
Fourteen In Heaven

Angel was just fourteen when her whole world was taken and turned upside down. Being the new girl in a new town at a new school was never easy. Especially, after being forced to move due to the passing of her father. However, when she catches the attention of the cutest guy in school moving and being new was not so bad. Angel knows little about love or the crazy things that come with loving someone. Can she maintain the relationship with Bentley Gunter, stay on track and continue to make her mother proud? Will Angel start to walk the wrong path leading to troubled waters and doors meant to stay locked? Wil the passion burning deep down inside her cost her everything? Could loving the wrong person costs more than just a broken heart?

TeresaWilson · Teenager
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Bonfire

"A Bonfire, Angel? You know I don't mind but is that really your thing?"

Lizzy watched me, watch my mother who was also watching me and waiting for a response.

"I wouldn't know if it was until I went and tried it for myself, mom."

Lizzy roared with laughter as my mom gave her a confused look.

"Angel was all against the bonfire and everything when I was pleading and now she has a change of heart. Why is that?"

I smiled and shrugged, "Bentley asked me to go and so yes that changed my mind. I think I might like him."

My mother smiled as my face started to heat up.

"Go. Have fun, there is nothing wrong with liking someone. Just be careful. I want to meet Bentley, his mother, and his father if and when and before you guys become "just friends"."

My mother shook her head and chuckled.

"I remember when I was that age. Have fun ladies. Curfew is at 9:30 p.m., 10.pm. at the latest and that's with a text and phone call, do you two hear me?"

We both nodded frantically and headed upstairs to get dressed.

"You are something else."

Lizzy chuckled as we gawked at ourselves in the mirror.

"But... I have got to give it to you. Bentley is one fine ass guy."

I laughed out loud as I headed for the door waiting for my mother to join us. Lizzy added her laughs in every now and then as we waited by the car.

The anxious pot of poison that was boiling in my pot of Bentley's love was starting to boil over. The closer we got to the bonfire, the faster my heart started to beat.

My mother started to drive down a long driveway leading to an open field. There was a small river to the right of the field. Slight smoke coming from a pile of wood sat to the left of the field ready to blaze and crack, hearing and witnessing things parents were never to know. This night was the night that would change a lot for me.

That would soon enough wake up someone who I didn't know I needed inside of me. We pleaded goodbye to my mother and patiently waited for her car to disappear before going our separate ways. Exploring the night and what it had to offer was something I was always good at. Lizzy saw some friends she made at school calling her over and I, myself walked over to the river that was calling my name.

The bugs reflected against the water as lightning bugs lit up to the sound of frogs hopping from one lily pad to another. The mosquitoes slowly ripped at my skin annoyingly and occasionally. However, the sight, sounds, and peacefulness made the battle of bugs very well worth it. I sucked in a deep breath only to swallow the most amazing masculine smell.

Slowly creeping on me like a curious animal, patiently waiting for the human to slightly move, causing it to run. Instead, the smell grew stronger as my body positioned itself to turn around.

"You would be the girl who would answer to the waters call." I knew that voice all too well and moved over so that Bentley had enough room of his own.

"I would be a crazy girl to ignore natures calling."

I smiled and turned to face him and his big grin. For some reason, his presence gave me a calmer feeling.

"You were waiting for me?"

You could hear the curiosity caressing every word that flowed out of him and to me with eagerness.

"I can't lie, you're the only reason that I came."

I picked up a small pebble and tossed it into the water, only to receive a loud "plop" in return for my donation to the river. Bentley silent laughed to himself but I could tell through his smile.

"I like you, Angel, you have a way with words." He turned his body around to face me.

"Go out with me one day. Maybe the movies or we could go for a drive somewhere and get ice cream, my mom wouldn't mind." I smiled,

"You know its a yes."

He got up and brushed his pants off.

"Come on let us go join the others before they come looking for us."

I quickly grabbed Bentley's offered hand with bubbled anxious feelings and followed behind him closely to the teenagers dancing around the bonfire to loud rap music.

"Hey man! What's up?"

A bunch of guys chanted as Bentley dapped each one up while making sure that I was close enough to be seen but not touched.

Something changed that night between us...the energy changed between us once I agreed to go out with him. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself but the guy was intoxicating and the energy change made my curiosity and excitement for Bentley grow as well.

He was a polar opposite overly attracting my curious but observant nature. Everyone here knew Bentley, the girls drooled over him and attempted to woo him over.

Apparently, this was a normal routine day, way before I came and that was ok. Bentley knew he was free to converse with whomever he pleased. Besides whatever these holding hands thing was, it was still fresh and could easily stop where it started just as fast.

Yet, quick thoughts diminished even quicker when Bentley gave me the four-one-one. Supposedly everyone liked him for his parents' money but not for him. I could but would never want to understand how a person's money pulls the attention of on-lookers. I watched his face glow from the reflecting flames while we roasted smores.

"You know.. I didn't start liking you from the money you say you have. Your handsome face just caught my attention. Then your personality and use of words for some reason decided to hold my attention captive."

I couldn't believe that I told him that but then again he needed to hear it. He looked at me with a slight glow in his eyes, reflecting that of a child that was on the verge of crying.

"You are an amazing creature and I cannot wait to take you out on a date."

He placed a kiss on my forehead and took his jacket off, slightly placing it over both of my shoulders. I stared at him like a princess meeting her prince for the first time.

He was sweet, gentle, and just him. He was simply him. For the rest of the night we had together I slightly but comfortably laid on his arm, chewing every smore given to me while laughing and chuckling to the campfire stories being thrown around.

Bentley's mother gave us a ride back that night. She was sweet and it was obvious that she knew who I was. Lizzy was halfway slumped from overdrinking so she missed the majority of the conversation that happened in the car.

Bentley gave me his number before closing his mothers' car door and letting us leave. He grabbed my arm with a slight firmness and smiled.

"Don't forget to call me." With that, he placed his lips on my forehead and pulled off with his mother.

I watched as they drove away.. I couldn't stop watching. The crickets were extra loud and the stars shined brighter than normal. If I could at this moment break out into a Disney song I would. However, Lizzy had a way of bringing me out of my thoughts with her whines.

" I wannnna layyy downnn." She whined while laying down across the porch. I busted out laughing and headed over to scoop her up.

"Almost forgot about you buddy,"

I said in between giggles. After getting Lizzy situated and tucked into bed I kissed my mother goodnight and headed to my room to call Bentley.

I had a feeling he was waiting for me.