
Prologue: The Return

I stood looking up at the sky as the storm grew rapidly before my eyes. A gigantic bank of dark cloud was massing above. It seemed to writhe and twist, growing and swelling as if it were alive. White bursts of light, one after another, cut through the darkness like camera flashes. The wind started to howl, growing stronger by the minute, whipping at my clothes, hair, and face. But even as the storm worsen I couldn't run for shelter.

It was like a fist had closed around my body, keeping me in place. The storm draw closer with every breath I took. Lighting dare to reach out beyond the clouds. The wind seemed to struggle and howled in fits and starts. A sudden intense brightness made me blink, as a hole open. My body started to shudder and my legs begin to quiver. Wide eyes watch as the figure fell out the morph sky onto the solid ground of Earth, right before me.

The man stood slowly to his full height, gazing into my eyes. My heart ceased as a loud gasp left my lips.

A memory, long forgotten, slammed through my body like crashing waves pounding a shore.

"I've come to take you home, Princess."

Then everything went dark.