
Forgotten soldier

Alex Von Muller lived a peaceful life in the central European nation of Zalovnia but that was before his father passed leaving behind his mother and sister he joined the armed forces

DaoistLbwMKl · Krieg
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31 Chs

Forging Alliances

The Zalovnia Liberation Army's victory in breaking through the wall and gaining access to the lands beyond the Alpine region marked a significant turning point in their struggle against Albion's occupation. The ZLA's reputation as a formidable force spread like wildfire, and their triumph inspired hope in the hearts of oppressed people all over the country.

As the ZLA expanded their reach and influence, they received requests for support and aid from various resistance groups in different parts of Zalovnia. Many had been fighting in the shadows, waiting for a chance to join a more significant movement that could challenge the puppet regime and its oppressive rule.

Colonel Alex knew that the time had come to forge alliances. The fight for Zalovnia's liberation was a collective effort, and the ZLA needed to unite with other like-minded groups to form a stronger front against the occupation.

In a series of clandestine meetings and communications, Alex and his top officers reached out to the leaders of other resistance groups. They shared their stories of struggle and triumph, inspiring one another with their determination and courage.

One such group was the Southern Freedom Fighters, a resistance group operating in the southern plains of Zalovnia. Led by Commander Elena Kovač, the group had faced challenges similar to those of the ZLA. They had been engaging in guerrilla warfare against the occupying forces, sabotaging supply lines, and providing aid to civilians affected by the war.

The meeting between Alex and Elena was filled with tension and hope. They discussed their respective strategies and objectives, finding common ground in their shared goal of liberating Zalovnia and restoring democracy to the nation.

"We have been fighting alone for far too long," Elena said, her eyes reflecting the weariness of the struggle. "The ZLA's success at breaking through the wall has given us hope. We want to stand with you, to fight together for our people's freedom."

Alex nodded, understanding the weight of responsibility that came with leading a resistance. "We welcome you and your fighters with open arms," he replied. "Together, we can achieve what seemed impossible on our own."

The ZLA and the Southern Freedom Fighters officially formed an alliance, uniting under the banner of the Free Zalovnia Coalition. As word of this alliance spread, other resistance groups began expressing interest in joining forces with them.

Among those groups was the Northern Rangers, led by Commander Markus Gruber. They operated in the dense forests and mountains of the northern regions, conducting hit-and-run operations against Albion's troops.

Another group that reached out was the Eastern Frontiersmen, led by Commander Sofia Petrov. They had been working in the border regions, smuggling supplies and information to resistance fighters in the heart of the occupied territories.

With each new alliance forged, the Free Zalovnia Coalition grew stronger. Alex and his team worked tirelessly to coordinate their efforts, sharing intelligence, strategizing, and providing support to one another. The once-isolated resistance groups now had a united purpose and sense of solidarity.

As the coalition gained momentum, they realized that they needed a centralized base of operations. A place where they could convene, plan, and coordinate their actions without fear of discovery. After careful consideration, they chose the abandoned underground complex of Hinterthal, the same town where Alex and the ZLA had first taken refuge.

The underground complex offered a secure location, hidden from the prying eyes of the occupiers. It had ample space to house the growing number of coalition members and served as a hub for training and strategizing.

The camaraderie among the various resistance fighters blossomed in the underground complex. Soldiers from different regions and backgrounds came together, forming strong bonds built on their shared determination to free their homeland.

In the weeks that followed, the Free Zalovnia Coalition launched coordinated attacks against Albion's forces. They struck supply depots, disrupted communication lines, and liberated towns and villages from the puppet regime's control.

With each victory, the coalition's reputation grew, and more civilians began to rally to their cause. The occupiers' grip on Zalovnia was beginning to weaken as the coalition's influence spread like wildfire.

As Colonel Alex looked out at the growing ranks of the Free Zalovnia Coalition, he knew that their fight was far from over. But with the power of unity and the strength of their collective will, they were closer than ever to achieving their ultimate goal: a free and independent Zalovnia, liberated from the shackles of occupation.

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