
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 9



"Hey, wait for me!" Quiang li said as he tried to walk as fast as I do. This day got me really really tired because I crossed a man like him. He was so noisy. All he wanted to was to talk and talk even without asking him.

It's getting darker and in the past hours, all he did was to tell me stories about their nation, how he survived and how much he wanted to see the enchantress daughter. He is slowly getting into my nerves and even tried to scare him a while ago.

"I will stitch your mouth if you will not stop talking!" I said that made him shut his mouth for a moment but laugh at me afterwards.

"You almost took my heart out of me!" He said and laugh his ass out.

His laugh is making me irritated so I continued walking even when I feel tired now. I do not want to continue my mission with anyone right now. If ever we crossed our path on the forbidden hill, I will let them do their mission as well besides we all just wanted to rebuild our kingdom and to make revenge.

"Are you not tired of talking?!"

"No, besides I want to know you." He said and sat down, leaning his head on the huge stone behind him. He looked at the sky and I saw his lips rose up slowly. The wind blows his hairs and he looked damn good.

"Stop starring or I will just think that you like me."

"Shut up!"

I decided to lay down and face the sky, I am feeling hungry but I was not able to find wild animals to kill. It seems like they were all hiding from me. I even tried to catch fishes on the river but there were not.

My stomach has only water to use as an energy and I think it is better than having nothing.I covered my stomach with my arms and turn my back from Quang li who was lying down too.

I decided to put myself to sleep so I would not feel that I am hungry. Damn that Wang lei, He didn't even gave me a piece of that pig when I was the one who killed it. Damn both of them. I almost fell asleep but I felt Quang li stands up and walk away from our location. I did not ask him nor look at him.

I am not sure if he really left or if he is going to comeback so I continue on putting myself to sleep.

I woke up when I felt heat hugging my body. I was sweating so I rose up only to see Quang li grilling a turkey?! Where did he got those from? I spent hours hunting animals yesterday but I did not got even one.

"Good morning princess" He said and smiled at me. Why is he always smiling like that? It almost looks like nothing has happened to him in the past days.I remember one of his stories that his Father was the leader of their nation but was also killed trying to save all the people.

Just like everyone, Me and Wang lei, we lost our leaders who stand as the parent of our nations. They all died protecting something they love. That gave me the thought that what if they did not left Jia and chose to help each other, be united to save our kingdom, will that be a greater plan? Will those who died may be alive if we just continue to stick with each other?

"Stop over thinking, Your thoughts will not change anything that had happened."

"Stop saying that to me, It's not that easy to forget and keep going."

"But you're doing it now and trust me, You're doing great."

"You do not know anything about how I feel."

"You will lose if you continue to fill your heart with hatred. I wanted to end the war and rebuild the kingdom I have loved for years, just like you."

"My hatred and lust for revenge are making me stronger and it keeps me motivated."

"You should it, I can here your stomach boiling even when you're sleeping last night so I spend my night hunting."

My eyes widened when he said that he spend his night hunting for animals so we can eat it together. Plus it was also embarrassing because he got to hear my boiling stomach.

"I know you feel guilty, it is okay!" He said and laughed at me. Teasing me about leaving him yesterday. I smiled because I realized he was not that bad at all. He was nice but boastful and I think that does not make him look bad after all.

I took a part of the turkey and eat it and I swear to all the Gods that I have never tasted any turkey like this before. It was delicious and it made me want for more. I saw Quang li starring at me with his smirking lips. I rolled my eyes at him and he gave me more laugh.

"We should continue walking, we are almost the forbidden hill." He said as he wrap the chicken and put it on his back. He offered his hands on me and I took it as I stand. We continued walking as he started to ask me about water nation.

I was hesitating at first because I was afraid to feel the pain of remembering what happened again. I was trying to forget the attacked but this asshole, wants me to tell him about it. I rolled my eyes at him but we both laugh afterwards.
