
Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

"IN THE SEARCH OF YOUR TRUE SELF AND TO FIND THE BURIED TRUETH , YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE FAKE" In a universe woven by divine threads, meet Renial Sovn—a God mysteriously intertwined with mortals, cursed with the unique power to unveil long-buried secrets. Branded as a fallen deity, his perilous journey is driven not only by a relentless desire to reclaim his lost godhood but also by the haunting whispers of an ancient prophecy. As Renial traverses the blurred realm between gods and humans, his one-of-a-kind ability to uncover hidden truths becomes both his greatest advantage and his deepest torment. With each revelation, the very fabric of reality unravels, leaving readers spellbound as they witness a God who challenges the cosmos itself, all in the pursuit of a destiny that defies the heavens. Join us on this mesmerizing odyssey, where the cosmic stage becomes the battleground for an extraordinary struggle, and where Renial's quest for self-discovery and the revelation of a cosmic truth will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving the next revelation.

FIRE_ANGEL · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Welcome Party[3]

The crystal rose glistened in the light, its intricate craftsmanship capturing the attention of all who beheld it.

I had poured my heart and soul into its creation, infusing it with my essence and a touch of magic.

As Lady Rose held the crystal rose in her hands, a smile spread across her face, her eyes filled with warmth and appreciation.

"Lady Rose Solvein, Viscountess of Aredia," I began, my voice resonating with confidence and reverence, "I am deeply honored and grateful for your acceptance of me as your son.

Your kindness and compassion have touched my heart in ways I cannot express.Your beauty, grace, virtue, and wisdom—a true inspiration."

With every word, the hall seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the moment unfolding before them.

Lady Rose's eyes sparkled with emotion as she listened intently.

"In this crystal rose, I offer you a symbol of my gratitude and admiration. It is a reflection of your radiant soul, a manifestation of your noble spirit, and a testament to your extraordinary essence. But it is more than that—it is a pledge of my unwavering loyalty, a vow of my undying love."

A hush fell over the crowd as I made my declaration, the weight of my words hanging in the air.

Lady Rose's gaze never wavered from mine, and I could see tears of joy welling in her eyes.

"I promise to stand by your side always, as your faithful son and loyal companion. I will shield you from harm, support you in all endeavors, and cherish you in every circumstance. Your name will be honored, your legacy upheld, and your vision advanced. I am your sword and shield, your counsel and confidant, your partner and friend."

As I finished speaking, Lady Rose enveloped me in a loving embrace, her arms encircling me with a sense of warmth and belonging.

The room erupted with applause and cheers, a celebration of the bond between mother and son.

The lady announcer resumed her role, her voice filled with pride and excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the newest member of the esteemed Solvein family. He is Lord Renial Solvein, the Fire Prince of Flonard, adopted son of Lady Rose Solvein, Viscountess of Aredia!"

The announcement was met with a wave of enthusiastic applause, the guests showing their support for the union of our souls and the blending of our destinies.

Among the distinguished attendees were prominent figures, including

Lord Armand Olefin, the elder brother of Lady Rose and the current ruler of Ole Duke dome of Aredia.

He was accompanied by his wife, Lady Elise Olefin, and their three children: Lady Isabelle, Lord Damien, and Lady Lila.

His Highness Lucian Valerius, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Aredia.

He was the guest of honor, as he is engaged to Lady Isabelle Olefin, the niece of Lady Rose.

He is a handsome and charismatic young man, with a reputation for being a skilled swordsman and a brilliant strategist.

Lady Cassandra Lacroix, the Countess of Luneville and the leader of the Lacroix family, one of the most influential and wealthy families in Aredia.

She is a renowned beauty and a savvy businesswoman, with interests in various fields such as trade, banking, mining, and art.

Lord Vincent Moreau, the Baron of Moreauville and the head of the Moreau family, another powerful and affluent family that rivaled the Lacroix family.

He was a cunning and ambitious man, with a penchant for intrigue and manipulation.

Lady Evelyn Sinclair, the Princess of the Kingdom of Sinclairia.

A alliance Kingdome of Aredia.

She was a close friend of Lady Isabelle, and came to Aredia for her diplomatic work and also got the invitation to attend the announcement.

She was a cheerful and kind-hearted young woman, with a talent for magic and healing.

As the applause died down, Lady Rose led me to the front of the hall, where Lord Lucian and Lady Isabelle were waiting for us.

They greeted us with warm smiles and congratulatory words, expressing their happiness for our new relationship.

"Lord Renial, I am delighted to meet you.

You have made my aunt very happy, and I am honored to have you as my cousin," Lady Isabelle said, extending her hand to me.

She was a stunning young woman, with long blonde hair and blue eyes that matched Lord Lucian's.

She wore a white dress that accentuated her slender figure and a diamond necklace that sparkled on her neck.

"Thank you, Lady Isabelle. You are very kind and gracious.

I am glad to be part of your family," I replied, taking her hand and bowing slightly. I felt a surge of respect and admiration for her, as she was not only beautiful but also intelligent and accomplished.

She was the heir to the Ole Duke dome of Aredia, and she had a reputation for being a skilled diplomat and a generous philanthropist.

"And I am pleased to welcome you as well, Lord Renial.

You have impressed me with your eloquence and sincerity.

You are a worthy son of Lady Rose, and a valuable ally of Aredia," Lord Lucian said, clasping my shoulder with his hand.

He was a handsome and charismatic young man, with short black hair and piercing blue eyes that radiated confidence and authority.

He wore a blue suit that matched his eyes and a gold crown that signified his status as the crown prince.

"Thank you, His Highness the crown prince.

You are very generous and magnanimous.

You are a great leader of Aredia, and a loyal friend of Lady Rose,"

I said, returning his gesture with a smile. I felt a sense of awe and gratitude for him, as he was not only powerful but also noble and benevolent.

He was the future king of Aredia, and he had a vision for peace and prosperity for his people.

Lady Rose smiled proudly as she watched us exchange pleasantries.

She then turned to the lady announcer and nodded her head, signaling her to make another announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming another distinguished guest who has graced us with her presence today. She is Lady Evelyn Sinclair, the Princess of the Kingdom of Sinclairia!" the lady announcer exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

The crowd turned their attention to the entrance of the hall, where a young woman in a purple dress walked in with grace and elegance.

She had long brown hair that cascaded over her shoulders and green eyes that sparkled with curiosity and joy.

She wore a silver tiara that adorned her head and a pearl necklace that hung on her chest.

She smiled warmly as she approached us, waving at the guests who greeted her with applause and admiration.

She reached us and hugged Lady Isabelle, who was her close friend.

"Lady Isabelle, it's so good to see you again! Congratulations on your engagement to Lord Lucian! You two make such a lovely couple!" Lady Evelyn said, beaming with happiness.

"Thank you, Lady Evelyn! It's wonderful to see you too! I'm so glad you could make it! And thank you for your kind words! You are too sweet!" Lady Isabelle said, returning her hug.

Lady Evelyn then turned to me and gave me a friendly smile.

"And you must be Lord Renial! the beautiful crystal rose you made for Lady Rose! It's stunning!" Lady Evelyn said, gesturing to the crystal rose in Lady Rose's hands.

"Thank you, Lady Evelyn. You are very charming and courteous. I'm honored to meet you," I said, bowing slightly.

"The honor is mine, Lord Renial. You are very talented and handsome. I'm impressed by your ," Lady Evelyn said, complimenting me.

I felt a blush rising on my cheeks as she praised me.

She was very attractive and friendly, and I felt an instant connection with her.

Lady Rose then introduced me to Lady Evelyn formally.

"Lady Evelyn Sinclair, this is Renial Solvein, my adopted son. Renial , this is Lady Evelyn Sinclair, the Princess of Sinclairia," Lady Rose said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," we said in unison.

We then exchanged some more polite conversation, getting to know each other better.

I learned that Lady Evelyn was visiting Aredia for her vacation, and that she had received an invitation from Lady Rose to attend the announcement ceremony.

I also learned that she was interested in magic and healing, and that she had studied at the prestigious Academy of Magical Arts in Sinclairia.

I found out that we had some things in common, such as our love for adventure and our curiosity for the unknown.

I also discovered that we had some differences, such as our views on politics and our preferences for music.

We enjoyed our conversation, finding it stimulating and amusing.

We were interrupted by the sound of a bell, signaling the start of the banquet.

We followed Lady Rose, Lord Lucian, and Lady Isabelle to the dining hall, where a feast of delicious dishes and drinks awaited us.

We sat at the head table, along with the other prominent guests, and enjoyed the food and the company.

The banquet was a lively and festive affair, with music, dancing, and entertainment.

We laughed, chatted, and toasted to our happiness and friendship.

We felt a sense of joy and harmony, as we celebrated our new relationship and our bright future.