So... What do you think happened to Huya?
Focus on the matter at hand... And stop calling him that. The broken recorder remarked for the thousen-
-dth time.
...Do you simply lack any preservation skills?
Instead of answering, I simply turned my gaze back to the shinigami before me.
"So since we don't have Kisuke... Any chance I can decide her punishment instead?" I remarked idly, my finger pointing towards the gagged woman in the centre.
My words, for whatever reason as I've frankly given up on trying to read these people, caused Hitsugaya's expression to shift, an uncomfortable aura originating from him and filling the air.
Yamamoto fixed me with a gaze before asking what I had in mind.
Needless to say, it turns out Yoruichi wouldn't in fact like it.
"You wish to absolve her of all her previous charges?" Yamamoto questioned me, his words somehow piercing through the sudden cloud of killing intent that had filled the room.
Most of it came from her.
I could practically feel the present tension palpating around. Byakuya's presence, oddly enough, being the least noticable. The man's expression had closed off ever since 'Yhwach' disappeared.
Hitsugaya's expression on the other hand was the easiest to read.
Sheer utter annoyance filled his face.
Apparently the capture hadn't been clean given Yoruichi's shocked face, courtesy of my proposal, had temporarily switched to a look of pride when the shorter captain had started speaking.
"You can't be serious Aizen..." He remarked the moment he'd seen the look on my face.
"Yes!" I admitted. "Under the condition that she works for the Gotei 13 for the next, at the very least, two decades."
I could see a myriad of expressions fill the woman's face at my words and thankfully, because of the gag on her mouth, I wouldn't have to hear them.
But judging by the most common look.
I am going to assume they involved many swear words.
"Does this involve the future by any chance?" Ukitake questioned from beside Shunsui, a neutral look to his face, though the man made an effort to avoid Yoruichi's gaze.
"You can never be too prepared." I answered honestly. Yoruichi was one of the more powerful shinigami.
Me being a fan of hers had nothing to do with it whatsoever!
Yamamoto didn't even deign to look at any other captain as he processed my words, before to my own and everyone else's shock, he tipped his head the slightest.
"Given Central 46 is currently indisposed, I, Genryusai Yamamoto, Captain-Commander of the First Devision of The Gotei 13 hereby place former captain Shihoin Yoruichi under Captain Aizen Sosuke's superverision for the foreseeable future," The man remarked before proceeding to slam his giant stick, the point on the ground releasing a thread of reiatsu, the first end quickly found itself locking into a single point on, a horrified, Yoruichi's neck with the other end, likely, latching onto the end of my Zanpakuto.
I blinked as I replayed the man's words over and over again in my head, my eyes looking down onto my glowing sheath. My supervision... Doesn't that make me responsi- Ah crap... And judging by the amused look on the old man's face, he heard me. Still... Putting her under my supervision instead of absolving her crimes?
Freaking smart asshole...
Of course, while I had no intention of taking this lying down, I simply couldn't help but wonder why Shunsui looked even more put out by this then I did... And while the fact he was sitting opposite me didn't make it any easier to not notice, I don't think he was necessarily trying to hide his emotions around me anymore. So his issue with everything made even less sense...
Or maybe I am just reading this wrong... It'd be real helpful of you to interject right about now...
I promptly sighed at the lack of response and just before either me or Shunsui could, most likely in his case, protest against me on my behalf, the broken tower we were currently in buckled as the ground beneath us trembled. The reiatsu in the air intensifying. The still standing walls around us quickly started to break under the sudden pressure. Seriously, whose idea was it to use the same broken tower anyway!?
I quickly found myself in the air as I moved towards the gagged and cuffed assassin in the centre, my blade drawn within the instant.
I quickly rebuffed Aizen's sudden insistence on skewering the woman, her expression showcasing clear dread, in favour of cutting her handcuffs loose, it's not like she could run any more, presumably.
The handcuffs being surprisingly easy to cut through meant either the Shinigami were really cheap when it came to safety, or prisoner assassination attempts were really common.
The latter. Aizen thankfully chimed in then. Though even I could tell he was angry at me.
It was the perfect opportunity to get rid of her...
On that note, I quickly grabbed said 'her' by the waist and dashed out of the collapsing building, landing next to Hitsugaya Toshiro. The captain stood in the middle of the street trying to discern wherever that surge of reiatsu had come from.
"What are you doing!?" Yoruichi suddenly snarled as she kicked at me, before dashing a few feet away. The thread on her neck intensifying in colour as she was forced to stop on her feet. Her eyes outright glaring at me. Hitsugaya on the other hand quickly moved behind her the moment he'd seen her move, kicking at her knees to drop her into the floor before unsheathing his blade.
"Don't move a muscle, Aizen may not have the stomach for it but I have no problem with taking out traitors." He warned. Though, to his own irritation, the woman didn't seem to acknowledge neither his words nor sword as she kept her gaze fixed on me.
"It's true, not a fan of casualties-" I shrugged and before I could even make out her reaction to my words, a brilliant flash of blue suddenly lit up the sky behind me. Mine, Hitsugaya's and Yoruichi's attention suddenly snapped towards the pillar of reiatsu that had suddenly encompassed the central building of the city. The reiatsu moving upwards as if it were a reversed waterfall, almost as if the blast had come from underground.
The reiatsu itself had destroyed every speck of Central 46's headquarters. And in the sight of all this destruction-
"...Jokes on them, our government was already dead." -my mouth decided that was the perfect thing to say.
"Aizen!" Hitsugaya remarked with alarm, though to my own shock, I found the 10th devision captain trying to stifle his own laughter at my words.
As the reiatsu quickly dissipated from the air, leaving a massive hole where the building had previously stood, in the middle of Seireitei. Up high in the sky I could make out a single humanoid figure, lackadaisically standing in the middle of the air waving his hand out towards me.
Is... Is that Stark? Aizen, what the hell is Stark doing here!?
"Good afternoon Seireitei." The figure kept his eyes on me as he started speaking, his tone polite while his voice was enhanced to reverberate across the city.
Oh my god that voice... Where have I heard that voice!? My mind wracked itself in an attempt to remember.
"My name is Josh-" OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OHMYGOD!
"Groban! And I-"
He was about to continue before I accidentally interrupted him, once again entirely on instinct, with "-am a furry?"
Honestly speaking, I hadn't expected that much of Coyote Stark's body to be covered in fur... I'd also meant to say that quietly, Aizen however decided to enhance my voice for me...
I'd figured you to immediately release my sword as you've done on contact with everything else so far. You locked gazes with him did you not? Or are you telling me I would be incapable of catching him in Complete Hypnosis from this distance?
You are so not putting this on me... Anyone ever tell you you tend to get super defensive?
Hitsugaya blinked at the strange word as he, though he kept most of his view on the suddenly quiet intruder, turned his head minutely towards me.
"What is a furry exactly?" He questioned bemused.
Probably wanted to know if they had any weakness.
I kept my gaze on the building bubble of anger in the distance, which in retrospect means Stark- Groban knows what a furry is.
"Ask Komamura." I shrugged, idly wondering if the wolfman even knew/heard of the word, though given Yoruichi's reaction to my answer...
The woman had stifled the snort that threatened to come out. Her eyes immediately widening in the process as she found her guard, for the first time that day, lowered enough for me to catch her off it. She grit her teeth and kept her eyes locked on me. Disregarding the Espada in the sky completely.
Talk about a tough crowd...
Not that anyone expected otherwise, Josh Groban has officially won the poll.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to leave feedback!
If anyone's confused as to what's going on, do say so! though I can't promise an immediate response.
The writing in this part was rushed due to a lack of time for the most part. I will be going over it later when I have time to, hopefully make it smoother. Any advice is appreciated!
Edit: added a few extra lines towards the end.