emotionally he could. Warmth building up inside his chest and his heart began to beat.

"The way we feel about each other will always connect us." The voice whispered softly, so close yet it held an echo as if she were miles away.

His drumming heart clenched and ached. He wanted to reach out for her, whoever 'her' was. He wanted to hug her, to hold her and to fill her heart with as much love as her words filled his own.

"So make sure to come back to me, Naruto-kun, no matter what."


His eyes slowly opened and he winced. The blurry room around him was bright, nearly blinding. He let out a groan as he wiped his eyes with the back of his right hand.

He slowly looked around the room he was in. White cinderblock walls on three sides and a half cinderblock, half mirror wall on the fourth. Next to the abnormally large mirror was a grey metal door with no handle attached to it.

'Where am I?' He wondered as he slowly sat up on the hospital bed. He grunted as the I.V in his left hand pulled uncomfortably against his skin. Looking at his left arm, he frowned at the black chains tattooed there. Each chain wrapped around his forearm. He saw the thin scar just above his elbow that seemed to wrap around his entire arm.

He sighed and rubbed his face once more in an attempt to maybe remember anything at all but he came up blank. He felt panic began to rise up in his chest.

He couldn't remember anything. Nothing. No people, no places, nothing.

'Oh my god.' Horror etched itself across his face.' Who am I?' He asked himself.

"Oh shit…" he mumbled out.

'Naruto…' like a little whisper tugging at the back of his brain.' Naruto Uzumaki'.

"Naruto… Uzumaki?" He mumbled softly. He wasn't sure if it was his name or not, but it felt right.

Naruto turned his head to look at the mirror across from him and slowed himself to take in his own features.

Messy blond hair with a small silver patch on the left side of his head. Lightly tanned skin, three weird whisker like marks on each cheek and his eyes… they were freaky.

His right eyes was a deep silverish-purple with a tiny dot like pupil and three thin rings orbiting said pupil. His left eyes was blood red and mirrored his other eyes pupil and rings. Except for the three black tomoe like marks on the first ring surrounding the pupil, each tomoe evenly separated from on another.

Naruto blinked at his own reflection, surprise welling up within him.

"The fuck?" It slipped out without his permission and he quickly slapped his hands over his mouth, looking around the room as if someone was in there with him.

Slowly dropping his hands down into his lap, he let out a sigh and his shoulders sagged.

"Where the hell am I?" He wondered. He looked to the mirror once more and chills ran down his spine, as if someone was staring right at him." Hello? Is…errrr… is someone there?"


"Anyone?" He called out a second later. Still nothing.

"Great! I'm in a strange axe murdering room and I'm talking to myself." He sighed out. He reached down and pulled the I.V from his left hand and threw it to the side." The hell am I still doing here?" He grumbled in annoyance as he threw the white blanket off of himself. He blinked down at the hospital gown he was wearing and frowned.

"They took my boxers." He sneered." Sick freaks." He was about to throw his legs over the bedside but instead damn near jumped into the ceiling when a loud buzzing sound went off near the handless door.

"Son of a bitch!" Naruto cried out in surprise as the door slowly swung open.

He watched as a tall man entered the room. His very light brown hair was short on the top and sides of his head but he still had a long pony tail hanging from the back of his head. He had olive green eyes and a headband of some sorts tied around his forehead. A weird leaf like symbol etched into silver metal that was attached to black cloth.

"Hello." The man greeted him in a kind voice with a small nod of his head as the door swung closed behind him.

Naruto looked at the door behind him and heard a soft 'click'. The blonds eyes flickered back to the man.

He carried a small black fold up chair in one hand and a notebook and pen in the other.

"Hey?" Naruto greeted awkwardly.

The man unfolded the chair and set it up a few feet away from Naruto's bed. He sat down and stared at Naruto.

"My names Inoichi Yamanaka.." he introduced himself." And you?" He wondered as he opened his notebook and clicked his pen.

"Naruto Uzumaki." The boy answered before glaring daggers at the guy sitting there like nothing was wrong." But you can call me daddy after I kick your ass and get out of wherever the fuck this is." He pointed at finger at the guy.

Inoichi wrote the boys name down in his notebook while ignoring the rest of the blonds statement.

"It's nice to meet you Naruto-san." His green eyes flickered back up to the boy." As for the rest of your statement, I would advise against any attempts to break out of this room."

"And why's that?"

"This room and this entire complex is surrounded and manned by highly trained ANBU agents." The man informed the thoroughly confused boy." You wouldn't make it two steps down the hall before you're recaptured." He added with a shrug and an amused smile on his face.

Naruto stared blankly at Inoichi.

"Yeah, I don't know what the hell an ANBU is but you can't just keep me here, I've done nothing wrong!" He complained.

"Is that so?" Inoichi wondered." Some random kid falls from the sky surrounded by a cloak of gold chakra, and lands in the center market of our hidden village." The man took a small breath as he watched the boys eyes widen." No one recognizes you and you're not registered in any civilian schools or ninja academies in the village." He paused to wave a hand in the boys direction." Granted you do look like Hokage-Sama, but that doesn't help you at all."

Naruto narrowed his eyes." What do you want from me?" His tone was calm yet stern.

"I wanna know who you are, what Village you're from and why you're here." Inoichi listed off with that ever present smile of his face.

Naruto stared at the man. Both sitting in silence and locked in a staring contest.

After a minute or two, Naruto looked away from the man and stared down at his lap.

"I don't know how to answer your questions."

"Why?" Inoichi asked calmly and the boy looked back at him, strange eyes full of doubt and hints of fear.

"Because… I can't remember anything." Naruto answered quietly.

"You remember nothing but your name?" Inoichi asked while writing something down.

"I'm not sure if it is my name." Naruto answered truthfully, his brows knitting together." It just… felt right." He added.

"You said I came from the sky?" Inoichi nodded." And I landed in the market of your village?" The man nodded again." I didn't hurt anyone did I?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"No, not really." Inoichi answered while he wrote." You hit the ground pretty hard, hard enough to create a small crater and give a few people concussions." He explained calmly, looking back up at the boy." But no one was seriously injured." He watched the boys shoulders sag in relief.

"Good… that's good." Naruto nodded, talking to himself.

"So Naruto-San." The man began, getting the teens attention." Is there anything other than your name that you remember? Maybe your age, how you came to fall from our skies? Anything at all?"

Inoichi watched the blond close his eyes and knit his brows, obviously trying to remember anything.

"I… I think I'm fourteen?" Naruto answered." I don't really know I…" he opened his eyes and looked at Inoichi." It's like this feeling, I can't really remember anything but I know things."

"Like what, son?" Inoichi asked.

"I know that these walls are white, I know that grass is green and wood comes from trees." Naruto frowned." But when I try to remember things about me, it's like… just nothing. Everything is just gone."

"Okay." Inoichi nodded." It sounds to me like you have surface level knowledge. You understand a few things but you don't know how you know?" Getting a nod from the blond he continued." It's a possibility that you're suffering from amnesia, wether it's short or long term, time will tell."

"Well I don't like it."

Inoichi chuckled.

"No one does." The Yamanaka replied." But we honestly have no idea how far you fell." He answered." From the reports we got, you just kinda showed up and hit the ground."

"Okay." Inoichi said." How about we try something?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'll say random words and you tell me the first word that comes to mind, maybe it'll help you remember something?" He suggested.

Naruto thought about it for a moment before shrugging.

"Sure, if you think it'll help." The blond answered.

"Okay." Inoichi nodded." Let's begin." He took a moment to clear his throat and to ready his pen to write down the questions he would ask and the boys responses.

















It went on like this for a few more minutes. Inoichi would say a word and Naruto would say the first word that popped into his head.

Inoichi wrote down everything as he spoke, subtly probing the boys mind by throwing out words that would correlate to any of the five main ninja villages.





Inoichi took a moment to write down another word as he peaked at the seal on the boys left arm.

"Jinchuriki." He said in a calm tone, giving away nothing.

Naruto groaned suddenly and brought a hand up to his head. Inoichi sat up straighter and narrowed his eyes a little as the boy buried his face in his hands.

"Naruto-San?" He asked slowly.

"Y-Yeah?" The teen muttered out.

"What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word 'jinchuriki'?" Inoichi asked, his fingers fiddled with his pen.

Naruto's brain throbbed as the word seemed to echo through him. He didn't know why the word effected him so, he didn't even know what it meant but he knew what popped into his head first.

"Protect." The blond answered softly.

Inoichi wrote the boys answer down while nodding slowly, a theory forming in his head as he continued.

"Are you well enough to continue?" He asked and the boy dropped his hands back into his lap and nodded.





Inoichi raised a curious brow.


A sad look washed over the boys face as he reach up to hold a hand over his chest.


"How do you feel?" Inoichi asked softly.

"Sad. Lost." Naruto answered honestly with a small nod." I don't know why, but my heart hurts."

"That's okay." The man replied calmly, hoping to settle the boys emotions as much as he could.

This went on for another hour until Inoichi claimed that it was enough for the day. Closing his notebook and picking up his chair he promised to see Naruto again in the morning. After that, he left.

Naruto sat on the bed looking at the door for a moment before laying back on the bed. With a sigh he closed his eyes and rolled over onto his side.

He wasn't sure why but he was dead tired.

'Might as well get some rest.' He thought to himself as he pulled the blanket he had up and over his head, hoping to hide the loneliness he was feeling from the rest of the world.


"Those were the only two words he had any physical or emotional reaction too?"

Inoichi stood across from the mahogany desk and nodded at the two people on the other side.


The man sitting at the desk was in his early thirties. Spiky blond hair with two long side burns on either side of his head. Blue eyes that reflected the sky itself and a lightly tanned skin tone.

He wore a long white cloak that had a dark red flame like design reaching from the bottom of said cloak to the back of his waist. In dark red writing was the word 'FOURTH" running down the spine of said cloak. Under it, he wore a dark green Jonin vest over a dark blue long sleeved shirt. His dark blue pants were wrapped at the ankles with bandages.

This was Minato Namikaze. The Fourth Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Standing next to him was his wife, Kushina Uzumaki.

Her long red hair was tied into a high ponytail. Her dark violet eyes were full of hope and worry. She too wore a dark green Jonin vest, over a blue t-shirt. Her pants were the same as Minatos, bandages and all. The only difference being her sandals were black while her husbands were blue.

"You really think he doesn't remember anything?" Kushina asked softly, the mother in her felt horrible for the young boy.

"It seems that way." Inoichi answered." He was confused when he woke up and like any kid his age, he used the threat of violence to hide his fear at first." He shrugged." But when I told him how he just showed up in the village, he was worried he might have hurt someone."

"What do you think about him, Inoichi?" Minato wondered while staring down at the notebook the mind walker had handed him. His blue eyes slowly skimmed down the page, taking in all the writing.

"He seems like a good kid and I don't think he's a spy… permission to speak freely, Hokage-Saka?" Inoichi looked hesitantly at the duo.

"Of course." Minato nodded.

"Honestly sir, I don't think he was sent here by another village. It would be to… stupid." He admitted. He swallowed nervously as his eyes flickered to kushina." He looks too much like Narumi." Minato and his wife tensed." If he is a spy then he looks like that in order to get some sort of emotional attachment or attention from both of you. It's too obvious, not even Iwa would be that dumb."

Kushina swallowed thickly as she looked down to her husband.

"Mina-kun… do you think he could have any information about Narumi-Chan?" She wondered softly.

"I'm not sure." Minato answered. He closed his eyes and swallowed his emotion." And the seal on his arm? Did it do anything?" He asked, looking back up to Inoichi.

"No sir."

Minato hummed, idly rubbing his chin. When the boy had first been rushed to the hospital, he had shown up and examined the weird seal on the boys arm after being notified of its existence by one of his anbu.

It wasn't like any seal he had ever seen. He had watched the 'chains' wiggle around the boys arm, before settling, multiple times. The only thing about the seal was that it was holding something. What that something was? He didn't quite know. But hearing how the blond had reacted to the word jinchuriki, he was starting to fear that the boy held one of the nine.

"I'd like to speak with him." Kushina spoke up, getting both men's attention.

"Kushina-" the red head cut her husband off.

"Listen." She began." If he knows something about our daughter then I need to know." She let out a small sigh." And if he is a jinchuriki then I'll be able to tell." She brought a hand up to her stomach." The fox might not be with me anymore but that doesn't mean I won't be able to sense him."

Minato sighed sadly as he reached for his lovers hand. He grasped it and brought the back of her hand to his lips." Very well dear." He kissed the back of her hand and smiled up at her.