
Parental Pressure (11)

When the alarm rang, waking Iris up, she looked around her in confusion. Why was it so loud? It was on the other side of the apartment, behind two closed doors, so why did it sound like it was right by her side?

Lazily, she opened her eyes and saw something she hadn't expected to see ever again. Kyro's naked chest was in front of her, his arm circling her miniature body closer. She was still a fox, which was good, but still… Didn't he remember that she was also a woman?

It took her a moment to extricate herself, but the abominable alarm was still ringing. The fact that Kyro needed five alarms was much easier to tolerate when she was far on the other side of the apartment. But if she did as before to wake him up, wouldn't he think some wrong thoughts?

Yet she couldn't tolerate that alarm for much longer. Her large ears in the fox form were much more sensitive than those of her human form. The loud noise was making her crazy.

She tiptoed to Kyro's face and then screamed out at the top of her lungs straight into his ear. He twitched a little, grimaced, but didn't wake up. Just shooed her with his hand as if she was an annoying fly.

Furious, she avoided his lazy attack and screamed a few more times in succession. Her voice was so loud, his ear drums should have burst, and he finally opened his eyes. They were sleep-filled and unfocused, but he managed to catch her by the scruff of the neck and lift her up.

"What are you doing?" he growled out, shaking her a little. His clouded gaze was about to hide behind his heavy eyelids again, though, so Iris screamed at him again. The stupid alarm was still going on in the background.

Her voice was much shriller than any alarm. Kyro winced and his eyes opened up again. "Can you stop?"

She shook her head violently, then shifted her gaze to the phone on the bedstand. With his hazy mind, Kyro took a whole half a minute to realize what she wanted of him. Once he shut down the alarm, she smiled at him and cooed in happiness. The abominable noise was gone!

But she was the only one joyous about that. Kyro looked like she had eaten his cake, which he had saved for the morning. "Satisfied?"

It was a trick question. Iris had no doubt about that. Yet how could she answer when she couldn't even run away? He was still holding her without any plans to release her. Thus, she nodded slowly.

"If you do that again, I'll throw you out whatever your circumstances."

'Whaa?!' Iris instantly screamed out in protest. Her limbs flailed about, and she seriously considered scratching him for being this heartless.

"Won't you keep quiet for a moment?" he asked, covering his eyes from the light and the sight of her. In answer, she screamed even louder.

It wasn't possible to cover his ears with one hand holding her up, so he glared at her and put her down. This action should have been a calming one, but Iris did not see it so. Kyro still owed her for being annoyed at her when all she wanted was for him to turn off his alarm clock.

Because of that, her next action was to jump on his chest and tell him her mind straight to the face. For a moment, Kyro just stared at her, then his lips twisted into a wry smile. "You do know I didn't understand a word, right?"

That was unfortunate, but at least he would now know that she had her own thoughts about this matter. He wasn't the only one who thought he was in the right here.

"Do I actually want to know what you said there?" he asked as his hand came to rest on her back. He didn't pet her like he would have done before, but the familiar closeness was a welcome returnee.

After a moment's consideration, she shook her head, and his smile grew a little wider. "I see. Now, would you please get off me so I can get ready for work?"