Shunsui held in the breath that threatened to escape, sweat barely held at bay as it threatened to pour down, as he eyed the grey wolf in front of him.
As soon as that explosion had shook the tower, he'd found himself chasing after a shrouded figure that had shown itself before him, specifically. He really should've questioned the creatures height at the time...
He'd of course expected it to be some kind of distraction, one he'd followed on the off chance it wasn't. The other captains hadn't even seemed to notice it at the time.
Distraction or not though, he'd atleast expected a humanoid target. Someone he could question. For today had yet to truly give him a proper answer... He almost couldn't help the frustration that seeped in at what qualified as a distraction for this Josh Groban... A self-destructing immortal multiplying construct of reiatsu was not what he'd hand in mind...
He breathed in quietly, his eyes darting around his barracks. The wolf had led him on a merry chase towards his squad. And while he'd made an attempt to get rid of him... The first time one of his attacks had landed, the wolf had split in two after exploding. Ever since he'd had to hold back on using any reiatsu against him, given it seemed to automatically trigger it's ability to blow up indiscriminately.
He had to hold back the wince as another wolf in his peripheral exploded, barely missing one of his seated shinigami. The unseated had been told to run after one of the split wolves had managed to cripple two with an explosion. There was currently one wolf for each of his seated, though their numbers were likely to double at any point...
Each time one blew up, two took it's place, though unlike the, original, one before him, the rest seemed to be mindless, acting on instinct as they attacked the nearest target, their jaws grasping hold of them before exploding in a shower of blue. The shower of reiatsu quickly morphing into two separate wolves as it sucked in and used the reiatsu in the air to make up for it's loss. Essentially keeping each of the growing pack at peak.
And yet, neither he nor his squad could do anything in return as he found himself sat rigid still, his unreleased blade shaking the slightest. He and the original had separated from the rest, the mindless wolves and shinigami alike knowing enough not to come anywhere near them, the latter doing so under orders.
"This is hardly fair..." He found himself muttering as he stared at the closed eyes of the wolf before him, it's grey tail wrapped around his unconscious lieutenant.
And even after everything that had happened, from the start of his day to now, he still somehow found himself once again getting caught off guard, surprised, as the wolf replied.
"You're hardly one to talk, Captain-san." The beast stated as it opened both of it's, far too intelligent, eyes to gaze at his sword. The all to familiar tone in the creatures voice elevating the tension quickly. He practically tasted the pressure in the air as his eyes minutely widened..
Next update shouldn't take long! Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!