
Forgotten soldier

Alex Von Muller lived a peaceful life in the central European nation of Zalovnia but that was before his father passed leaving behind his mother and sister he joined the armed forces

DaoistLbwMKl · Krieg
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31 Chs

Scouting the city

As Alex walked around the camp, he noticed how the survivors were starting to adapt to their new surroundings. Tents had been set up, a fire was burning, and people were sharing stories and trying to make the best of their situation. It was a small victory in the midst of a war that seemed endless.

As he approached the outskirts of Falkenberg once again, memories flooded back of his previous mission to rescue his family. He wondered if they were safe, and if he would ever see them again. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and focused on his surroundings.

The city was still in ruins, and the streets were deserted. But as Alex continued walking, he noticed something different in the air. It was a faint smell of smoke, mixed with the sound of distant explosions. He knew that the war was far from over, and that they needed to be prepared for anything.

As he walked, Alex's mind was racing with possibilities. Had the enemy forces regrouped and launched another attack? Were they using new tactics or weapons? Or was it simply a small skirmish that would soon be over? He knew he needed to find out more, so he quickened his pace and headed towards the source of the smoke.

As he got closer, he could see that a nearby building was on fire. The flames were high and intense, and he could feel the heat radiating off of them even from a distance. He could also hear the distant sounds of gunfire and explosions, getting louder and more frequent with each passing moment.

Alex knew he needed to act fast. He quickly made his way back to the camp to inform the others and prepare for any possible danger. As he arrived, he shouted for everyone to gather and told them what he had seen.

"We need to be ready for anything," he said firmly. "We don't know what's happening out there, but we can't let our guard down. We need to be vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves."

The group nodded in agreement, and Alex immediately began organizing patrols and preparing for potential threats. He knew they were a small group in a big world and needed to be careful and strategic in their movements.

As night fell, the group settled into their tents and tried to get some rest, but Alex's mind was too focused on the possible dangers that lay ahead. He stayed up late into the night, patrolling the perimeter and keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble.

In the days that followed, the group settled into a routine of patrols, scavenging for supplies and building up their defences. But the distant sounds of the war continued to echo in the background, a constant reminder of the danger that surrounded them.

Alex knew that they couldn't stay in Brunning forever and needed to keep moving and find a way to survive. But for now, they were safe; that was all that mattered. he next day, Alex goes on his patrol and spots a group of soldiers, but these are wearing different uniforms

Alex's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the familiar faces of his former comrades. He couldn't believe his luck - after all this time, he had found someone he could trust. He approached them cautiously, making sure that they were indeed friendly.

"Hey, it's me - Alex," he said, revealing his face to them.

The soldiers looked at him in disbelief for a moment, but then recognition dawned on their faces.

"Alex! We thought you were dead," one of them said, clapping him on the back.

"I'm alive, thanks to my enhanced abilities," Alex replied, gesturing towards his strength and agility.

The soldiers were amazed by what they saw, and they quickly caught up with each other, exchanging stories about what had happened since they had last seen each other.

As they talked, Alex learned that his old unit had been transferred to the southern front, where they were fighting against the invading forces. They also shared intelligence about the enemy's movements and strengths, giving Alex valuable information that he could use to protect his own group.

After the reunion, Alex returned to the camp feeling more confident than ever before. With his old unit's knowledge and support, he knew that they had a better chance of surviving the war