
Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

"IN THE SEARCH OF YOUR TRUE SELF AND TO FIND THE BURIED TRUETH , YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE FAKE" In a universe woven by divine threads, meet Renial Sovn—a God mysteriously intertwined with mortals, cursed with the unique power to unveil long-buried secrets. Branded as a fallen deity, his perilous journey is driven not only by a relentless desire to reclaim his lost godhood but also by the haunting whispers of an ancient prophecy. As Renial traverses the blurred realm between gods and humans, his one-of-a-kind ability to uncover hidden truths becomes both his greatest advantage and his deepest torment. With each revelation, the very fabric of reality unravels, leaving readers spellbound as they witness a God who challenges the cosmos itself, all in the pursuit of a destiny that defies the heavens. Join us on this mesmerizing odyssey, where the cosmic stage becomes the battleground for an extraordinary struggle, and where Renial's quest for self-discovery and the revelation of a cosmic truth will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving the next revelation.

FIRE_ANGEL · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Kingdom of Aradia

A/N : We reached total 30 collection .

{ IMPORTANT } : I will post 1 chapter daily, but I will post 1 more chapter after every +10 collection. so, 1+1= 2 chapter. Hence the more people add my book to their library the more I will write and the more Chapter you all will get to read.

[ Or you can just give me power stones if the power stone reaches +100 I will mass release 10 chapters]

Hope you will like this chapter.

have any idea or if I had done any mistake in my chapter plz comment.


Renial slowly emerged from his deep slumber, his eyes adjusting to the soft light that filled the room.

As his gaze shifted, he noticed the familiar figure of Madam Rose standing by his bedside, a comforting presence that he had come to cherish.

A warm smile graced her lips as their eyes met, signaling the start of another heartfelt conversation.

Renial: "Madam Rose, it feels like I've been lost in a dream. Where exactly are we?"

Madam Rose: "Ah, Renial. You have awakened once again. We are in Slovenia, the capital city of Flonard Viscounty, which resides within the majestic Kingdom of Aradia."

Renial's brows furrowed slightly, his mind trying to piece together the fragments of information.'[ Great acting Host ]'

' please can you keep quit and let me focus here'. Said Renial.

Renial: "Flonard Viscounty... Kingdom of Aradia... These names are unfamiliar to me. How did I come to be here?"

Madam Rose's gaze softened, a mix of compassion and wisdom shining in her eyes.

Madam Rose: "Renial, my dear, you lost consciousness after fighting with the hell hound and was unconscious for a whole year. We brought you here to Slovenia, where you could receive proper care and find solace amidst the vibrant city life."

Renial's eyes widened with curiosity, a thirst for knowledge beginning to take hold. Well he was sill in his acing mode.

Renial: "Tell me more about this place, Madam Rose. What is Aradia like? And what of Flonard Viscounty?"

Madam Rose's voice took on a gentle tone as she began to paint a vivid picture of the kingdom and its surrounding regions


Madam Rose: "Aradia is a realm steeped in rich history and enchantment.

It is renowned for its flourishing cities, breathtaking landscapes, and a diverse tapestry of cultures.

Flonard Viscounty, nestled within Aradia, is known for its grandeur and its commitment to the arts and sciences.

Slovenia, the capital city, is a hub of bustling activity, where people from all walks of life come together in harmony."

Renial's imagination soared as he envisioned the vibrant streets, the towering castles, and the cultural treasures that awaited him.

Renial: "It sounds like a place of wonder and endless possibilities,I can hardly believe I am here."

Madam Rose's smile deepened, her eyes gleaming with encouragement.

Madam Rose: "Indeed, Renial. You have been granted a chance to immerse yourself in this land of beauty and opportunity, Take it as an invitation to embrace new experiences, forge lasting friendships, and discover your own path amidst the tapestry of Aradia."

Renial nodded, a sense of gratitude and determination settling within his being.

Renial: "Thank you, Madam Rose, for guiding me to this extraordinary place. I will make the most of this opportunity, exploring the wonders of Aradia and creating a future filled with purpose."

Madam Rose's voice held a motherly warmth as she offered her unwavering support.


After Madam Rose shared information about the Kingdom of Aradia with Renial, she inquired about his birthplace.

Renial responded, saying he hailed from a quaint village named Maplewood.

It was renowned for its lush woods and fertile farms, nestled amidst enchanting forests.

Madam Rose listened attentively to Renial's words, her heart heavy with empathy as he shared the painful memories of his birthplace, Maplewood.

The serenity of their conversation was momentarily overshadowed by the weight of tragedy.

Madam Rose: "Maplewood... a village known for its lush woods and bountiful farms. It must have been a peaceful place."

Renial's eyes darkened, his voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and anger.

Renial: "Yes, it was once a serene haven, surrounded by majestic forests.

But everything changed... The tranquility was shattered by a devastating war, a war that brought destruction upon Maplewood."

Madam Rose reached out, gently placing a hand on Renial's, offering a comforting presence.

Madam Rose: "I can sense the pain in your words, Renial. It must have been a time of unimaginable sorrow."

Renial nodded, his gaze distant as he recounted the horrifying details.

Renial: "It was a day etched into my memory. A sudden magical explosion engulfed our village, leaving destruction and chaos in its wake. Innocent lives were lost, homes reduced to rubble. I... I was helpless, unable to save those I cared for."

Madam Rose's voice carried a soothing tone, seeking to console his wounded spirit.

Madam Rose: "Oh, dear child, I can only imagine the anguish you must have felt, witnessing such devastation.

The weight of that burden is not yours to bear alone."

Renial's clenched fists slowly relaxed, his anger giving way to a profound sense of longing and loss.

Renial: "Indeed, Madam Rose. The pain still lingers, but I yearn for a future where such tragedies can be prevented. I want to acquire the strength and knowledge necessary to protect those who are vulnerable."

Madam Rose's expression softened, her eyes shining with understanding.

Madam Rose: "Renial, your desire to protect and seek justice is noble. Remember, within your pain lies the seeds of resilience and determination. It is in your hands to shape a world where innocent lives are spared from the horrors of war."

Renial's gaze met Madam Rose's, his determination renewed by her words of encouragement.

Renial: "I will carry their memory with me, and I vow to make a difference. Aradia has become my new home, and I will strive to protect it and its people from the darkness that once consumed my village."

Madam Rose's voice resonated with pride as she acknowledged his strength.


A/N : pls give me power stone.