
The Encounter

Wayne knocked on Eryn's door.

After learning the truth from Elias and Uncle Bai's confession, his father convinced them to stay longer, since they really had nowhere to go.

Wayne felt really bad, too, seeing how it all unfolded back at the stadium.

It turns out Uncle Bai wasn't the man he thought he'd be, seeing that his family would have such problems. His wife...he heard his wife was overbearing, but he didn't think she'd be so...evil.

His heart skipped a beat when he recalled Elias saying that Ailee Bai had sent people to have them killed the day they escaped. He wondered how would he felt if his own mother did that...

But she didn't, she loved them both very much till her last breath and taught them well.

Then his mind went back to when he saw Eryn using her powers against Evelyn.

The little girl had indeed deserved it, but it was scary, seeing the snake-like hands crawl up her neck and coil around.

He took a step back as the door flew open, Eryn standing at the entrance, still dressed in the clothes she was wearing at the arena.

She looked him up and down, causing him to grow anxious.

Then she looked him right in the eye with her dark ones, questioning. "Yes?" she asked.

Wayne fidgeted. The words he prepared to say were completely gone from his mind, and he felt his cheeks heat up at the embarrassment.

"I- I...I just thought I'd come over to check on you," he said awkwardly. "You know...after all that-"

Eryn released a breath and gave a small smile. "I'm fine, thank you."

Wayne stumbled back, flustered. He could hear his chest pounding loudly, all in effect just because of that little smile.

Eryn raised an eyebrow. "But the question is...are you okay?"

Wayne coughed, bringing himself back together. "Er, yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Eryn stared at him. "Your neck, back, arms...you are covered in bandages, do you expect me to buy that? And-"

She suddenly reached up with her arm and touched his forehead gently with the back of her cool hand.

Wayne flinched.

They were so...so close.

"You're burning up," she said, pulling back. "You might have a fever. I suggest you go back and take care of yourself."

He stood there with his mouth open, still processing the feeling of her hand against his head.

Eryn waved her hand in his face, frowning. "Hello? My brother didn't beat you dumb, did he?"

Wayne snapped to attention. "I'm sane!" he shouted out of nowhere. He glanced at Eryn's confused expression and bowed frantically.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going!" he stammered.

Then he ran off.

Eryn stared after him, shaking her head and closing the doors.

Was he really a grown, twenty-year-old man?


For a few days, the twins took refuge in the Xia residence, refusing to come out when Master Xia told them their 'father' had arrived and wanted to see them.

Eventually, he stopped coming, and Elias heard that it was Master Xia who drove him away.

"Sorry for all the inconveniences," he said when they met up for breakfast one day.

Master Xia shook his head. "It's fine. But, Old Bai looks like he wants to say something...would you not meet him? He is your biological father anyway."

The twins said nothing, only proceeding to eat their fill.

Master Xia sighed. "Alright, I won't bring up that matter, let's eat."

Whitney looked up from her empty plate as her father just began to eat. She glanced over at her brother's plate, which was still nearly full.

"Do you want that?" she asked, pointing at the meat on his plate with her chopsticks.

Wayne looked down at where she was pointing at and shook his head. "You have it, I'm not really hungry," he mumbled.

Then he went back to pulling off the unnecessary bandages wrapping around his arms.

Once they finished, Master Xia stood up, clapping his hands together. "How about we go outside?" he suggested. "We can't stay cooped up in here, no?"

Eryn looked up, finally interested. "Okay."

Master Xia grinned, finally feeling the mood lift. "That's more like it."


Eryn and Elias felt as if they were being spoiled as Master Xia and his children lead them through the streets, in and out of shops.

He had bought and picked out so many things just for the two of them, and even let them buy what they wanted.

The bags and boxes vegan piling up in the servants' hands as they trailed behind.

"Don't- don't you think this is too much?" Eryn asked, glancing worriedly behind her at the maids.

Master Xia threw up his arms. "Nonsense!" he cried. "You are guests in my great Xia family, these are just gifts!"

The twins shared a look, and Eryn tilted her head at the servants, and Elias understood.

He turned and shook away the long strands of hair in the way of his eyes and offered a hand to the attendants.

The maids stopped.

The one he was talking to looked up at him, flustered. "Are- are you sure, young master?" she stammered. "We're fine here!"

Elias took some of the parcels from her hands and smiled. "No, my sister says it's not polite to have a woman carry a man's belonging for him."

"Eh?" The maid watched as Elias took the bags from her. "O- okay..."

Wayne suddenly appeared at his side. "Um, I'm helping too!" he insisted. He grabbed the parcels from the other surprised maids' arms and walked off, making sure that Eryn saw.

She did, and stifled in a laugh, while Whitney rolled her eyes at her stupid older brother.

It seems he is quite attached.

The day flew by quickly, and it was already late into the afternoon.

Whitney had dragged Eryn along with a few maids to go shopping on their own, leaving the men behind.

"Ah, I think you would look stunning in these colors!" Whitney squealed, holding up multiple rolls of cloth of red, light blue, white, gold, and black.

"Uh, that's quite a lo-"

Whitney seized Eryn's wrist and dragged her deeper into the store to the seamstresses. "Let's get you fitted!" she shouted excitedly, shoving the cloths to the nearest lady.

"Hm...fine," said Eryn.

Still, it felt great to have another girl accompany her alone on an outing like this.

Whitney stared at her in awe as the seamstresses got her measurements, her eyes gleaming like a little fangirl. "I wish I looked like you," she marveled, clasping her hands together.

Eryn opened her mouth to respond when suddenly, she felt the pendant she wore around her neck buzz, coming to life.

She dug it out from under her collar and her eyes widened, remembering the last time it did this, was when Madam Bai ordered people to kick them out of the courtyard and take their lives.

They had barely escaped back then.

She looked around the store, alert. She had to leave.

Whitney frowned, patting down her brown locks. "Is there something wrong, Eryn?" she asked.

Eryn stepped off the little podium, causing the ladies to make noises of protest. She grabbed Whitney by the arm.

Whitney resisted. "Wait! Where are you going? We're not done!" she exclaimed.

Eryn gave her a look as her pendant started to glow. "We have to go," she said sternly. "Now."

Whitney hesitated, glancing at the white crystal floating around Eryn's neck like a warning.

"Alright." Quickly, she dug out a few gold pieces and handed them to the old lady. "You have the measurements, please make the sets while we're gone?"

The old woman nodded, satisfied with the amount of money. "They'll be ready by tomorrow."

And with that, Eryn forced Whitney out of the store back into the street, who was trying to hold back any complaints.

The maid they brought along ran quickly after them in the street, confused. "Miss! Where are we going?" she cried, gasping for breath as she ran.

Eryn pushed them into an empty passageway that lead to a calm, decorated stream and pond up ahead and stopped, breathing quickly.

All three of them stared down at the white buzzing crystal around Eryn's neck.

"Why does it do that?" Whitney asked.

Eryn shook her head. "Something bad's going to happen," she whispered.

'Someone's here,' Aragnes warned.

Eryn's eyes flew up to the walls around them and down the street, which was still empty. "Someone's here?" she repeated. "How many?"

"Really?" Whitney said. It was her turn to whirl around, searching for a target.

But there was still no one.

Eryn bit down on her lip and ushered them to keep going. "Go, up to the pond."

The three girls hurried up the street, their footsteps tapping on the cobblestones.

They almost made it when suddenly, a dark figure dropped down from the walls above them, landing right before the girls.

Behind them dropped two more.

They were surrounded.

"If I were you," growled the one in front, "I would come obediently, or else things won't be so easy for you." He held out his palm, letting a cloud of gold flames burst as if to create effect.

The maid squeaked and trembled, hiding in between the two young misses.

Whitney turned around to the two behind them, who advanced forward slowly, drawing out weapons. She scowled and activated her wings.

"You can take him on, right?" she whispered in Eryn's ear.

Eryn grinned. "Of course."

"It seems you don't want to cooperate," said the man, his face hooded. "Very well, you'll regret it."

"Oh, to hell with you," Whitney snarled, crouching down, flaring her wings.

"Get them, boys!" he shouted, hurling a stream of gold flames.

"Now!" Whitney shouted.

Eryn's eyes shone white and she stood her ground, ready to face the fire head-on.

'Dragon scales.'