

By YoungLawd, DaTeacher

(Based on a true story...events,dates and names have been either modified or fabricated for thorough confidentiality)

06:12am Wednesday

He begrudgingly rolled out of bed and let his lungs fill with air thereby expelling his rage..

Lazily rubbing his eyes, he let one idle sweep of his room before getting up cursing Nawec(National Water and Electricity Company) yet again.

A long long long night infact 3 nights it had been without electricity and mosquitoes in his room('the evil creatures') had bitten every inch of his bare skin during the hot 'lightless' night.

Alpha picked up his phone and hastily turned off the alarm. He chuckled at the thought that he had finally managed to beat the alarm in its job but groaned disappointedly as his tablet rang loud and irritatingly (back up alarm😏)

He rushed to turn it off and watched his little brother turn in his sleep

'The little shit!' Thought Alpha

''Ah how i wish i spent my childhood like normal kids do instead of reading every book at my dispo'....a loud fart escaped from his brother as he gave another satisfying moan and continued to snore.

He walked to the bathroom while rubbing the many raised spots on his hands, proof that he had been thoroughly bitten during the night

Alpha got ready for work an hour later and he left a note for Kee, his brother, by his phone..

Instructions for chores he needed taken care of and money for breakfast

Picking up his favourite cross bag, he stuffed his day's cash and tablet in and began playing songs through his ear piece


Alpha signed in at the clinic he works for(1 month internship)

He loved signing

'I bet celebrities enjoy this stuff'

He thought to himself

Entering in the reception hall, he glanced at both his sides and his tummy rumbled a reminder

'Yeah right' (rubbing his tummy) 'i would eat after collecting sugar from my office'

He made a mental note

Retrieving the office's key from his bag, he walked to the Cashier(his office) while greeting the early comers who mumbled their replies apparently disgusted that they had to wait this long for work to commence

Alpha stepped in and turned on the computer, printing machine, fan, AC and removed the cloth that covered his work table sighing deeply and wondering whether he might have an early chance to walk back home closing for the day as he needed sleep.


'i still got time' Alpha argued with his conscience

'I can make a quick breakfast before attending to these patients'

Locking his door, he rushed to the pantry and began eating and drinking hastily

After a record breaking 5 minutes, Alpha had a bottle of water near him and decided to briefly check his Whatsapp app for messages and to update a thought he just had while listening to Drake

WhatsApp status update; 'Sumn's Up'

Alpha made it back to his office and unlocking it yet again he opened the sales box and then fear he knew he lost a long time ago, times when he feared being alone in a dark room or walking home to an inevitable beating from his dad, swept over him as the cash he so stupidly left in the cash box the other night disappeared leaving behind the rubber bands and paper it was wrapped in!!

He racked his tired brain to relive the last moments he had the other day in his office right before leaving with his Friend Karo

'Yes i shut down the useless Hospital Manager Application that did not work through out because of server issues and hastily wrapped it with a paper and rubber bands before scribbling down the date(man! Why didnt i keep it in the huge safe before leaving) he thought feverishly

My friend left the office before me after i slammed the lid of the cash box close(not shut because there wasnt any key for that)

I locked the door connecting my office and the Receptionist's and turned off the appliances before locking the office's door'

A thorough recap made it foggier but he was a bit sure ,dreadfully though, that the 'cash the clinic made yesterday is gone'

Alpha sank lower in his usually comfortable chair and began racking his brain as to how possible it could have been for the money to disappear

'I did leave it in the box didnt i?'

'I mean' (convulsively checking his bag) 'yeah i did'

He checked the other drawers and even half heartedly opened the safe with a second key given to him by the actual Cashier who was on leave

He had an unavoidable little moment where he praised his psychic skills

Sumn's Up

'I did know this didnt i?'

He admonished himself and returned to his sad plight

'Not here!' Alpha was ready to accept what he knew happened

'The money is gone

The receptionist went home way before i did'

He quickly shuffled the thought out from his mind as he really liked her

'She's not like that'

He concluded

Before calling his superiors, Alpha collected all the papers he used while recording the file numbers of invoices made the previous day(this way, he would be able to update the hospital's electronic cash record with the actual money he made)

They were alot of papers and file numbers

'Right! more trouble for me i guess...lots of transactions is just what i need!' He said through gritted teeth

And indeed it was true

More transactions means the lost money was really alot

'How ever are they going to take this piece of news?'

He had already calculated the transactions recorded on the papers and it was a whopping


He ruffled his hair and kept muttering to himself staring at the telephone


