I kept my gaze locked with the captain-commander, even as he flared out his reiatsu, only earlier during my now clearly unnecessary beating, I didn't feel a looming sense of incoming death.
My spider sense so to spea-
... You are lowering your chance of survival if/when I get my body back.
What's my survival rate sitting at right now?
Judging by my Assense-
If you ever repeat that name again, the next time you're alone with Gin, I am not interfering.
But it's your body!
Try me.
My AS-sense believes you.
Yamamoto's reiatsu quickly brought me out of my musing as it shifted the slightest, feeling somewhat heavier.
"Byakuya-" the old man started informally, to my own surprise, his expression seemed... Rattled? The other captains seemed to notice the shift in demeanour as they straightened themselves up.
Aizen seriously what''s going on?
"-What is your verdict?" Yamamoto questioned quickly.
"Already?" Shunsui exclaimed in surprise himself. I felt the same, I was told these trials tended to have hundreds of questions...
Byakuya showed no reaction as he put a hand on his zanpakuto. "I have not made my judgement,"
Seriously? Was he that bothered about the laws?
"Is there a particular reason?" Yamamoto questioned, somewhat irritated.
I winced at the sudden flare from the old man, I ignored the way the other captains were practically brought to their knees.
Byakuya didn't even react. It definitely must've hurt him, but he didn't care.
"What is this reason?"
The Kuchiki captain slowly turned his gaze towards Rukia. "This trial cannot end without my verdict. I am waiting for him to dig as deep a hole as he can. So long as I am here Urahara Kisuke is at my mercy!" Kuchiki Byakuya snarled, his zanpakuto held out, pointed directly to the, somewhat pale, ex-captain. And then everyone felt it. Kuchiki Byakuya's reiatsu filled the room. As if his very soul had shown itself.
"Damn..." I replied on reflex. A clear look of shock on my face. Shock that only grew when I realised that I had no other response to Byakuya's answer.
You wanna hear the kicker? Absolutely no one reacted to my slip.
Though I am still fairly sure that's not legal...
Still the sheer bloodlust that had filled the room had my unwlling landlord, Aizen Sosuke, in sheer terror.
Urahara's probably pissing himself right now!
Apology accepted.
"Your resilience knows no bounds it seems, Aizen-Taichou," Kuchiki's, surprisingly soothing, voice quickly brought me out of my musing. There was even a hint of a smile on the man's face as he stared towards me, a strange look I failed to understand on his face.
When his words registered, I blinked as I took a look around though I didn't notice anything off or different besides the fact everyone seemed to be on edge with the way they'd drawn their swords...
"You understand that so long as you are on that side, you will be accepting the same punishment." Yamamoto continued undeterred.
Byakuya turned his gaze from the wary criminal in front of him towards the Captain-commander.
"I am choosing to ignore that law. Everyone else seems to be doing the same,"
Aizen... I think I just found our new bestfriend.
...What did I do to deserve you? What crime was too far?
Buddy, you really don't want to know.
We are not friends. But yes, you're right, I'd much prefer to know about Bankais,
No. But seeing as you said I am right again... Does this mean I've finally upgraded to a broken clock?
Aizen's frustration was the only answer I got as I turned back to the trial at hand. Apparently it was still on... Though Kisuke didn't look like he wanted to play anymore.
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave feedback.