
Side Chapter: Emily

<Emily's POV>

I am like every other orphan in this town.... I came from a family that didn't really care about their children, in fact one would be beat over just a little bit of food, then the bandits came. I ran away to this town without even looking back knowing my family or what was left of it would be taken as slaves after the bandits took over.

I didn't care that they would suffer, it is just the way of life, when I made it to this new town from the outside it looked better, it was well protected, had patrols, and even had laughing children with their families. Thus, I thought it would be a better town to settle in.

Boy was I wrong... I had to steal just to eat, I had to kill just to survive, but I would never sell myself like some of the other orphans did to survive... I like I said killed people and stole their belongings to survive, but I never killed anyone that was happy with a family, only the ones that I see hitting their wife even in public...

But who would of thought that this time I would have targeted someone stronger then me? I had even spiked his drink so he wouldn't be completely as strong as he was sober... but I was forced down on the ground unable to get away.... god... if you exist help me this one time... please...

"Girlie you're now going to become a woman~" the guy disgustingly laughed... as he ripped my clothes.

I tried my best to get away from him squirming under him, even to the point to kicking and hitting him with all I had... but I couldn't even scratch his skin...

He laughed again this time it was more disgusting I could even feel his spit on my face from it.

"Girlie, you're going to become a woman now...!"

"NO! Let me go!"

"I like them feisty!"

"NO!! HELP ME!!!"

"No one is going to help you here"

The guy laughed even louder and more disgustingly


I promise to be good... I promise god... so please help me... anyone...

For a while no one came... I guess this is the punishment I deserve for leaving my family behind even if they were abusive... and it hurt to be with them... I still left them to a horrible fate....

Just as I was really about to give up a fox woman holding her child appeared and kicked the guy like he was just a pebble on the side of the road making his head go through a dried mud house.... ouch... that has to hurt...

The guy gets up and is rather pissed, but I can still see the disgusting glint in his eyes when he eyes the mother daughter pair....

"what the hell!" trash

"My cute darling Lily wanted me to teach you a lesson." Fox-lady

From what I can see the fox mother is quite irritated... no clue of what, probably about this disgusting man trying to talk to her... and for what he did, and how he is looking at them... but I feel she also hates dirtying her shoes on him... I know, because she is trying to wipe it off on the ground trying to get his scent off it.

The guy seems to mumble a few words I couldn't make out, but I do get the general idea... he wanted to rape them too... luckily the drug I gave him made him weaker then he usually was... he was one of the few hunters of this village I had watched him for a long time to know how much to use... but I still made a mistake I should have used more.

This guy... could take a horde of monsters on his own with his bare hands... specially when he goes into wolf transformation, I even seen him defeat a wyvern by himself and come out unscratched...

But the thing is he is also known to take children from their families and raped them, if the family tries to fight back he cuts the arms and legs of the father and sets him up so he can watch... while his men rape the mother and he plays with the daughter.... to both of them are broken....

Then he charged the lady, probably doesn't know that he is weakened... or is too drunk to figure it out, either way the lady shifts her child to her free arm and waits for the guy to get within striking distance before drawing her sword just enough so the tip cuts through his throat with enough depth to kill him but no more... as if to keep him away at the distance she also moves her sword a little bit and he falls backwards.

From that skill a lone she probably could have taken him on even without the drug I used... if only I could learn such skills...

Then the lady looked at me with eyes full of pity, but also, I can see a glint of slyness in her eyes as if she is planning something.... probably how to make use of me... since in this world nothing is gained for free.... nothing not even saving one's life.

Getting up from the ground and dusting myself off as much as possible while trying to pin my clothes together the best of my ability... since luckily it wasn't totally shredded yet so it can still be used... for the most part if I am careful.

"My Lily wanted me to save you, thus you need to repay the favor by being her friend and come with us when we leave okay? Don't worry... I will pay you for you service."

So... I am going to be a slave to her child... looking at the deadpan girl in her arms I could tell this girl probably isn't completely spoiled but still doesn't know of the dangers of this world yet, probably has some training since her mother is skilled with the sword I am sure she'd teach her daughter a bit of it...

I just hope she isn't arrogant...

"My name is Emily... and I agree... to serve you... a dept. must be paid for saving me"

The mother seemed happy with my agreement with her... I am afraid if I didn't agree she'd kill me on the spot...

Glancing over at the man that is now on his back bleeding out dead... my back had cold sweat on it while I shiver a bit looking at her sword as she re sheaths it.

But I am grateful since the first place they stopped at was a clothing store and she bought me a few new dresses, she even let me pick them out myself, which was the most fun I had in my whole life... but sadly the daughter which is named Lily, while the mother is named Mary, is not happy shopping the little girl even the look of despair in her eyes on her deadpan face...

Every now and then you can even see her eye twitch. It was fun dressing her up in cute dresses here and there I almost forgot myself cause the mother encouraged me to do so, since she was doing the same dressing her up in all sorts of things...

I think we picked every single cute outfit in three to ten shops... but only bought a hand full of them...

What got me the most is Lily liked going towards the boys' section specially for the pants, she didn't care for anything else, but she said something about they would be good to train in...

With the weird new master, I have, talked her mother into getting a few pairs of pants for her.

On the way home there was a bit of an outing for food before we got inside the brick house the village built for the nobles from the capital so that they won't burn the village down... seeing this girl and her mother I doubt they would burn this village down unless they did something against them...

Anyhow I am happy I got new clothes... I didn't expect them to all welcome me so easily, and even gave me my own room to sleep in for the night...

I will serve them as long as I can... even if it brings me death... I dun want to go back to my old way of living ever again...

I know this is a side chapter, I will write another one tomorrow or later tonight depends on how tired I am after work.

Word count: 1,429

KuroSonacreators' thoughts