
Baby magic

Lilli wakes in the middle of the night with the feeling of weightlessness. Sitting up she realizes she is floating in the air .

"Shiro I need you to wake up please. Something is going on." Lilli calls Shiro panicked.

Shiro opens his eyes and sees his wife looking down at him from above the bed. Reaching out for her hands he pulls her back down into his arms.

"Umm I think we need to ask what is happening." Shiro looks at Lilli's panicking face. Lilli nods and connects to Moll , Maureen and her mother all at once.

"I need you now!!!!!!!!" Lilli holds tight to Shiro hoping that she won't float up again. They hear foot steps on the stairs with Aisling calling Lilli's name.

"Lilli we are here what is wrong why do you sound so scared." Aisling calls to her daughter. When the three women walk into the room they see nothing amiss puzzled Moll begins to check Lilli.

"Are you having pain or any extra dizziness?" Moll asks.