
Forgotten soldier

Alex Von Muller lived a peaceful life in the central European nation of Zalovnia but that was before his father passed leaving behind his mother and sister he joined the armed forces

DaoistLbwMKl · Krieg
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31 Chs


Alex led the group of survivors out of the city and towards the small village of Brunning. They walked for hours, the group's morale was low and many of them were injured or exhausted. But Alex didn't give up, he pushed them forward, determined to keep them alive.

As they approached the village, Alex called out to a group of people who were gathered outside a small house. "Hello! We're survivors from Falkenberg, we need help!"

A man approached them, his face lined with worry. "What's going on? Why are you all out here?"

"We were being held as prisoners by Albion, we managed to escape, but we need shelter and supplies," Alex explained.

The man nodded, his eyes flicking over the group. "I can help you, come inside."

The survivors breathed a collective sigh of relief as they followed the man inside the house. Alex collapsed onto a chair, exhausted from the long journey.

"Thank you so much," he said, looking up at the man. "We couldn't have made it this far without your help."

The man smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. We're all in this together now. We'll take care of each other."

After arriving in the town of Brunning, Alex immediately got to work studying the map of the area. He knew that they needed to find a way to survive, and the first step was finding a secure location to set up camp.

As he poured over the map, he heard a voice behind him. "What are you doing?" It was one of the survivors, a middle-aged woman with tired eyes.

"I'm trying to find us a safe place to stay," Alex replied without looking up from the map.

The woman nodded. "We appreciate everything you're doing for us, Alex. We wouldn't have made it this far without you."

Alex smiled faintly. "Just doing my job," he said, although he knew that he had never signed up for anything like this. He was a soldier, but he had never expected to be leading a group of civilians through a war-torn country.

Alex closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. Suddenly, he was transported back in time to the military training facility where he had undergone the experimental enhancements. He remembered the gruelling physical tests, the countless hours spent in the lab, and the intense mental preparation required to become a soldier.

The memories flooded back with a vividness that surprised him. He could hear the drill sergeants barking orders, feel the weight of the equipment on his back, and taste the stale army rations in his mouth.

But amidst the chaos and hardship of his training, Alex had found a sense of purpose. He had wanted to serve his country, to protect his loved ones, and to make a difference in the world. And now, with a group of survivors relying on him for leadership, that sense of purpose was stronger than ever.

He opened his eyes, taking in the new reality around him. They had arrived at the designated location, a small abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Brunning. Alex studied the perimeter, searching for any signs of danger.

"We'll make camp here for the night," he said, turning to the group. "We need to stay alert and keep watch. We'll start working on a plan to get out of Zalovnia and find safety."

The survivors nodded, and Alex could see the fear and uncertainty in their eyes. But he also saw a glimmer of hope, and he knew that he had to do everything in his power to keep that hope alive. He was a soldier and was responsible for protecting those under his command.

But he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. After a few more minutes of studying the map, he pointed to a location on the outskirts of the village. "There," he said. "That looks like it could be a good spot for us to set up camp."

The group nodded in agreement and set off towards the location Alex had pointed out. As they walked, Alex couldn't help but wonder what other challenges lay ahead. But for now, he was focused on keeping the survivors safe and finding a way to make it through the war.

After a few hours of walking, they arrived at the location Alex had marked on the map. It was a small, abandoned farmhouse in the middle of a vast field. Alex quickly surveyed the area, checking for any signs of danger or activity. He motioned for the others to follow him inside the farmhouse, and they all took cover behind the dusty furniture.

"We need to stay here for a while," Alex said, his voice calm but firm. "We can't keep moving around in the open like this. It's too risky."

The group nodded in agreement, and Alex began to plan their next steps. He assigned tasks to different members of the group, such as gathering firewood, setting up traps around the perimeter, and keeping watch throughout the night.

As the group settled in for the night, Alex sat alone in a corner of the farmhouse, staring at the map in front of him. He knew that the road ahead would be long and dangerous, but he also knew that he was responsible for protecting the survivors and keeping them alive.

"This war may have taken everything from us," Alex thought to himself, "but it won't take our humanity. We will survive, and we will rebuild."

With that, he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.